Chapters [265-266]

Chapter 265. Four Overlords


Half an hour later, Lu Ze happily found another heavily injured lightning warhorse boss, as well as a heavily injured black tiger boss.

Lu Ze laughed like a crazy person once more.

What could he do? His luck was too good.

Was it probably because he was too handsome? Lu Ze touched his face, and then, he flew in another direction again.

This opportunity didn't come often. He was going to grasp it. Rumble!!





Just as Lu Ze was searching for a heavily injured boss, a few terrifying roars could be heard in the distance.

Other than this, a terrifying power could be felt rippling in the air. Lu Ze felt this and tensed up as he looked at the direction of the roaring sounds.

The crystal clear sky was covered in dark clouds.

Inside, lightning struck across the horizon like a doomsday spear. At the same time, green wind, as well as black and gray lights flashed.

Lu Ze looked at this in disbelief.

What was that?

The blue bird boss and the others?


Their power wasn't this terrifying!

The commotion was at least a few hundred kilometers from here. The blue bird boss didn't have such power.

This was mortal evolution state power?

Was it another boss that was passing by?

Usually, they wouldn't fight.

Lu Ze frowned. Before long, his hair glands tingled, and he ran immediately.

The battlefield was moving to his location!

Lu Ze chose a direction that wasn't in the pathway of the moving battlefield. Only then would he be able to escape.

Lu Ze looked back, and his mouth twitched.

It was so fast!

With his speed, it was very unlikely that he could dodge it!

He just wanted to pick up a few heavily injured bosses. Who did he mess with?

Lu Ze gritted his teeth and even used sevenfold strength.

But as the battle approached, Lu Ze's face looked bad.

The battlefield covered an area of more than 100 kilometers.

Suddenly, Lu Ze's eyes lit up. There was another heavily injured boss in front of him!

He flew over with all his might.

Even if he was about to die, he would still pick up another boss.

That would be worth it!

Five kilometers away, Lu Ze came before a ditch.

He looked at the gray lizard boss inside and punched without hesitation. Rumble!!

The boss rapidly turned to dust. Lu Ze picked up the [6 Red, 3 Purple, and 1 Regeneration God Art Orb].

At this moment, the battle was also near.

He immediately hid inside the ditch and used the chi stealth technique.

He hoped the bosses wouldn't mind this noob.

Lu Ze looked up and watched the battle.

When he saw the battle, his eyes widened.

He finally knew where the rabbit boss was.

Tens of kilometers away, the white rabbit was desperately flying with all its might.

Four fierce beasts were chasing behind it.

One was a 30-meter tall beast covered in black armor. The armor had purple lightning runes. It seemed to be the same breed as the lightning warhorse.

However, it didn't have just one horn. It had a pair of dragon-like horns, which flashed with destructive lightning.

The second beast was completely gray and similar to the huge lizard. However, it was more slender. It was nearly 100 meters long. Its head looked more like a rain dragon. Gray mist surged around it. The third beast was very similar to the blue bird boss but was twice as big. It also had four pairs of wings instead of two!

All the wind in the world circulated around it. If Lu Ze didn't clutch to the ground tightly, he probably would be swept into the air.

Lu Ze saw quite some heavily injured boss getting swept into the wind and ground to pieces.

His heart was broken, seeing this scene in front of him.

He saw at least 15 heavily injured bosses turning to dust.

It took him this long just to find six!

Too bad his [Wind God Art] wasn't that powerful, or he would really like to try too…

Lu Ze looked at the last of the four beasts chasing after the rabbit.

It was a tiger similar to the black tiger boss, but its fur was covered in a black crystal, which flashed with metallic color.

Lu Ze took a deep breath.


Four of them!

They looked similar to the [God Art] beasts but were much grander. This reminded Lu Ze of the male lion with the horn on the first map.

He didn't even dare to breathe.

From the looks of it, these four super bosses were at least mortal evolution state.

Lu Ze was confused about why these four overlords were chasing the rabbit.

And, was that rabbit this strong now??

Lu Ze looked at the rabbit. Its white fur had blood, but its chi was still very strong.

He didn't dare to believe this was a rabbit!

In his mind, he could only recall those rabbits who were on the first map. That was what a rabbit should be, wasn't it?

This super rabbit was this strong!

At this moment, the rabbit felt Lu Ze's glance. It turned over and looked at him.

He immediately felt this huge pain in his head, and his vision went black.

When he recovered, he was already outside.

He almost spat out blood.

He thought he would be safe since those four super bosses didn't see him yet that dammed rabbit saw him!

He rubbed his head. Was it a [Mental Force God Art] boss?

Lu Ze was speechless.

The rabbit only had the same power as the blue bird boss when he first saw it.

It improved so fast.

Lu Ze even suspected the rabbit had the halo of a main character or something.

He wanted to know what would happen in the end, but the rabbit didn't give him the chance.

The pain slowly eased, and Lu Ze smiled.

He reaped a huge benefit this time.

He went inside his mental dimension and looked at the orbs.

He counted them carefully. [30 Red, 18 Purple, 1 Wind, 3 Regeneration God Art, 1 Lightning God Art, and 1 1st Body God Art Orb].

It was a huge profit!

The [18 Purple Orbs] were perhaps enough for him to learn the [Wings of Wind and Lightning]!

The [30 Red Orbs] were perhaps enough for him to bring his spirit force cultivation to aperture opening state!

And with all the other [God Art Orbs], his [God Art] would improve even further!

Lu Ze grinned. After he fully digested these, he can probably try hunting a [God Art] boss.

He would go find that blue bird boss and try!Lu Ze remembered he still had 100 million academic credits and one month of dao enlightenment room to use. These six bosses didn't drop [Divine Art Runes].

He desperately needed an [Offense Type of Divine Art].

It seemed he could use this 100 million academic credits.

But now he was faced with the difficulty of choosing what [Divine Art] to buy.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze had decided to not make the decision so rashly.

He would ask that alcoholic tomorrow when he went over.

In that case, he would use [Red Orbs] to increase his cultivation level first.

Lu Ze sat down, closed his eyes, and began cultivation.


Chapter 266. Greet Jinyao Sage


The next morning, Lu Ze opened his eyes.

One night of cultivation, and he used up [3 Red Orbs]. His spirit force cultivation level reached Core Martial State level nine. It increased by two levels in just one night.

At most tomorrow night, he would be able to break through to aperture opening state.

Lu Ze grinned, feeling the powerful spirit force in his body.

This improvement was indeed fast.

Lu Ze got up and left the dorm.

The class was starting again today, but Lu Ze didn't go because he needed to visit Nangong Jing.

Lin Ling brought Yingying to class.

Yingying really wanted to go to school, so they would naturally satisfy this wish of hers.

The Federal University had long received the notice to let this little girl go wherever she wanted.

They couldn't stop her even if they wanted to.

The school teachers didn't know why there was such notice, but since it was an order, they just followed.

Lu Ze wondered what it would be like for the little girl to attend class.

Lu Ze shook his head and flew toward Nangong Jing's place.

At Nangong Jing's house once again. Lu Ze knocked at her door. "Female… cough, Teacher Nangong, I'm here."

The door opened immediately.

Lu Ze walked in and saw Nangong Jing lying on the couch and drinking. The cleaned-up floor was filled up with wine bottles again. Lu Ze was speechless. All she did was drink. Did she not need to cultivate?

But he didn't ask. A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and all the wine bottles were placed neatly in the corner.

Nangong Jing grinned. "You're here? Let's go then."

Then, she started walking toward the door.

Lu Ze asked curiously from behind, "Teacher, who are you bringing me to see?"

Nangong Jing answered, "Jinyao sage."

Lu Ze's body trembled. He then looked at Nangong Jing in disbelief. "We're going to see Jinyao sage??"

That was Jinyao sage!

One of the four sages of the human race! Nangong Jing said, "What's strange about seeing Jinyao sage? By the way, when that person says something irrelevant just pretend you didn't hear it." Lu Ze: "???"

He became dazed for a while and asked, "What's irrelevant?"

Would Jinyao sage engage in a casual gossip with him?

Nangong Jing frowned and scratched her head. "You will know soon. Just pretend you didn't hear it."


Lu Ze quickly nodded. Although he was a bit curious, was this a threat? Nangong Jing reached out her hand, and a flying ship appeared in the empty space.

It was 50 meters long and in the shape of a water drop. It was completely black and inscribed with complex golden prints.

This was her private flying ship, Golden Whirl.

Lu Ze glanced at Nangong Jing's storage ring.

Her storage ring was really big. It could fit such a huge flying ship.

"Get on," Nangong Jing said. Subsequently, she went inside.

Lu Ze followed.

Half an hour later, a green planet appeared outside the window.

This was planet Jinyao.

As the ship slowly descended, Nangong Jing reminded, "Remember, no matter what irrelevant things he says, pretend you didn't hear it."

Lu Ze nodded. "Okay teacher!"

He was more curious about what Jinyao sage would say now.

Soon, the ship landed.

Lu Ze studied around curiously as he got off.

The ship landed below a waterfall.

The place was shrouded by a dense forest. There were distant beast roars.

Below the waterfall was a huge river. There was a wooden shack by the river, and a skinny old man wearing linen clothes. He was sitting next to the river.

Lu Ze looked curiously. Was he the legendary Jinyao sage?

He didn't have the temperament of a powerful being at all. He seemed like an ordinary old man.

Nangong Jing and Lu Ze walked over.

The old man said plainly, "You're here?"

He pointed at the ground. "Sit."

Seeing Nangong Jing sit down, Lu Ze also copied and sat next to Nangong Jing. Lu Ze just realized what the old man was doing.

There was a fishing rod in his hand.

It was taboo to cause too much noise while fishing. Lu Ze planned to sit down in a careful manner and wait until the sage caught a fish.

At this moment, Jinyao sage said plainly, "You're Lu Ze, right?"

Lu Ze nodded. "Yes. Greetings, Jinyao sage."

Jinyao sage turned around, and his skinny face smiled. "I keep hearing about you lately. You did very well on Xiaer battlefield and regarding Yingying."

Lu Ze smiled awkwardly. "I'm just doing what I should."

Jinyao sage smiled. "You're quite handsome too."

Lu Ze became stunned at his words. He then smiled. "You overpraise me, sage."

Lu Ze still felt great inside though. Even the sage was complimenting his looks. Was this an official recognition?

At this moment, Nangong Jing suddenly said, "Old man, you've been fishing here for three years. Why don't you stop? You can't catch anything with the hook. I'll go down and catch one for you."

Right at this second, Nangong Jing was about to go in the water.

Jinyao sage quickly turned around and said, "Wait! Jing Jing, you can't! Fishing would not have any purpose by then!"

Lu Ze: "???"

He looked dazedly at the two.

Jing Jing? This violent alcoholic had a cute name?

Lu Ze grinned. Before he could laugh, Nangong Jing looked over.

Lu Ze quickly put away the smile.

He looked at the two in confusion. What was the relationship between the two?

They seemed close.

Nangong Jing sat down and pointed at Jinyao sage. "My ancestor."

Lu Ze: "…"

He looked at the two in disbelief.

He knew her family was good but he didn't expect it was this good?

A descendant of a sage!

A sage that was living! No wonder her talent was that good.

Jinyao sage put down the fishing rod and got up. "Come with me."

He walked to the wooden shack.

Lu Ze and Nangong Jing got up and followed.

Once inside, they saw an ordinary wooden table and four chairs. Behind the table was a bed with only one cushion.

Jinyao sage sat before the table and indicated that the two should sit as well.

Then, he took out a purple teapot and a few golden leaves. He calmly made the tea.

He poured three cups, one for each person.

Lu Ze looked at the tea leaf and smelled the aroma. He felt it had the feeling of sharp metal blades.

Nangong Jing explained. "This is Jin Ghe leaf. The human race doesn't have this. It's only found in the Jin Ghe race. Drinking this would increase the chances of learning [Metal Element God Art]."

Lu Ze couldn't resist widening his eyes. He looked at Nangong Jing in disbelief. "[God Art] can be learned through other things?"

He thought only [God Art Orbs] could let people learn [God Art].

Nangong Jing smiled. "The universe is infinite. Of course, there is, but these things are rather precious. Even this leaf just adds a slight possibility."

Jinyao sage smiled. "But, it's quite nice to drink."

Lu Ze: "…"

This thing should be precious, but Jinyao sage just felt it was good tea.

Lu Ze drank the entire cup. His face suddenly changed.

The tea felt like knives surging in his mouth. It felt like his throat was getting cut.

Then, he sweated.

This thing was tasty?

When he saw Jinyao sage and Nangong Jing happily drinking the tea, he sunk into self-doubt.

Was his taste unique?

The two seemed to be enjoying it.

Nangong Jing put down the tea and smiled satisfyingly. "It feels like drinking intense alcohol."

Then, she turned to Jinyao sage and smiled sycophantically. "Old man, my Jinyao Burning Sun is finished, can you give me some more?"

Jinyao sage shook his head. "I'm almost out myself! Don't even think about it! I will go buy some more two years later at the East Region Gathering!"

Lu Ze: "…"

These two alcoholics!
