Chapters [289-290]

Chapter 289. The Greatest Difference Between You and Me


The silence seemed to envelop the lush forest at this time. Perhaps, it was due to the presence of the two bloody night pirate ships, causing the surrounding animals to flee from this area.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling flew over to the ships and looked down on the ground.

Both ships were a thousand meters long, adorned with sharp ridges. There were some quite powerful weapons on there.

But now, there were holes on the sides of the ships. It was as though it was struck by some energy cannon. It was even emitting black smoke at the moment.

Two trails along the forest were crushed by the spaceship, wrecking all the trees across the land. The mark stretched out for a few kilometers up to the current position of the ship.

The maintenance personnel saw that Lu Ze came for them through the surveillance room.

Accordingly, they went to hide.

At this moment, two hundred or so figures flew out from the ship. They were Core Martial State Pirates.

They surrounded Lu Ze and Lin Ling while releasing their powerful killing intent.

Lu Ze raised a brow. "Lin Ling, did these people plan to resist?"

Lin Ling rolled her eyes. "You did see them, didn't you?"

She then frowned. "Shouldn't pirates be scared of death? Why do they seem to be unafraid of death?"

If they weren't' scared of death, they wouldn't be pirates. After all, one became a pirate to rob resources. If they weren't scared of death, going to the battlefield would definitely bring a much promising future.

Lu Ze scratched his head. "Maybe, they have noble ambitions, right? For example, they could have thought that they could achieve something like eternal life for succumbing to the darkness."

Lin Ling only gave Lu Ze a blank expression. She doesn't even want to waste her words on him. Only strange words could come out from this guy's mouth. She was used to it.

Then, Lin Ling's eyes flashed.

She looked around and said, "Ordinary Core Martial States, none of them seem to have [God Art]."

Lu Ze: "…"

Who gave these pirates the courage to fight them? None of the pirates spoke. They all looked at Lu Ze and Lin Ling with cold faces as they charged over.

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and the wind surrounded the pirates, restraining them in a line formation. If these guys were blade demons, Lu Ze would've planted them upside down.

Seeing them struggle without a sound, Lu Ze looked back at their spaceship on the ground.

Following this, [Runes] could be seen in his eyes.

[Green Jade Slash]!

Two long [Green Jade Slash Blades], which were several meters in length, appeared in the air.


The [Green Jade Slashes] cut through the blood-colored ships, and the ships fell apart, revealing the contents in it. The remaining people were inside. They all looked up into the air.

However, Lu Ze and Lin Ling frowned. All the people inside grinned and revealed an eerie smile.

Even the struggling Core Martial States stopped and looked at Lu Ze and Lin Ling with eerie smiles as well.

Lu Ze: "…"

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. "What are you smiling about? Keep smiling, and I'll kill you!"

Lin Ling could not help but glare at Lu Ze. "Be more serious!"

Something was definitely wrong, but even her [Spirit Eye] couldn't see the problem.

Then, hundreds of people spoke in unison. "Life is obscure, only death is eternal."

The voices of hundreds of people echoed in the air, making the atmosphere extremely eerie.

Lin Ling frowned. "What's wrong with these people?"

Lu Ze observed the eyes of the pirates.

He then said with uncertainty, "Collective… retardedness?"

They were more retarded than him.

Lin Ling: "…"

She found that she wasn't on the same channel as Lu Ze.

Just when Lin Ling was a bit angry, a green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes, and wind blades struck the neck of one of the pirates. He died without resistance. His face still carried a smile.

Subsequently, his body instantly went pale and ended up dried before turning to dust.


Lin Ling said, "There's some strange energy attached to them!"

The rest of the people kept looking at Lu Ze and Lin Ling with eerie smiles. "All life will eventually die, the same goes for you."

Lu Ze nodded. "Oh, you guys seem to be right."

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes and instantly, all the Core Martial State Pirates were killed by him. Immediately, their bodies turned to dust. Eerie green mists started appearing. All the trees and planets they came in contact with ended up withering.

When the wind blew, the mist dispersed.

The surrounding 10 kilometers of land transformed into the land of death.

Lin Ling frowned. "These people… seem to be long dead."

Lu Ze nodded. "They probably are. I wonder how many are behind this and whether they are humans or not."

Lin Ling could help but raise her brows once more. "It's probably another race?"

"They said all life will die, so they are probably an undead type of race."

Lu Ze touched his chin. There were other races within the human territory. Quite some friendly races came to socialize and even live in the territory. There were also enemy races and spies.

It's impossible to clear all the spies, but it's pretty much impossible for enemy planetary states to come in.

Lu Ze stopped thinking and said, "We'll go notify our seniors about this first."

Lin Ling agreed.

Then, Lu Ze brought a large bunch of Core Martial State Pirates and flew back.

In the air, Eldon looked at the pirates inside the blood barrier and grinned. "Oh, you want to stop my thousand levels golden blade?"

His sword rays became sharper. Eldon waved the sword, and a few hundred sword rays fused into the sword. The sword shot out an even brighter color. He twisted his wrist and sliced toward the blood barrier.


The few hundred-meter long golden sword cut through the red barrier.

The barrier lasted a few seconds and then began to crack.

Eldon's eyes flashed with coldness. "Break!"

The sword became brighter for a moment and an opening on the barrier appeared.


The sword chi instantly cut the two inside in half.

The remaining three split off and kept looking at Eldon with cold faces.

Eldon was planning to continue, but when he saw how the two pirates he killed turned to dust, his eyes widened. "What is going on?"

At the same time from the mist, another confused voice said, "These pirates…"

Blood and dust flew out of the mist.

Eldon glanced at the mist and pointed at the three pirates saying coldly, "I'll give you a chance to live. What is this?"

The three charged over again expressionlessly.

Eldon frowned. "You're seeking death."

His sword split off and pierced the chest of one of them. This person also turned to dust like the other two. However, the remaining survivors acted as though nothing happened.

Eldon disappeared. His sword swept and killed the rather strong one. A golden light flashed in his palm, and he pressed on the last remaining aperture opening state.

His hands shook, and he sealed the spirit force of the pirate but also heavily injured the pirate's body.

At the same time, Li Qingyun carried out a heavily injured pirate.

Eldon looked at Li Qingyun. "Old Li, did you know? Our powers are similar, but there's a great difference between you and me."

Li Qingyun glanced at Eldon. "What is it?"

Eldon grinned. "I'm more handsome."

Li Qingyun became stunned at his words. He then sneered. "Ridiculous."

At this moment, Lu Ze and Lin Ling came over. Lu Ze opened his mouth, and his face was a bit hesitant.

He wanted to say he was the most handsome, but he wanted to give some face to the two seniors. He shouldn't tell the truth.

He looked at the heavily injured Aperture Opening States and then asked, "Where are the other pirates?"

Li Qingyun frowned and said, "They turned to dust."


Chapter 290. Can His Heart Get Some Rest?!


Lu Ze and Lin Ling frowned when they heard Li Qingyun's reply. It was the same with them too?

Eldon looked at the orderly lined up space pirates behind Lu Ze and said with a strange expression, "I've long heard how junior likes to arrange blade demons neatly. I didn't expect you still have this fetish."

Lu Ze smiled with embarrassment. "I'm used to it. It was an accident."

On the other hand, Li Qingyun said, "There should be more than this, right? Where are the rest?"

Lu Ze scratched his head. "I killed them."

Eldon and Li Qingyun looked at Lu Ze with surprise. There should be more than two hundred people left, and Lu Ze just killed them. How fierce. But they didn't say much since it was space pirates. They would do the same if necessary.

At this moment, these Core Martial States smiled in an eerie manner again and chanted, "Life is obscure, only death is eternal."

Li Qingyun and Eldon heard the words and frowned. "What are they?"


Lu Ze shook his head. "It seems to be some Secret Technique or [God Art]. The people I killed also turned to dust."

Both the eyes of thee two narrowed. At this moment, the two heavily injured Aperture Opening States heard the voices of the Core Martial States and woke up. They also looked at Lu Ze and the rest with an eerie smile.

Lin Ling said, "Let's go check how senior schoolmate Margaret is."

The group nodded at her words. After all, Blood Night Demon Emperor was the captain. Did he know his men became like this or was he like this too?

In that case… things wouldn't be so simple.

The four came to where Margaret and Blood Night Demon Emperor were fighting. Their battle was still in a stalemate, but Blood Night Demon Emperor's foundation wasn't as good as Margaret.

Margaret was the number one in the Federal University. She had a [Divine Art] as well.

The Blood Night Demon Emperor received quite some wounds.

Margaret's face went cold, and she disappeared. Blood Night Demon Emperor shifted his weapon to slice through behind him. The few hundred-meter long blood sword ray cut into the ground.


The earth had tens of kilometers long crack, which emitted a faint blood chi.

This time, he wasn't able to predict Margaret's attack and missed her. Behind him, a faint gray sword ray pierced into the blood mist and sliced open the battle armor, leaving a huge wound on his body. Blood poured out from his back.

Margaret wanted to keep attacking, but a bloody light surged from all over Blood Night Demon Emperor's body. Margaret paused from the shock. Then, his body disappeared in a blood mist and reappeared a few hundred meters away.

He didn't run away and looked at Lu Ze and others. He grinned, showing the same eerie smile.

Lu Ze's face changed. This guy was the same? "Hahaha, this pirate group is quite hated to draw a bunch of prodigies like you."

Everyone frowned when they heard the words of the Blood Night Demon Emperor. This pirate group?

This guy was indeed long dead like the others.

Margaret frowned and then looked at Lu Ze and the rest of the team. "What happened?"

Lu Ze stretched out and smiled. "These people seemed to have already died. The one controlling them is probably the undead race, but the person seems a little retarded."

Blood Night Demon Emperor's smile stiffened.

Then, he said plainly, "This will be it for now. We will meet again."

"At last, I'll give you a final present."

Then, all the pirates' eyes turned green, and their chi surged.

Lu Ze's face changed. "They're going to self-destruct!"

A green light flashed in Lu Ze's eyes. He then grabbed Lin Ling as his [Wings of Wind and Lightning] appeared. He flapped his wings and took Lin Ling away. The seniors left immediately at the same time.


A terrifying and deafening explosion occurred. The howling green fire spread in all directions with spirit force and chased after them.

Lu Ze frowned. A black light appeared on his fist as he punched out.

[Star Crippling Punch]!


A black fist force tore through space and smashed the green fire away. The fire fell to the ground. The ground managed to absorb it. Stones were slowly eroded due to the green fire.

Moments later, the fire finally was quenched.

Meanwhile, on the spaceship, Ning Dali had been watching the situation nervously.

This concerned his future. Seeing Margaret fight evenly with Blood Night Demon Emperor and the other two not fearing these pirates, they finally relaxed.

But when they saw the hundreds of pirates smile eerily and say those things, everyone felt a chill.

"What… is going on?"

One person asked shakily.

Ning Dali frowned and looked at the screen.

This situation was beyond his expectations.

When they saw Lu Ze kill a pirate and the pirate turned to dust, the surveillance room sunk into silence.

Even Ning Dali's lips quivered.

What was this? Was this some strange cult?

Why did it happen in his territory?

The workers were pale-faced.

They had all served the military and seen quite some death, but such an eerie death wasn't something martial artists or their level could witness.

"Would this be Lu Ze's means?"

Everyone tried to make a guess.

Ning Dali glared. "Don't say that! You saw his clips on the battlefield. He didn't do this."

He fell silent and said, "Send this clip to the mission department of the Dawn System and tell them to decide… what?!"

Ning Dali's eyes bulged. Lu Ze killed all the pirates hiding in the ship, and yet, they all turned to dust.

"Do… do I send it now?" The person looked at Ning Dali.

Ning Dali said, "Wait, let's see what happens."

When they saw Li Qingyun and Eldon kill the Aperture Opening State Pirates and capture one while Lu Ze brought back the captives, they cheered.

When the eerie smile appeared once more, all the space pirates, including Blood Night Demon Emperor, all self-destructed! This was so intense that Ning Dali and the others became worried.

When he saw Lu Ze punch the blast away with one fist, Ning Dali's heart finally rested.

Yet at this moment, three figures wearing black cloaks appeared behind Lu Ze and the rest.

They were shrouded in green mist. At this moment, they stretched out their black palms toward Lu Ze and his team. Can his heart get some rest?
