Chapters [177-178]

Chapter 177. Those Who Enjoy Peace Should Firmly Remember This


Half an hour later, Lin Ling finished talking, and everyone fell silent as they began to digest what Lin Ling said.

Then, Lu Ze said, "Let's cultivate before the orders come down."

Everyone nodded and went back to their own rooms to cultivate.

Lu Ze sat on his bed and closed his eyes for cultivation.

There were still four [red orbs] left from that aperture opening state black leopard. Lu Ze scanned with his mental force, and one of the [red orbs] disappeared.

Immediately, a powerful energy surged in Lu Ze's body. He frowned, and his face was a little white, but he didn't move at all. He quietly started digesting the energy to cultivate.

One needed to pay some price for getting stronger.

Three hours later, Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief as he finished using a [light orb]. He eased up his painful body and once again began cultivation.

When Lu Ze opened his eyes again, it was dark outside.

The violent sandstorm outside the base could barely be seen.

Lu Ze silently watched the distant sandstorm. It was more violent than before.

Did the war start?

Other than those logistical soldiers and the ones who had to guard the base, everyone went on the battlefield.

There was still no notification. Clearly, the battlefield was the calm before the storm.

Lu Ze stretched and ate some food Alice cooked him. He pondered whether he should tell Lu Li and Alice, but in the end, he decided not to.

Lu Ze didn't know that since the Earth era there was a profession called battlefield journalists.

The battlefield journalists of this galactic era did this for those who enjoy the peace now to remember that all the peace was acquired in exchange for the blood of borderland soldiers.

This kept people on alert.

Only this would make the young people of each generation work hard.

News of the war on the 25th planet already spread out.

At this moment, on planet Lanjiang, Lu Wen, Fu Shuya, Lu Li, Alice, and Merlin had dinner already as they looked at the news on the screen.

Everyone fell silent.

Moments later, Lu Wen asked worriedly, "Xiaer system's 25th planet, isn't that the planet Ze entered for his entrance test?"

Fu Shuya's face was pale. Her face was filled with worry. That was a real war…

People died in wars.

How could she not be worried?

Lu Li and Alice glanced at each other, and their eyes flashed with worry.

There were some things that you had to compete for, but they really didn't have the mood to do that now. They took out their phones and looked at the group chat.

Looking at the blank messages, Lu Li's eyes narrowed. This Lu Ze didn't even tell her something as important as this?

She would deal with him when he came back!

Alice frowned too. Senior schoolmate didn't even tell her? Was he safe?

Merlin frowned too. He knew of Lu Ze's talent. That god art that could produce high-level energy allowed Lu Li and Alice to build the sturdiest foundation.

With Lu Ze's wind, fire, and strength god art, Merlin looked favorably of such prodigy.

Lu Ze saved Alice's life.

If something happened to Lu Ze, he would regret his entire life.

But the battlefield was something every prodigy had to go through. Even Lu Ze couldn't escape this.

In fact, he should experience the battlefield even more. Only that way would he be able to grow.

If Lu Ze chose to dodge the battlefield on the planet, his rating of Lu Ze would greatly drop.

However, with his understanding of Lu Ze, there was no way Lu Ze would dodge it.

Merlin glanced at the worried Alice, and his mouth twitched.

This bastard!

He took out his phone and messaged Nangong Jing, asking her to take care of Lu Ze and not let him die.

Placing the phone down, Merlin rubbed his head. This was going against military law?

Although he was no longer bound by it as a star level being, he had been through all that.

However, for Alice and Lu Ze's future, he made an exception.

At this moment, a few hundred kilometers from the blade demons, all sorts of pieces of machinery were slowly erected, forming battle bases.

These bases weren't big, only a few kilometers wide. They were the temporary rendezvous points and supply points.

There would be such a battlefield base erected every tens of kilometers.

Nangong Jing, who was building a base, frowned and took out her phone.

When she saw the message, her mouth twitched as she replied.

Lin Kuang, Luo Bingqing, and Louisa were all curious after seeing Nangong Jing's strange expression.

"What happened?"

Nangong Jing shook her head. "Nothing, it's a message of an elder."

Everyone was curious but didn't ask.

Nangong Jing was speechless, she had already taken care of Lu Ze enough.

She let an aperture opening state stay with the army that only had a core martial state. What else was she supposed to do?

Put Lu Ze back in spirit martial state army??

Nangong Jing was confused about why uncle Merlin would care about Lu Ze that much.

He seemed to have developed feelings after teaching him for a while.

Meanwhile, Merlin looked at Nangong Jing's message and was instantly dumbfounded.

Lu Ze already had aperture opening state power??

Just how many days has he been there?

What cultivation was this?

Alice saw this and blinked her eyes in confusion. "What happened, Father?"

Merlin's mouth twitched, but he eventually pulled out a smile and said, "Don't worry too much. Lu Ze is very strong right now. He has reached aperture opening state power. He can survive on the battlefield."

Alice and Lu Li were immediately relieved.

On the other side, Lu Wen and Fu Shuya felt assured too.

But then, Lu Wen and Fu Shuya couldn't resist widening their eyes. "Ze already has an aperture opening state power?"

Although their power was low, they knew about the states.

An aperture opening state was very strong.

Their kid just entered his freshman year in the university. Yet, he was already this strong.

Fu Shuya was full of joy and slapped Lu Wen's shoulder. "Did you hear it? My good boy is that strong!"

She had decided to go show off to her friends tomorrow.

Lu Wen smiled awkwardly. Your son is my son. What are you showing off for?

Of course, Lu Wen didn't dare to say this.

Merlin looked at Lu Li and Alice. "Why aren't you two shocked at all?"

Lu Li smiled. "Brother told us a few days ago."

Lu Wen and Fu Shuya: "…"

He told Lu Li and Alice but didn't tell them?!

Was this the feeling of your child growing up…

Merlin was speechless too.

He didn't care that Lu Ze didn't tell him his power, but that Lu Ze dared to secretly talk to Alice?

Did he beat him up too lightly before?


Chapter 178. The Idea is Plausible


Lu Ze looked outside the window for a while and stretched before sitting back on the bed.

This time, he entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension].

Lu Ze was a little stronger compared to when he went in yesterday.

Lu Ze thought he could try fighting an aperture opening state with god art?

If he beat one, then he would be able to get another [god art crystal ball]. That way, he would be able to get even stronger before the war.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze felt this idea was plausible.

He would find a smaller aperture opening state beast to test the waters first. Usually, the smaller ones were weaker.

Of course, this wasn't definite, for example, that rabbit.

That cute rabbit wasn't big, but it was very strong!

Lu Ze felt he was rather lucky and wouldn't find those exceptional ones.

Thus, Lu Ze casually searched for a direction and went on the road to hunting.

When he encountered core martial state beasts on the way, Lu Ze dealt with them casually.

A few hours later, Lu Ze used his mental force to scan the surroundings and felt a powerful chi in front of him.

This chi was rather stable, but when Lu Ze scanned it with his mental force, it moved a little but didn't burst.

Lu Ze felt he could go over to see.

Thus, he went forward slowly while holding his breath.

He saw that a few hundred meters forward, there was a huge black tiger lying low in the grass.

Its fur was like smooth silk. It glimmered under the sun. Despite lying on the ground, it still had a height of seven meters.

The body was subtly going up and down. Clearly, it was taking a nap.

Lu Ze narrowed his eyes. This was a black aperture opening state tiger that would be ten meters high when it stood up?

This level of chi was acceptable?

Should he fight?

Should he sneak up on the tiger and attack?

But Lu Ze soon gave up this idea. He relied on the control of his own power to sneak through his chi. He couldn't do it completely enough unless he learned a martial technique or god art of this sort.

As for now, just fight!

He immediately used all his god art. Terrifying power waves blew apart the grass.

The grass nearest to Lu Ze was even torn to pieces by the power.

At this moment, Lu Ze felt he was very strong!


The black tiger slowly woke up after sensing Lu Ze's chi.

Lu Ze's eyes went cold. Fire and wind circulated around his right fist. His right leg stepped on the ground, creating a huge ditch under him. Then, he disappeared from his place and appeared above the black tiger.


The red and green fist force struck towards the tiger's spine.

Meanwhile, the head of the tiger was still wobbling. It was clearly not fully awake.

Lu Ze grinned. He didn't know why this tiger seemed a little dopey, but he didn't care.

He was confident that with this punch, the tiger's spine would shatter, and it would lose a lot of combat power!

It was the tiger's fault for not being careful enough.

Lu Ze even felt bored. This hunt was too easy.

Many thoughts flashed in Lu Ze's head as his fist struck heavily on the black tiger's spine.


All the force was released from Lu Ze's fist. The fist force even tore the surrounding few hundred meters of grass into pieces.

Thunderous sounds spread out within tens of kilometers. Core martial state beasts ran around frantically. The nearby lightning warhorse glanced over and kept eating grass lazily.

Then, vibrant red flames and sharp whirlwinds surged.

Then, there was nothing else.

Lu Ze's fist struck the tiger's spine but not even a fur dropped.

The atmosphere was awkward. Lu Ze's confident smile froze on his face: "???"

Then, his face slowly went green and twisted.

He looked at his fist and then at the tiger.

His hand hurt so much.

His hand felt like it was breaking….

Just what body did this tiger have??

It was this terrifying??

How was he going to play??

Only then did this tiger react. Its eyes became fierce as black smoke seeped out of its body.

It roared at Lu Ze.

The thunderous sound made Lu Ze's blood boil.

Then, before Lu Ze could react, a huge claw landed from the sky onto his head.

In a fit of huge pain, Lu Ze's eyes went black. When he opened his eyes again, he was back in his dorm.

Lu Ze's body was shivering with pain.

It was painful, but it seemed to feel a little satisfying?

Thinking about this, Lu Ze shivered.

Cough, it definitely wouldn't be satisfying!

He wouldn't awaken such fetish!

Thinking about that tiger, he didn't feel good.

It was just a random aperture opening state, but it was that strong??

This beast was definitely much stronger than the blue bird.

When it was sleeping, its chi was completely different from when it was awake.

After all, in the cultivation of aperture opening state in the human race, there were 810 apertures. Only once you opened all the apertures could it become a dan tian. The difference was huge.

He felt a little disappointed but soon recovered.

He sat down again and [red orbs] slowly disappeared in his head.

Cultivation, cultivation!

One day, I will come back!

Two days later, in the morning, Lu Ze slowly woke up from cultivation.

He got up.

During the two days of cultivation, only his fire god art and spirit force cultivation had slight improvements.

In these two days, his power didn't increase much.

Lu Ze stretched his back.

It seemed he reached a bottleneck. He could only use [red orbs] to slowly build up.

If he was lucky, he could get a god art shard someway. Only that would allow him to grow faster.

At this moment, Lu Ze's communicator rang.

Lu Ze grabbed it, and his eyes lit up.

It was finally here!

The higher-ups finally made arrangements. He would follow the logistics company to the battlefield.

This meant that they were officially joining the battle.

Lu Ze walked out of his room excitedly and started cleaning himself.

At the same time, he heard the loud openings of other rooms.

Then, Ye Mu, Xavier, and Ian charged to the toilet door.

Their faces seemed pale and nervous.

Clearly, they received orders.

Ye Mu's voice was shaky. He confirmed with Lu Ze, "Ze, the order is here?"

Lu Ze walked out and smiled. "You received the news too? Hurry up and get cleaned. We're about to go."

When they were done, Lin Ling and the others arrived too.

Then, they came to the military square.

There were a few hundred large transporter trucks stationed there. Each one was filled with soldiers.

Lu Ze and his group were led to one, and then, they saluted to Lu Ze, "2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze, you're heading towards the 12th war base. It's on the eastern war line. These soldiers are headed there too."

Lu Ze nodded and smiled. "Okay."
