Chapters [269-270]

Chapter 269. Acting Like a Tiger to Eat a Dragon


When Lu Ze nodded, Jinyao sage showed a satisfied smile.

At least, the previous performance of Lu Ze made all the high-level officials very happy.

If Lu Ze showed that he only cared about himself and not the race, it would be a different situation now.

Jinyao sage smiled once again. "Ze, what do you think of Jing Jing…"

"Old man! Three times! The third time is over the line!"

Jinyao sage could not even finish his sentence. Nangong Jing raged first before he could.

She was destined to be an unparalleled powerful being! The human race would be protected by her!

What was having a relationship?

On the other hand, Lu Ze's stomach ached.

The old man didn't stop. No wonder she became furious.

He finally realized why Nangong Jing had that face before they came.

Jinyao sage sighed. "You and Ze are so talented. Your child would definitely be an extremely talented prodigy. He would perhaps become a truly powerful being."

Nangong Jing raised a brow. "I will become a powerful being! I won't leave this hope to chance!"

Even if she had a kid, how could she let her child bear this pressure?

Jinyao sage shook his head.

He was once young and knew these things couldn't be forced. Perhaps, it would happen naturally? He looked at Lu Ze seriously. "Ze, although you're talented and we'll give you the privilege you deserve, you still need to participate in missions. This is your responsibility."

The students of Dawn System were prepared to become the future supporting pillars in each field. This was especially the case for Federal University students, this was their responsibility

Lu Ze smiled. "Don't worry old man Nangong, I know."

Seeing this, Jinyao sage's face eased a bit. "But, missions are missions. Your life is very precious. If you can't finish a mission, there's still next time. If you lose your life, there's no hope."

Lu Ze became dazed at his words. He saw the concerned eyes of Jinyao sage. He knew this was due to his talent, but Lu Ze still felt warm.

He nodded and smiled. "I understand."

At this moment, Jinyao sage remembered something and said seriously, "From now on, don't show all of your power. Although there are no spies from other races among the high-levels, the news will get to other races if you keep a high profile. There would be more individuals targeting you then."

Lu Ze nodded. This was making him act like a pig to eat the tiger. But being as strong as him, it was more like acting like a tiger to eat a dragon.

How interesting! Lu Ze wanted to try.

Jinyao sage was right. He didn't want to be targeted. He wanted to happily farm, and then once he was fully equipped, he would harvest these little kids with one strike.

Seeing how understanding Lu Ze was, Jinyao sage smiled.

Then, he said, "Dao enlightenment room would only have a spare room the day after tomorrow. You guys can go back first. As for what you want to buy and your cultivation and [God Art], you can ask Jing Jing. For now, she can still teach you. Later on, I will teach you personally." Although the two didn't seem to be interested in each other, Jinyao sage hoped they would have more time together.

Lu Ze nodded. "Okay, thank you, old man Nangong."

Jinyao sage waved his hand. "Calling me old man would be fine."

Lu Ze: "…"

Nangong Jing: "…" Under Nangong Jing's murderous glance, Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He said dryly, "Thank you, old man."

Compared to Nangong Jing, a sage was more terrifying

Jinyao sage nodded happily. "Okay, you guys can go. Young people should communicate more."

The two were speechless once again.

Nangong Jing said, "Old man, we're going first."

She left immediately. If she remained, she would only explode from anger. She was the future martial goddess! Lu Ze quickly followed.

In the small wooden shack, Jinyao sage sighed. A photo appeared in his hand.

In the photo were 12 young men and women. They smiled vibrantly and pridefully.

They were the pride of the human race at the time, the 12 strongest prodigies, and the first generation of young dukes.

For the human race, they sacrificed themselves and their own future to forcefully breakthrough in the elf Divine Realm.

Did they regret it?

Of course!

Why didn't someone else do it? Why did they have to do it?

But some things, if no one did it, then who would?

Plus with their talent, they would get the greatest increase.

Jinyao sage's skinny hand rubbed across the photo. His eyes seemed deep as though reminiscing the past.

Eventually, his finger ended up on a beautiful black-haired woman who looked similar to Nangong Jing. "Yunxi… I miss you…" "Brothers and sisters, don't worry… as long as us five old things are still alive, the human race won't be annihilated!"

"A kid came today. He seemed so similar to us before… but his environment is so much better than ours."

"Hopefully, he can carry the future of humanity…"

Outside the shack, Nangong Jing walked with a powerful force. Lu Ze followed behind helplessly.

He was worried. He called Jinyao sage old man. Would she bash him up?

Should he stay here for two days?

But thinking of the old man's serious face, Lu Ze chose to follow her.

Going back to the ship, Lu Ze saw Nangong Jing sitting on the couch. She was expressionless.

Lu Ze scratched his head and sat far away from her.

That way, he would have some space to defend himself if she was going to beat him up.

The flying ship got up and left the planet Jinyao.

The atmosphere in the ship was silent. Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed she didn't plan to beat him up.

At this moment, Nangong Jing said, "Kid, the old man has a favorable impression of you. Don't disappoint him."

Lu Ze saw Nangong Jing sit on the couch and look outside the window with complicated eyes.

He had never seen her quiet and gentle like this.

This didn't seem like her.

But Lu Ze smiled. "Of course, I won't."

The old man was very nice to him and gave him so many benefits. Of course, he was going to repay him.

Nangong Jing withdraw her gaze from outside and looked at Lu Ze.Then, she showed a kind smile.

Immediately, Lu Ze felt things weren't so good.

Before he could react, he was put in a headlock. At the same time, he felt a huge pain coming from his head.

It was the same place, the same strength, the same pain.

Then, Nangong Jing's extremely annoyed voice could be heard. "Little shit, you learned it that fast!! I've been learning star crippling punch for 3 months, and I haven't made any progress. I'm so angry!!"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched, and he complained, "Is it my fault that I can cultivate fast? You just told me to not disappoint the old man!"

Hearing this, Nangong Jing's hand stopped. She took her hand back awkwardly and let go of Lu Ze's neck.

Then, she said seriously, "Come, let's see what [Divine Art] is suitable for you. Tell me about your situation."


Chapter 270. Decision


After hearing Nangong Jing's words, Lu Ze replied, "I'm rather lacking in attack right now, so I need an [Offense Type of Divine Art]."

Nangong Jing paused and said, "Your usage of strength and other [God Arts] is indeed unreasonable in some areas. But our [God Arts] are different. I can't teach you about other types of [God Art]. However, I can teach you about [Strength God Art]."

Lu Ze asked curiously, "Teacher Nangong, how powerful is your [Strength God Art]?"

Nangong Jing smiled due to his question. "23-fold."

Lu Ze: "…."

This strong?!

He looked at Nangong Jing in disbelief.

The higher the amplification, the greater pressure it had on the body…

His face changed. She really was a female T-rex.

Her body was much stronger than his.

Nangong Jing explained, "My [Battle Blood God Art] is a very powerful [Body God Art]. It can refine the body, so my body isn't weak."

Lu Ze found it a little bit unexpected. It was extremely hard to tolerate a 23-fold [Strength God Art] without [Body God Art]. Nangong Jing continued, "There are all sorts of [God Arts]. [Strength God Art] is a very powerful type of [God Art], but there are weaknesses. When it comes to [Elemental-Type God Arts], you don't have to worry about the backlash as long as you have enough power and mastery, but the [Strength God Art] is different. The [Strength God Art] comes from your body. If your body isn't strong enough, then even if you have high-level mastery of it, you can't unleash great power. However, if you have [Body God Art] to go with it, it would be much better." "Several of the [Divine Arts] of [Body God Art] needed to be used in conjunction with [Strength God Art]. For example, the star crippling punch I'm learning can be cultivated with just [Body God Art], but the effects are far weaker from using it with [Strength God Art]."

Lu Ze listened intently.

"The mastery of [God Art] is severely important in the cultivation of [Divine Art]. If you didn't master your [God Art] very well, the [Divine Art] wouldn't be very strong."

"For instance, when it comes to your [Wings of the Wind], if you could completely master it, it should double your speed. However, if you don't have enough mastery over the [Wind God Art], then you won't be able to reach this level."

Lu Ze nodded. "Indeed, with the [Wings of the Wind], my speed has doubled, but I feel that I'm pretty much at the limit."

In fact, the more he cultivated the [Wings of the Wind], the lesser the increase in speed.

Nangong Jing smiled. "There are strong and weak [Divine Arts]. The magnitude of increase for every [God Art] is not uniform. For [Offense-Type of Divine Arts], like star crippling punch, the highest increase is ten times. This is one of the [Top Divine Arts] the human race has acquired. It's said some powerful [Divine Arts] can increase by a hundred or a thousand times."

Lu Ze's eyes widened. "That strong?"

Hundreds and thousands of times amplification would make one practically invincible!

Nangong Jing rolled her eyes. "It's not that simple. If you don't learn your [God Art] enough, you won't be able to reach it no matter how high the ceiling for your [Divine Art] is. Plus, even if your [God Art] mastery can keep up, the consumption might not be able to keep up. For [Body-Type Divine Art], your body needs to be strong enough to support a hundred or thousand times amplification. If not, your body will be crippled first." "However, from the looks of it, your mastery of [Wind God Art] has surpassed the limit of [Wings of the Wind]. There will be an improvement in your cultivation of [Wings of Wind and Lightning]."

Lu Ze nodded.

"Speaking of which, you should be able to grasp it by now. Choosing [Divine Art] depends on your consumption of power. If it's [Body Divine Art], then you need to consider the power of your body. Otherwise, even if you learn the [Divine Art], you wouldn't be able to use it."

Lu Ze fell into contemplation after hearing this.

He was planning to buy a [Fire Clone], but it was a good thing he listened to Nangong Jing.

Fire Clone is strong, but his [Fire God Art] was the weakest among his [God Arts] right now.

It couldn't even compare with his lightning god art. After all, he had been devouring [Lightning God Art Orbs].

His [Lightning God Art] was almost catching up to [Wind God Art].

His strongest [God Art] was [1st Body God Art], but he learned this from the black tiger boss.

Lu Ze looked at the [God Art Orbs] he got yesterday.

[1 Wind, 1 Lightning, 1 1st Body God Art, and 3 Regeneration].

If he digested these, his [Regeneration God Art] would be the strongest. Next would be [1st Body God Art] and [Strength God Art]. Then, it would be [Wind and Lightning God Art]. The last would be [Fire God Art]. The [Regeneration God Art] would increase his body's power up to a certain level. The [Body and Strength God Arts] were powerful, but they were only suitable for short bursts and not appropriate for long-term use.

Lu Ze had 100 million academic credits. With the 20% discount, he would have 1.25 million academic credits.

He had made up his mind to buy a [Divine Art] related to [Wind and Lightning God Art]. Subsequently, he would buy the star crippling punch.

Star crippling punch would be his trump card.

If it was a normal battle, he would use [Wind and Lightning God Art] and the relevant [Divine Arts].

If he had academic credits left, he would consider buying other things.

After making up his mind, Lu Ze relaxed.

Seeing this, Nangong Jing smiled. "You've made up your mind?"

Lu Ze nodded. "I'm going to buy a [Divine Art] related to [Wind and Lightning God Art] and then buy [Star Crippling Punch]."

Nangong Jing wasn't surprised at his choice. This chap had a lot of [God Arts], and such were not weak, after all.

She smiled. "You have enough academic credits now."

Then, Lu Ze opened the Dawn Network and discovered that his details had been changed.

His honor level reached level two, and he also had a 20% off stamp.

Lu Ze happily looked at this and saw Nangong Jing glaring at him.

Clearly, she didn't have it. This made Lu Ze feel even better.

He opened the [Divine Art] section and bought the star crippling punch. It cost 60 million academic credits. 20% meant he could buy it at 48 million.

Only now Lu Ze realized how great the benefits old man Nangong gave him were. Just a [Divine Art] and it saved him 12 million academic credits.

Then, he looked at the fire clone. He really wanted this [Divine Art], but his [Fire God Art] couldn't keep up."

The clone would be taxing on his power, so it wasn't really worth it now.

He looked away. With his academic credits earning speed, he would definitely be able to earn it at the Mortal Evolution State.

Then, Lu Ze chose a [Wind Divine Art] called "[Green Jade Slash]."

Green jade slash was weaker than star crippling punch, but its highest amplification was eightfold. This was enough for Lu Ze at this moment.

Green jade slash needed 53 million academic credits, but after the discount, it could be bought with only 42.4 million academic credits.

Right now, Lu Ze only had a little more than 10 million academic credits.

Lu Ze gasped at how fast he used up his academic credits. This really wasn't enough.

During this time, the ship came back to planet Venus at Nangong Jing's house.

Just when Lu Ze was planning to go back, Nangong Jing stopped him.

Nangong Jing smiled. "In the next two days, you and Lin Ling should come over during the day. If you have any cultivation problems, I will teach you guys."

The old man wanted her to be alone with Lu Ze, but she wasn't going to be that dumb. She would bring Lin Ling too.

Seeing how excited Nangong Jing was, Lu Ze's mouth twitched. She definitely wanted to beat him up.

He must show how powerful he is to this drunkard when he becomes stronger!

He nodded and smiled. "Okay."

Seeing this, Nangong Jing smiled. "It's only lunchtime, we'll begin cultivation now." "Wait, I hadn't had lunch yet!!"

"Can you cook?"

"… No."

"Great, I can't as well. What are we eating then? Let's not eat."

She did seem right. Lu Ze became speechless. At this moment, Nangong Jing said, "How about having some alcohol?"

Seeing the sky turn dark, Lu Ze rubbed his head and flew back to his dorm lifelessly.

This afternoon, his forehead was bruised from her constant flicking.

Although it was painful, he gained a lot.

He learned quite a lot about cultivation and usage of [Strength God Art].

Now, his body wouldn't crack anymore when he uses eightfold [Strength God Art].

It was just a little difficult focusing his power.

He just needed to practice more.

Lu Ze came to his dorm and saw Yingying squatting in the bamboo forest.

He was curious, so he looked over.

Suddenly, Yingying bit on the bamboo closest to her.

The bamboo seemed to have been sliced in the middle by something sharp. The top half slowly fell toward Lu Ze.

Lu Ze: "???"

What was she doing?

Was she a panda?

He asked, "Yingying, what are you doing?" Yingying turned around and looked at Lu Ze with glimmering eyes. "Lu Ze, I'm hungry!"

When she saw Lu Ze, it was like she saw a food voucher. Super happy!

Lu Ze: "…"

She never ate before eating that time, right??

Why wasn't she hungry before?? He rubbed Yingying's head helplessly. "Where is Lin Ling?"

"Sister Lin Ling is in her room. There seems to be a power running to her room. Is she eating power?"

She didn't know much about cultivation. She only needed to sleep to become strong. She didn't even need cultivation.

He envied her.

Lu Ze smiled. "Then, let's order food."

"Order food?"

"Mhm, it's really tasty."

"Wow! I want it!!"

Lu Ze smiled. He was trained by Nangong Jing for an entire day and hadn't consumed any food.

Ordering food was rather cheap, or perhaps, academic credits were valuable.

He only spent 500 academic credits to order a table full of Aperture Opening State spirit food.

The food was delivered rapidly.

In just half an hour, someone knocked on the door.

Lu Ze opened the door and saw a student standing outside. He smiled. "Fellow student Lu Ze, your food is here. Do I need to put it inside?"

Lu Ze smiled. "Thank you, you can just take it out. I'll take it inside myself."

The student nodded. "Sure."

Then, he took out exquisite boxes from his storage ring. There were 11 dishes in total.

There wasn't a lot in volume, but it was enough.

Seeing Lu Ze use [Wind God Art] to bring in the spirit food, the student's eyes flashed with admiration.

He was a new student who just finished his class in the morning. In the afternoon, he took on all sorts of missions. Then, he cultivated in the evening.

Despite so, he could only earn 20 academic credits a day. If he was lucky, he would earn 30.

Lu Ze's dinner cost half a month of his work.

They were both new students, but the difference was huge.

He smiled stiffly. "I'll be off, Lu Ze."

He turned around and changed his mindset.

Lu Ze didn't know the mindset of this student who delivered the food. He turned around. "Yingying, let's eat."

Then, before Lu Ze could react. Yingying sat on the chair and smartly put a cushion on the chair, so she could reach.

Lu Ze smiled. She just had little experience, but she was not dumb.

The two rapidly cleaned up the spirit food. Of course, Lu Ze lost in the end. He only ate less than a fifth of what Yingying ate.

Seeing the empty plates and the satisfied Yingying, Lu Ze began to doubt life.

He couldn't even beat the kid when it comes to food.

He sighed helplessly, cleaned up Yingying's oily mouth, and started clearing the table.

He smiled at Yingying. "If you can't fall asleep, just watch a cartoon. I'm going to cultivate too."

Yingying nodded obediently. She went to class today. Although she didn't really understand the content, she knew Lu Ze and sister Lin Ling were busy. She wasn't going to disturb them.

She sat on the couch and started watching cartoons.

Seeing this, Lu Ze smiled and went upstairs to his room.
