Chapters [255-256]

Chapter 255. Suddenly Have a Bad Guess About This


After they stopped quarreling, Qiuyue Hesha turned to look at Yingying.

This little girl? I don't feel any aura at all.'

Is this little girl really a super strong being?'

Qiuyue Hesha's eyes flickered, and she was in disbelief.

However, even if so, she was still a little wary. Then, she looked at Lu Ze who was next to Yingying

After seeing Lu Ze, Qiuyue Hesha's mouth curved upwards and revealed a charming smile, which made Lu Ze nervous.

This chap actually rejected her invitation… he ran to that violent iron fist mother dragon…

But because Yingying was here, she couldn't find trouble with Lu Ze.

Nangong Jing also looked at Yingying who kept peeking at her and the vixen from time to time. 'This silver-haired little girl is really a star spirit race?'

After receiving the news, both of them rushed over immediately.

Jinyao sage went over using his mental power, but he realized that Yingying appeared to be an ordinary little girl. It's just that there was an aura in the air that made him shudder.

This also made him understand that whether or not the little girl was a star spirit race, she was not a simple being.

Even if he came over, he couldn't change anything, so he didn't want to raise a big ruckus and tried his best to communicate with her in a friendly manner.

Fortunately, Yingying still acted like a real little girl up to this point.

As to why she was this way, they obviously didn't know either.

Hence, they decided to get the top two figures, Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha, over. On one hand to reduce Lu Ze's and Lin Ling's stress, and on the other hand, to represent the human race.

At this moment, Lin Ling touched Yingying's head and smiled. "Little Yingying, these two big sisters are here to help."

As she spoke, she introduced Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha to Yingying.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha were flabbergasted when they saw Lin Ling touched Yingying's head.

Oh my god!

This was a big boss who was stronger than a sage-how could she touch her head like that??

They suddenly felt that the future of the Dawn System would be filled with misfortune.

If this little girl gets upset and destroys the entire system, the human race would suffer a huge loss.

They had never fallen in love before—it was such a pity to die just like that!

However, they didn't expect that after Yingying heard Lin Ling's introduction, she glanced at those two people and finally spoke in her clear voice. "Hello, big sister Jing and big sister Sha."

Nangong Jing: "???"

Qiuyue Hesha: "???"

Both of them were stunned by her adorable voice and looked at Yingying in disbelief.

… is this little girl really a super strong being?

But this little girl looked really cute when she greeted them… her voice was really pleasant…

This isn't very good…

Their eyes were initially filled with wariness, but now, they were gradually turning gentler.

Then, Nangong Jing revealed the warmest smile she could muster. "Hello, little Yingying." It was clear that this was the first time this alcoholic had tried to coax a child.

Lu Ze's liver was hurting just by watching.

This was completely different from her confident and righteous manner just now.

He wondered where she got her confidence to say that she was very good with kids.

Qiuyue Hesha was much better. She bent down and smiled with squinting eyes as she waved at Yingying. "Hello, little Yingying."

Her expression was natural, her tone was friendly, and it was totally different from her usual charming self.

Lu Ze, Nangong Jing, and Lin Ling were taken aback and looked at Qiuyue Hesha strangely.

They didn't dare to believe their eyes and ears.

At this moment, Lu Ze smiled. "Teacher Nangong, Teacher Qiuyue, why don't we go back to my dorm first?"

He looked around, and there were students starting to come back.

If they didn't leave now, they might attract an audience later.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha were here, after all.

With these two people here, even if nothing happened, it would be a big matter if the students saw them.

Also, they didn't know how little Yingying would react to the crowd, so they were trying to make sure nothing unforeseen happened.

At least everything was stable for now. Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha glanced at the dormitory entrance and could vaguely see a number of flying cars and human figures, so they nodded in agreement.

Nangong Jing smiled toward Lu Ze. "Little brat, we'll have to trouble you again this time."

She didn't know what was so special about this boy that something unique always happens to him.

From the insectoid tide during the graduation trial to the spirit metal mine during the admission test, he even encountered such a strong being the moment he enrolled.

Don't know whether this is considered good luck or not.

But this chap performed pretty well.

Nangong Jing admired him quite a bit.

Lu Ze smiled and shook his head. "Teacher, you're kidding, I'm just helping Yingying find someone."

Of course, mainly because Lin Ling helped out. If it was him alone, he wouldn't be able to do much and would probably send a post in the school's forum.

As Lu Ze spoke, he brought everyone back to his dormitory.

Outside the elite class freshmen dormitory, there was an elite student driving a flying car and there was a sudden exclamation from his companion. "Damn! Look there!"

He was so shocked that his hand shook, and the flying car drifted slightly. He glanced sternly at his companion. "What is it? Would you be responsible if I got into an accident, huh?"

"Bastard, I told you to turn on the auto-pilot mode, but you insisted on flying personally, now you're blaming me? Let's not talk about this first. Look there, isn't that the gorgeous Qiuyue Hesha?"

"Where where??!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the two other students behind quickly leaned over. The student who was driving also hurriedly looked in the direction of where his companion was pointing at, turning on the auto-pilot mode at the same time.

Qiuyue Hesha, she was the dream of many men in the Federal, she actually appeared in the freshmen dormitory area? They got excited just by thinking about it. "Looks like it's true!!"

"Is that Teacher Nangong at the side??"

"And Lin Ling and… that is Lu Ze, right?!"

"… that chap again! Seems like Teacher Qiuyue and Teacher Nangong came to look for him?"

Everyone sighed. Being gifted was really good, even Qiuyue Hesha and Nangong Jing wanted to look for him.

It was impossible for them not to be jealous.

"Wait, wait! Do you see a little girl there?"

"I think so!"

"I suddenly have a bad guess about this…"

At this moment, a student patted on the other student's shoulder and said.

"No way!"

After hearing what he said, the other three people glared at him at the same time with murderous intent.

Nobody could ever think that way!

Feeling the murderous glares from his companions, he swallowed his spit and kept his thoughts to himself.

His life was more important. But Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha appearing at the dormitory area was a huge thing, and everyone couldn't help but start talking about


In Lu Ze's dormitory.

Nangong Jing, Qiuyue Hesha, Lin Ling, and Yingying entered the hall and sat on the sofa.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha took a glance at the layout of the hall and finally, Nangong Jing sighed. "I miss this, it's been many years since I came to the student dormitory."

Back then, she was also a Federal University student.

Ever since she graduated and became a young duke, she had become the honorary lecturer of the school and hadn't returned to the dormitory since.

Qiuyue Hesha's mouth twitched. "It isn't as comfortable as Emperor Capital Academy's student dormitory."

Qiuyue Hesha was a student from Emperor Capital Academy and both of them were the same class. They had been fighting since they enrolled until now.

"What did you say?!" Nangong Jing glared aggressively at Qiuyue Hesha. One could criticize their own alma mater, but absolutely cannot tolerate others criticizing it. What's more, this person was her sworn enemy.

Nangong Jing was enraged.

Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "I think it's nothing much."

Nangong Jing looked like she was about to explode, so Lu Ze quickly intervened. "That, do you guys want to eat? I have some delicious food here! Little Yingying, are you hungry?"

His heart was bitter, but he couldn't speak up.

These two people were really here to make things more difficult for them, huh?

Why must they quarrel the moment they meet?!

And it isn't good to be arguing in front of a child, right?

And they even seem like they wanted to fight?

This isn't very healthy for Yingying's growth!!

Yingying still appeared to be a pure and good child at this moment. If she learns from them and destroys a planet, they will be doomed.

After hearing what Lu Ze said, the two people then recalled that Yingying was here.

For more dangerous missions, both of them could still be fully committed.

But the problem was that Yingying looked too much like a little girl, and they didn't find her dangerous at all, so they subconsciously went into their usual mode of communication.

Yingying looked around curiously, and after Lu Ze said that, she blinked at him, and a hint of confusion flashed across her blue eyes.

"Hungry? What is hungry? Eat? What is eat?"

Lu Ze: "…"

He looked at the confused Yingying in disbelief.

This little girl had never eaten before?

What a pity…

What's the point in living if one cannot enjoy delicious foods??

What kind of torture was this!

Lu Ze simply cannot imagine a life like that.

He immediately looked at Yingying sympathetically. "Handsome big brother will teach you how to eat."He decided to save Yingying from the sea of bitterness.

This is a food lover's legacy!

Lin Ling and Nangong Jing were speechless when they saw Lu Ze's resolute gaze.

This fool is back to being weird.

Qiuyue Hesha wasn't very familiar with Lu Ze and merely remembered him for rejecting her invitation.

Seeing the way Lu Ze was acting, Qiuyue Hesha's head was filled with question marks.

Yingying isn't human, so what's so weird about her not eating?

Why does this chap look like a missionary at this moment?


Chapter 256. Big Foodie and Little Foodie


Lu Ze wanted to be a man.

He had decided to teach Yingying the ways and mysteries of gourmet and naturally took out gourmet food made by Alice.

His stash was no longer much, and he had intended to economize on it.

But on Yingying's pitiful account, Lu Ze decided to take good care of her.

Anyway, Alice's reinforcement would be arriving soon.

The gourmet food that emitted an enticing fragrance filled the area. Yingying could not resist taking a whiff with her nose. She looked over with curiosity.

She had never experienced such a scent before.

She recalled smelling a similar scent previously, but it was not as fragrant as this. Lu Ze smiled and waved at her. "Come over and eat."

Lin Ling looked over to Yingying who stood by the side and observed the food on the table, smiling warmly toward her. She then asked, "Yingying, do you want to try some?"

Desire flashed in Yingying's blue eyes as she opened her mouth. "Can I?"

"Of course you can, Yingying, this was all made by a very adorable older sister? You can come and try it, right?" Lu Ze added with a smile.

Alice's gourmet food was indeed delicious. At the time of cooking, her power was still relatively weak, so the grade of the spirit food was not high as a result. However, the fragrance and taste were absolute.

When Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha saw the slight excitement on Yingying's emotionless face, they smiled and encouraged her. "Little Yingying, do you want to try it?"

There are times when it is not difficult to form a good relationship with others, just simply using the heart to understand their interests is a good start.

And maybe by sharing the things you enjoy, who knew if others might like it?

Upon hearing that it was made by an adorable older sister, her sparkling blue eyes flashed with starlight as she glanced at Lu Ze. "Is she as adorable as older sister Lin Ling?"

Yingying's question immediately turned the place silent.

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha looked over at Lu Ze who became stiff. A smile formed on their faces as though they were enjoying a show.

Lin Ling's mouth twitched as she felt somewhat awkward as well. She gave a nonchalant smile and looked at Lu Ze, wanting to know what the fool would say.

Lu Ze looked at Yingying in disbelief.

Does she not know that there are some words that can never be uttered?

It is absolutely forbidden to compare girls!

I'll die no matter who I say is more adorable, ok?

He gave a dry cough and spoke up as upright as possible. "The two older sisters are different in terms of being adorable, they are both very adorable. Little Yingying, you will definitely like her as much as you like Lin Ling."

Nangong and Qiuyue Hesha pouted as though dissatisfied with the response, this was not the outcome they had envisioned.

Lin Ling raised her brows but did not say anything.

Hearing that, Yingying turned to look at the gourmet food that emitted the enticing fragrance and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She nodded her head vigorously. "I want to eat!"

She felt that someone like Lu Ze who had such good smelling food would not lie to her.

But of course, the fact that the food was indeed fragrant was part of the reason. Everyone smiled upon hearing Yingying's words.

Yingying had willingly accepted Lu Ze's suggestion, this was a good start.

Lin Ling stood up and saw Yingying carrying her red school bag up and asked with curiosity, "Yingying, why are you always holding onto this bag?"

Yingying responded while carefully placing the bag up. "This was given by Tingting, I want to go to school with her!"

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the reason and noticed how careful she was with the bag.

This little girl attached so much importance to a gift from her friend, it's impossible for her to be a bad person, right?

Seeing how Yingying treasured the bag, Qiuyue Hesha's gaze seemed distant, as though having recalled something.

Her gaze became gentle as she squatted down to caress Yingying's little head. "Yingying is such a nice girl."

Yingying had originally wanted to avoid Qiuyue Hesha's hand. But after hearing her gentle voice and words, a hint of pride flashed in her eyes as she nodded. "En!"

Nangong Jing was stunned when she saw that Yingying did not avoid Qiuyue Hesha's head.

Is she really the fox-spirit?

Why is she so good with this kid?

She had always thought that Qiuyue Hesha was the same as her. Who would have thought that she had such a technique hidden under her belt?!

Could it be that I truly have no talent in coaxing little kids?

Nangong Jing was slightly disappointed. Just then, Lu Ze cracked up a smile. "Yingying, you can't eat if you carry your bag like that, can you place it on the sofa?"

Yingying fell into silence and thought for a moment. She then looked at Lu Ze and the others before carefully placing the bag on the sofa.

When they saw her response, their smiles grew even bigger. They could see that Yingying's cautiousness toward them was decreasing constantly. Of course, she might not even be cautious against them from the beginning. After all, her personal strength was extremely terrifying and maybe even the explosion of a star system would not be enough to harm her?

Following that, everyone sat at the dining table. As Yingying was only a meter odd tall, she struggled on the chair, wanting to make herself more comfortable.

Lin Ling carried her and sat her in her own lap and smiled. "Yingying, will you be able to eat like this?"

Yingying nodded her head as her large eyes narrowed slightly as though in elation.

Lu Ze's mouth trembled when he saw her carry Yingying

How great is it to be a child. Following that, he picked up a piece of his favorite sweet and sour pork rib and placed it in Yingying's bowl and said, "Yingying, try this, it is very nice."

Yingying looked at the chopsticks by the side but did not pick it up with her small hands.

Lin Ling immediately used hers to pick up the pork rib and placed it at her mouth. "Here, Yingying, open your mouth."

Lu Ze felt a burst of jealousy, what a king-grade service, she can idle and have food fed to her.

He wanted it too.

By the side, Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha watched on excitedly. It would be best if she liked it.

Yingying opened her mouth and swallowed the entire pork rib.

But what stupefied the four people in the room was that aside from the pork bone, the little girl even ate the chopsticks?!

The chopstick that was bitten disappeared into her mouth.

Everyone: "???"

There's such a method of eating as well?

They were all stunned.

Qiuyue Hesha immediately spoke up anxiously. "Yingying, spit out the chopsticks, it cannot be eaten, it'll get stuck.." She stopped mid-sentence. Will such an incident occur to this little girl? Who knows if it is normal for her?

Lu Ze and the others glanced at each other. Just then, Yingying's blue eyes lit up as starlight filled with her eyes. She spoke in a clear and elated voice. "So nice!"

When they heard it, they no longer cared about the chopsticks being eaten.

As long as Yingying likes it, it was fine.

This was the first step in forming a good relationship.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief.

Starlight flashed in her eyes again as Yingying looked at Lu Ze. "Lu Ze, I want more!"

Lu Ze smiled. "En, there's more here… Eh? Where's the food? Where's my food??"

He paused midway and stared at the speckless table.

Didn't he just fill the table with gourmet food? Where is the food?

Much less the food, why are the plates gone as well?!

He raised his head in disbelief and realized that Lin Ling, Nangong Jing, as well as Qiuyue Hesha, were also staring at the speckless table.

The four turned to look at Yingying, who was looking at Lu Ze with her bright eyes and a hint of oil on her lips.

Lu Ze noticed that the oil stain was definitely not from the sweet and sour pork, but from the barbeque pork!

The atmosphere became awkward.

Lu Ze looked at Yingying's sparkling eyes and suddenly felt pain in his liver.

He was wrong, he had been wrong right from the beginning. He should never have offered to teach Yingying how to eat.

If he didn't teach her, the gourmet food on the table would still be there, and he would not have liver pain.

Upon thinking about being afraid of her unique taste buds and even preparing an abundance of gourmet food, he couldn't help but reflect on why he brought such evil down unto himself?!

Lu Ze felt grief in his heart. By the side, Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha glanced at each other with shock in their eyes.

Even they had not seen when Yingying had consumed all the food on the table.

Although it was suspected that Yingying was a powerful being, they only truly sensed it now.

At this time, Yingying's voice came out again.

"Lu Ze, are all the good food finished?"

Her clear voice had a hint of skepticism, as though unable to comprehend why Lu Ze had not brought more good food out.

Lu Ze's mouth started to twitch when he heard the question.

He silently pointed at the clean table and was about to speak up when he realized that there was a bite at the corner of the table.

Lu Ze: "…"

She even tried to eat the table?

He asked straightforwardly, "Where is the food on the table?"

Yingying blinked her eyes and replied nonchalantly, "I ate them."

While saying that, she pointed to the corner of the table that she had bitten and frowned with a hint of disdain in her voice. " This isn't nice to eat."

Lu Ze: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

Nangong Jing: "…"

Qiuyue Hesha: "…"

The atmosphere turned silent again. A moment later, Lu Ze spoke up with pain in his heart. "Yingying, when eating, everyone should eat together? And you cannot eat the chopsticks and plates as well."

Although their bodies were able to digest even stones, they never had the brazen idea to even consume chopsticks or plates.

Yingying blinked and turned to look at Lin Ling. "Elder sister Lin Ling, is what Lu Ze says true?"When he heard her doubts, he almost spat blood out.

"You little girl, why weren't you doubtful when I invited you over just now and only became doubtful at this moment?!"

She only became doubtful when she wanted to eat more!! He would never allow that!

He didn't even have any yet!

If I can beat her, I would definitely spank her butt!!

When Lin Ling, Nangong Jing, and Qiuyue Hesha saw Lu Ze's helpless face, they all laughed. Who would have thought that Lu Ze, the big foodie, would actually encounter Yingying, a little foodie?

This little foodie was a true expert to actually force Lu Ze to reveal such an expression.

They all suddenly found it to be very amusing.
