Chapters [183-184]

Chapter 183. He Looks Very Nice


On the battlefield, the blood of the two races splattered everywhere, painting the sand yellow.

The wind blew past, and the blood stench spread out very far.

The human onlookers and journalists smelled the intense scent of blood. Hearing the roars, clashes, and trembles of the earth, they felt first hand the intensity of the battle.

The beautiful journalist was clearly and experienced battlefield journalists. Despite the scene, she wasn't worried at all. Instead, she responsibly reported the situation.

When the strange occurrence appeared at Lu Ze's area, she immediately noticed it.

"Look at the battle district on the eastern front. There seems to be a powerful human there. The blade demons suffered much greater losses here than other regions. Our forces almost have no losses. Let us take a closer look!"

A regional victory in such an intense battle was clearly exciting. Even her voice was at a higher pitch.

They kept the mainframe on the entirety of the battlefield and split off a screen to zoom in on the human soldiers who were finishing off the remaining blade demons.

If this kept up, it was only a matter of time before the front was broken.

Then, that would lead to a lot of choices.

"This region is doing very well. If this continues, we will achieve regional victory! But where is that powerful human?" the journalist asked in confusion.

The camera caught Ian who was fighting an abstruse martial state level seven and Ye Mu who was fighting an abstruse martial state level six. It also caught Lin Ling fighting an abstruse martial state level nine.

The beautiful journalist said with cold eyes, "It's god art! These young warriors seem to be the new students in the elite class of the Federal University. This planet was their trial grounds, but they still came to the battle when the battle started!"

The audience watching this widened their eyes. The elite class of the Federal University? These new students were the greatest prodigies!

Yet, they would fight on a battlefield even though they may die at any time like ordinary soldiers.

This made the blood of those youth who wanted to join the army boil even more.

This made the kin of some soldiers feel complicated.

Everyone was the same, regardless of whether they were prodigies, soldiers, or higher levels. The higher levels were fighting in the sky.

"Oh my! I see my son. He's still alive, that's great!!"

"I see my husband… he's alive!"

"Wait, there seems to be a situation there!" the beautiful journalist said with shock.

On this battlefield, there was a black-haired youth. There was no one within a few hundred-meter range around him.

Both blade demons and humans avoided this area.

Some blade demons that were scurrying around saw the youth from afar and quickly ran in the opposite direction. If they had nowhere to go, they would rather run back than run toward this youth.

Everyone felt dazed.

Weren't they supposed to be ferocious blade demons?

What were they doing?

This youth seemed very nice.

Just when everyone was holding on to that thought, one blade demon, who was running and charging into an empty region, failed to notice this youth.

The two human soldiers looked strangely at the blade demon. Their eyes were full of pity, so they stopped.

Seeing this, the blade demon was just about to smile when his face stiffened. He noticed he couldn't move at all.

Before he could think, he flipped upside down and was planted into the sand. Then, there was intense pain and nothing else.

The human soldiers' mouth twitched as they saluted to the youth and left to attack other blade demons.

The audience looked at this and then at the slightly pale-faced but calm-looking youth.

They were wrong. This youth didn't seem that nice.

He looked quite handsome.

They finally realized why the blade demons ran away him.

But why plant them upside down into the ground?

They were curious why there were blade demons planted in the ground upside down.

So it was you!

This is such a strange fetish!

At this moment, the beautiful journalist saw this too, and her eyes lit up as she smiled. "It seems this soldier is the hidden powerhouse."

Her face was a little strange. This powerhouse was this young?

She continued. "This soldier seems to be a new student in the elite class of the Federal University? Let us look at his details."

The beautiful journalist was interested in this.

From the facial recognition scan, details of the youth surfaced.

Then, she slowly read, "Lu Ze, 18, 1st year Federal University's elite class student. Military rank, 2nd lieutenant?"

The rank of 2nd lieutenant for an 18-year-old Federal University new student was a bit absurd. If it was the prodigy barracks, she wouldn't be this surprised.

She still continued reading. "Military merit, noticed the anomaly with blade demons during his mission and captured a blade demon prodigy with extreme core martial state power alive??"

Her voice became sharp as she read that portion.

This meant that this youth had a power equivalent to aperture opening state?

He was only 18 years old!

Even the audience was stunned too.

18 years old, aperture opening state power??

Was he still human??

A moment of silence later, a line of words appeared on the screen: "Young Duke of Invincibility!"

This was a prodigy with the talent of a young duke!

His talent would place at the top even among young dukes!

"Oh shit! Young duke talent! I didn't expect to see such talent on this battlefield!!"

"No wonder this region was faring quite well! Looking at his slightly pale face, he must have used all of his power just now?"

"Such a prodigy has no one to protect him? Isn't it too dangerous? What are those high levels thinking??"

"Are you new? An aperture opening state staying in this level of battlefield is already a form of protection, okay? How else do you want to protect him? Let him fight spirit martial state?"

"This… I know this person! He's my senior schoolmate! He's my high school senior schoolmate!"

This was a second-year student at Chang Yang Top 1 High School.

The senior schoolmate he admired most was Lu Ze who got a guaranteed entry into Federal University. He didn't expect to see his senior schoolmate's heroic figure on the war site.

This was too exciting!

"No, I must go tell this to the class group chat! No, I'll say it on the school net!"

This hot-blooded junior schoolmate immediately shared this live stream to their school website. The title was: "The Battlefield Senior Schoolmate Lu Ze Is At!"

Soon, quite some students clicked in.

At this moment, Lu Wen and the others breathed easy after seeing Lu Ze.

He was fine.

Fu Shuya's heart ached a little, seeing Lu Ze's pale face. "Why does my good boy's face look that bad? Is he injured?"

Lu Li and Alice glanced at each other. There was worry in their eyes.

Only Lu Wen and Merlin glanced at each other with helplessness.

How could one not get injured on the battlefield?

What was that saying?

Every scar was a man's laurel!

At this moment, the scene shifted. Two blade demons flew over with a dark mass of blade demon army behind them.

The beautiful journalist's eyes widened. "Not good, the blade demon reinforcements are here!"

Everyone stopped discussing and looked at the screen.

This prodigy was already injured. There seemed to be two that could fly. Was that a core martial state and above? Would this prodigy be able to handle it?


Chapter 184. Lu Ze Instantly Became Arrogant


On the battlefield, the ray of the core martial state blade demon's sword made a shrieking sound as it swung towards Lin Ling.

Before the screen, everyone's eyes widened as they held their breath. Although these two blade demons didn't notice 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze, this little girl seemed to be a pretty excellent prodigy.

She looked quite beautiful too.

They didn't want to see her die like that.

Lu Ze was speechless seeing this.

Did Lin Ling possess the talent to attract ambushes?

She was ambushed by that abstruse martial state level eight blade demon, and now, this core martial state peak stage was launching a surprise attack on her.

Lin Ling was having difficulty dodging the attacks of the abstruse martial state level nine blade demon. When she sensed the attack behind her, her expression was still cold.

Her opponent snarled.

This young human female was clearly much weaker than him in terms of cultivation level, but she relied on her god art to keep up with him.

This felt really annoying.

Luckily, she was about to die!

At this time, the blade ray heading upon Lin Ling seemed to have been blown by the wind. The blade ray disappeared like chalk from a whiteboard.

The atmosphere became very silent.

But in this region, all the blade demons couldn't resist widening their eyes, including the two core martial states.

They knew there was a powerful being here, but they didn't know it was at this level.

Sisibali and Sisiqili felt there was no warmth in the world anymore.

These idiot soldiers played them!!

If they knew it was this level of power, they would definitely not come!!

They could feel that the powerful being's gaze lock on them. The difference was so huge that they couldn't even sense where he was.

Those blade demons thought that their savior had arrived, but in the end, that savior didn't seem reliable at all. They also felt there was no warmth left in this world.

They were also roaring in their hearts. Was their commander a retard??

Why did he send two trash??

Those 10,000 blade demons, who were charging forward, immediately halted their movements. They didn't know what to do.

It was very awkward. They couldn't advance nor retreat.

If they went forward, they would die. However, if they retreated, the military order was like a mountain behind their backs!

They also felt this world had no warmth. Some of them were even shaking.

Meanwhile, the human soldiers smirked at the two core martial state blade demon stuck in the air.

Weren't they very cocky just then?

Keep being cocky!

We have 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze here!

Lu Ze raised a brow and glanced at the blade demon base and narrowed his eyes.

Then, a green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes as he reached out his two hands at the two core martial state blade demons. "Get over here!"

The two blade demons immediately drifted towards Lu Ze.


They roared and used all their power to try breaking free. However, Lu Ze, at least, had aperture opening state power now. How could he let these two core martial states escape?

In a short instant, the two blade demons were pulled to Lu Ze.

When they saw Lu Ze's appearance, their pupils dilated.

All those core martial states and above had to review all the photos of people who could pose a threat to the spirit metal mine.

Those threats were aperture opening state and above. Lu Ze was one of them.

Clearly, they didn't expect Lu Ze to be here!

This guy killed two of their aperture opening states, and yet, they delivered themselves to him.

Lu Ze touched his chin. These two core martial states should be middle-level officers of the blade demons, right?

Would he be able to get some information from them?

For example, what was the situation in the base?

Of course, he wouldn't think that the base was empty now. The base was definitely more dangerous than here.

But if he knew the arrangements, he could prepare for it.

Let me think first. Don't worry…

Then, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. He had a great idea.

Ian's god art seemed to be a mental force type. Would he be able to force out a confession?

However, Ian's cultivation level was too low. These two were core martial state peak stage. It was very hard.

But, there was no harm in trying, right?

I'm too smart!

Lu Ze felt his IQ was through the roof and instantly became cocky.

Just when Lu Ze planned to call over Ian, Sisibali and Sisiqili read Lu Ze's expression and glanced at each other.

This human's expression was too easy to read.

He was definitely planning on interrogating them.

They didn't know if they would be allowed to live after the interrogation, but even if they were, they would receive pain far greater than death back at the blade demon race.

Plus, they would definitely not betray their race.

Although this young duke sealed their spirit force, he clearly wasn't experienced enough.

He wasn't able to stop their mental force suicide!

Desperation flashed in their eyes, and then, their mental force exploded.

Lu Ze: "???"

These two just died like that?? How did they die?

Lu Ze felt dazed. He used wind god art to seal their spirit force.

He felt extremely disappointed.

At this moment, the audience saw that the two core martial state blade demons were forced to commit suicide. They rejoiced.

"Our human young duke is so strong!"

"I was worried whether the 2nd lieutenant wouldn't be able to handle it due to the injuries. Now, it seemed that I didn't need to worry at all."

"He's my senior schoolmate!!"

Those who were experienced, for example, Merlin sighed.

Alice was happy for Lu Ze, but when her dad sighed, she quickly asked, "What is it, Father? Is Senior schoolmate in some sort of danger?"

Lu Li also looked over nervously.

It was the same for Lu Wen and Fu Shuya.

Merlin waved his hand with a smile. "You guys are too nervous. Ze is fine, but he's too inexperienced. Blade demons of this level know the mental force suicide technique. You need to seal their mental force to prevent suicide."

Lu Li frowned. "Didn't Brother capture a blade demon prodigy before? Why wasn't that prodigy able to commit suicide?"

Merlin explained, "That prodigy must've used up all his mental force that he couldn't commit suicide. Or, he used some sort of self-damaging technique to increase his power."

Lu Li nodded in realization.

Alice reacted. "So Senior schoolmate was planning to extract information about the base, but these two committed suicide? No wonder Senior schoolmate looked so disappointed."

Merlin smiled. "Some things need experience. That kid won't make the same mistake again. Overall, his performance is great."

Merlin felt that Lu Ze did what a young duke should do.

Protect his race and kill enemies.

Lu Ze soon got over it. A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes and he planted the two with the other blade demon, forming a triangle.

Lu Ze nodded in satisfaction.

He had quite the geometric thinking?

He was very smart.

The rest of the blade demon troops saw this and felt very bad.

They wanted to run, but if they ran back, they would be executed!


The human troops felt their hearts couldn't handle it anymore.

They really felt it was world breaking to know that Lu Ze had this fetish of planting blade demons upside down.

Why did he suddenly change into this?

Give them the well behaved 2nd Lieutenant Lu Ze back to them!!

The beautiful journalist and the audience also looked dazedly at the blade demon triangle, and then, Lu Ze nodded happily.

They held their heart.

This change in style was too much.

He was having so much fun playing with blade demons??
