Chapters [301-302]

Chapter 301. It Was Time to Display His Real Skills!



The violent forces fluctuated in the air, turning into wild winds, and dispersed in all corners with the sound of thunderous collisions.

The wings of the blue bird boss were over a hundred meters long. Lu Ze's body appeared very tiny in front of it.

However, when these two collided, Lu Ze, who was like the size of an ant, tore open the blue bird's defense with an aggressive strength from his fist. He bombarded the bird's stiff beak with overbearing punches until cracks appeared and fresh blood began to flow.

Lu Ze's gaze was cold. The [Wings of Wind and Lightning] was activated again, and he appeared behind the blue bird's blood hole where fresh blood was pouring out.

The third punch!


The blue bird whose head was beaten up so badly that it hadn't come to its senses felt a domineering force rushing through its body, tearing open its internal organs.

The frightening force caused its giant body to slam to the ground, leaving a deep hole on the messy ground. Lu Ze looked at the hole on the ground without any expression. In the hole was the dying blue bird.

He sighed and couldn't help but smack his lips.

He thought that he could deal with the blue bird using two punches, he didn't expect that he needed to use three. It was a miscalculation.

The truth had revealed that just having confidence wasn't enough.

The whole hunting process merely took three punches and a very short while, but Lu Ze felt strong energy coming from all around him at this moment.

His brows were raised slightly as he looked at the blue bird slowly turning into ashes in the hole.

He obviously had to take the spoils before leaving

After a few breaths, the blue bird's corpse had completely turned into ashes, leaving only an [Orb and a God Art Glass Ball].

Lu Ze happily picked up the [Orb and God Art Glass Ball].




The originally vague roars became clear at this moment, and the aura, which was constantly coming closer in all directions, stirred in the air—the space became slightly constrained.

Lu Ze furrowed his brows. He looked at the sky afar, and he could roughly see a number of beasts' shadows.

What's happening here? There shouldn't be so many strong beasts appearing, right?

Are they here to send the blue bird off?

The beasts on this map want to be good friends at a time like this?

This doesn't make any sense.

The [Wings of Wind and Lightning] flapped. Lu Ze was flying in the sky once again with a frown.

Did he seem to be surrounded?

There weren't any god art beasts, but there were dozens of Aperture Opening State Beasts who were close to 200 to 300 Apertures, even 400 Apertures.

Logically speaking, with so many powerful beasts, the area should be quite spacious and the after-effects of the fight with the blue bird wouldn't travel so far, right?

Why were these beasts gathering here?

Although Lu Ze was very curious, it wasn't the right time to be a curious baby.

He watched as the beasts came over to surround him, and his gaze turned icy. Did the guts of these beasts freeze in the freezer for a long time? Why were they so brave?

There wasn't even a single [God Art Beast]. Who gave them the courage to surround him, huh?

Seems like it was time to display his real skills!

After a short while, the beasts were only a few kilometers away from Lu Ze.

There were the black leopard, giant cat, python, antelopes, and various powerful beasts.

Their eyes were red and ferocious, the light of [God Art] was shining from their bodies as they stared at Lu Ze.


The distance of a few kilometers was nothing to these beasts, and they launched their attacks as they roared.

Wind blade, thunder spears, spirit force light pillar, energy ball, and more—all sorts of attacks were launched toward Lu Ze.

Other than the powerful attacks, space was distorted, and energy waves were rolling. The air was oppressive like it was the end of the word.

Lu Ze's black hair was dancing in the wild winds. He looked at the attacks coming toward him from all directions, and his mouth twitched.

Oh my god! So strong?

The [Star Crippling Punch] at full force could release an attack of over 500 Apertures but this sort of attack could only be done 4 times. Even though he was slightly stronger now, 5 times would be the limit.

He had already used it thrice and had used up half of the energy in his body. He was still slowly recovering at this moment.

Other than the [Star Crippling Punch], his strongest attack was the [Green Jade Slash], and its attack power hasn't reached 400 Apertures yet. This sort of attack could already be a threat to him.

Of course, if Lu Ze fled right now, it would be easy by relying on his [Wings of Wind and Lightning].

At such a time, should he choose fear or be a real man for five seconds?

Was this question very difficult?

Lu Ze's face turned frosty, and he scoffed coldly. The [Wings of Wind and Lightning] flapped behind him, immediately turning into a stream of light as he passed by all the attacks and found a route to charge out.

These big bosses were stronger-he fled, he fled!

As the saying goes, 'Where there is life, there is hope.'

As a cool and emotionless game player, Lu Ze obviously chose to wait until they split up and take them down one by one.

This way, it would definitely become easier to harvest.

This is called strategic diversion!

But remember this: I will return!!

With the [Wings of Wind and Lightning], Lu Ze's speed was extremely fast. He managed to travel many kilometers in a short while, getting out of the beasts' circle of siege.

However, this consumed quite a lot of his energy. Usually, Lu Ze wouldn't do this unless he was fighting with the blue bird, but he didn't have a choice now.

After Lu Ze fled, he hid among the bushes in order to recover.


More than a dozen powerful attacks collided, giving off a deafening explosion. The violent waves of energy surged behind Lu Ze, and he couldn't help but smack his lips. If he didn't flee right then, he would have become ashes by now.

At this moment, the powerful beasts then realized that Lu Ze had fled. They turned around instantly, and their bloodshot eyes looked at Lu Ze's direction as they chased after him.

When Lu Ze saw this, he raised his brows and didn't really mind. These beasts weren't intelligent, how could they catch up to him?

He used the [Wings of Wind and Lightning] at full force, and his speed was over 600 Apertures. Although it could only last for about 3 minutes, it was enough to shake these beasts off.

Just at this moment, Lu Ze's expression changed once again.

He lifted his head and looked ahead, realizing that there was another wave of beasts' aura in the air. Also, Lu Ze even felt a familiar [God Art Beast's Aura].

Lu Ze: "???"

What's happening here? All the powerful beasts shouldn't be appearing in this area at the same time, right??

These beasts are all interested in him?

They even traveled so far just to look for him?


More than a dozen beasts charged over and opened their blood-filled mouths as they launched their attacks toward him.

Lu Ze turned his head and looked at the attacks coming at him. He used the [Wings of Wind and Lightning], and his body moved in a flash, dodging all the attacks.

Then, he could vaguely see the huge figure of a black tiger a few hundred kilometers away, and the countless figures of other beasts.

Lu Ze pursed his lips slightly; he didn't know why, but he felt like he was being picked on.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the dozen beasts that wanted to continue to attack him.

Damn it!

If I don't show you guys something, you guys will think I'm weak, huh??

Since you don't want to let me go, let's have a good time then!

Green jade slash! A green light flickered in Lu Ze's eyes, and two bright green wind blades that were over a few meters long were formed.

Die, all of you!


A rune flashed in Lu Ze's eyes and the [Green Jade Slash] disappeared in the air. One of them cut into a giant black cat that had gray fog all around its body.

The Aura of this giant cat was close to 400 Apertures, it was very powerful. Moreover, its [God Art] was the [1st Regeneration God Art] and [Body God Art]. If Lu Ze didn't use this move, he might not have any other way to defeat it.

However, this [Green Jade Slash] wasn't used to kill it, but to stall it.

The python which had the weakest Aura was also slashed.


The python's Aura was merely around 200 Apertures. It didn't have time to defend against Lu Ze's attack, so its head was cut off.

Its giant head was separated from its body and fell to the ground with fresh blood spewing everywhere, staining the sky red, and its body was still moving.


The other [Green Jade Slash] was snapped off by a gigantic black cat's claw.

The violent wind blade swept in all directions, adding a few wounds to the weaker beasts around them.


The gigantic black cat turned its head and looked at the python with its separated head and body slowly falling to the ground, and roared ferociously at Lu Ze.

This two-legged beast actually dared to resist!

It roared and pounced at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze looked at the gigantic black cat with a violent aura pouncing toward him, and his lips curved upwards.


When fighting, obviously attacking the crackling skin at the back was the way to go. This fella is so meaty, so he obviously chose to give up.

His [Wings of Wind and Lightning] flashed, and although it wasn't the fastest speed, it was very hard for the gigantic black cat to catch up as it didn't have a speed god art.

Lu Ze dodged the black cat's attack and used the [Green Jade Slash] at the same time to attack the weaker beast.


The beasts were clearly stunned and kept roaring in anger.

This doesn't make sense—why were they angrier when he had withdrawn a little??

This shouldn't happen!

And the strongest beast in this wave, the gigantic black cat, let out a louder roar of anger.

This two-legged beast was capable of killing its little brother, why doesn't he come for me, then!

Happy times were always short.

After a short while, a deep and threatening roar interrupted Lu Ze's happiness.

As a [God Art Beast], the black tiger may not have a [Speed God Art], but its power was stronger than the blue bird; its speed was comparable and was quite close to Lu Ze's.

A menacing light flickered in its black pupils, and it let out an earth-shaking roar.

A black spirit force claw with a domineering aura formed over Lu Ze. The giant claw was over hundreds of square meters, and it smacked down toward Lu Ze like it was smacking a mosquito.


Chapter 302. You Again! Lu Ze 2!


The black spirit force giant claw that had a ferocious chi struck toward Lu Ze.

The surrounding air was shaken by the spirit force claw and even the sunlight was blocked by the giant claw from where Lu Ze was at. It was as if the sky was falling and the strong pressure crushed Lu Ze's bones, thereby making a cracking sound.

So strong? Lu Ze didn't have time to think, the [Wings of Wind and Lightning] was quickly activated, and he immediately disappeared.

The gigantic black cat that was happily hiding away from the black spirit force claw with Lu Ze wasn't fast enough. It was directly smacked to the ground


A terrible explosion resounded, and over a dozen kilometers was covered by the black spirit light. The beasts in the air also stopped in their tracks and looked at the explosion in fear-they didn't dare to advance.

Lu Ze was thrown several kilometers away due to the shockwaves before he managed to stop.

When the black spirit light dissipated, there was a deep hole left on the ground with an area of a few square kilometers, and a mutilated corpse was slowly turning into ashes.

Lu Ze let out a breath of cold air.

How horrifying!

This is a little too strong, right?

It managed to kill the gigantic black cat, who possessed the [Regeneration God Art] and [Physical God Art], with just one smack? This chap was a super meaty shield with more than 400 Apertures!

He wondered how the dead gigantic black cat thought about this.

Cats and tigers belonged to the same family, why did they have a fratricidal?

Lu Ze didn't have time to sigh. He was on his guard and looked at the black tiger boss suspended in the sky.

The black tiger boss was simply too strong.

If it was him who got smacked just now, he would probably be flattened, huh?


The black tiger boss was further infuriated. It was clearly the type that wouldn't give in.

It saw that Lu Ze had dodged the attack and roared in a low voice. Its body disappeared on the spot and appeared before Lu Ze. A black light flickered on its huge claw and produced wild winds as it swiped toward Lu Ze's direction.

The terrifying power contained in the huge claw gave Lu Ze goosebumps, and the [Wings of Wind and Lightning] flapped behind him. He disappeared in an instant, avoiding the attack of the black giant tiger.

The moment his body appeared, all sorts of horrifying attacks shot toward his direction from a distance away.

The other beasts weren't watching the show, but they didn't dare to run to the battlefield.

After all, with the black tiger boss around, they might get injured—that gigantic black cat was an example.

However, this didn't stop them from launching long-range attacks.

Lu Ze frowned and disappeared once again, avoiding dozens of attacks.

When he appeared once more, the black tiger boss had already reacted and opened its mouth wide open as it launched a giant black energy ball of over 10 meters in his direction.


Did these beasts become elites?

Weren't they supposed to attack each other?

Why were they actually working so well together?

He was just a weak, pitiful, and helpless child!

Lu Ze's body moved in a flash once again and dodged the energy ball, which turned into a black stream of light and blasted a black panther that didn't manage to escape.

The black panther didn't even have time to shriek and was turned into ashes.

Lu Ze took this chance to land on the ground and picked up the orb that was dropped by the dying beast just now.

The situation wasn't in his favor at this moment, and he had already prepared himself to die on the spot. However, before dying, Lu Ze would never give up on a single [Orb]!

Unfortunately, the fierce beasts, who were currently fighting each other, would not drop any orb; otherwise, he would be able to take advantage of that.

When the shockwaves dissipated, Lu Ze felt a terrifying power coming from behind. Accordingly, he used the [Wings of Wind and Lightning] once more to dodge.

He didn't consider fleeing at full speed. However, he could already feel more and more chi nearing.

There were even quite a number of god art beasts.

Lu Ze felt aggrieved.

He just came in and didn't do anything yet, alright?

Why were these beasts acting as if he had done something heinous?

Was this spread from the word of mouth?

From the moment the blue bird saw him, it began to call out to its friends, and everyone planned on getting rid of him?

Until now, Lu Ze had no idea what exactly happened.



A roar came from afar once again, and Lu Ze dodged the black tiger boss' attack again. He saw three blue birds from the corner of his eyes, two warhorse bosses and a gray giant lizard boss were approaching.

Ferocious light was flickering in their gigantic beast eyes as they looked at Lu Ze with murderous intent.

Lu Ze: "…"

He breathed slowly and tried to calm down his breathing, beads of perspiration were already forming on his forehead.

When he killed the blue bird, he had already used up half of his energy. After that, he killed over a dozen beasts that surrounded him and even fled so long from the black tiger boss.

His body was nearly emptied.

But he couldn't take this lying down!

Why did he become so popular all of a sudden?

Were all the beasts interested in his incorruptible body?

This doesn't make any sense. Other than the [God Art Beast Boss], there were more than a hundred strong beasts.

The huge beasts were suspended in the air and surrounded Lu Ze, even the sunlight was blocked.

With hundreds of beasts and a couple of [God Art Beasts] exuding a strong Aura, even Lu Ze could feel the immense pressure.

He looked at these beasts that were looking at him ferociously, and he pursed his lips, a savage look flashed across his eyes.

He couldn't run away and wouldn't be able to fight those huge ones, so he decided to kill those small ones first!

Just when Lu Ze planned to ignore his consumption of energy and kill a number of beasts, a black figure appeared next to him.

Lu Ze took a glance and his entire body stiffened, cold sweat trickled down his back.

That was a handsome black-haired teenager.

The teenager was looking at Lu Ze with a faint smile, completely ignoring the Aura of those strong beasts around them.

It's you again! Lu Ze 2!

Lu Ze looked at Lu Ze 2 who suddenly appeared. He couldn't figure out what the other wanted to do.

The appearance of Lu Ze 2 caused the originally tyrannical atmosphere to stagnate slightly.

Both the [God Art Beasts] and strong beasts widened their eyes and kept glancing back and forth between Lu Ze and Lu Ze 2.


What's happening?

Two two-legged beasts?

Wasn't there only one such beast??

This wasn't the same as what was agreed!

There was silence for a moment. Lu Ze furrowed his brows and looked at Lu Ze 2.

"Who exactly are you?"

He planned on trying to communicate.

However, Lu Ze 2 didn't say a word and continued looking at Lu Ze with a faint smile.

Then, he raised his right hand slightly, and a hazy white light appeared, turning into a small energy cluster. The energy cluster was densely packed like starlight revolving around his body. There were over hundreds of them, and the terrifying Aura was overflowing from his body, causing Lu Ze to have goosebumps.

This fella was definitely a werewolf!

He was extremely strong!

At least, he wasn't weaker than the rabbit boss. He might even be stronger than the rabbit boss!

So the question is… What does this fella plan on doing?

Lu Ze was still deep in his thoughts when all of the energy clusters disappeared in the air.

Boom boom boom boom!!!

Then, horrifying explosions occurred, and the beasts and [God Art Beasts] that were around them exploded simultaneously.

At the same time, Lu Ze felt a sharp pain all over his body, and his thoughts succumbed to the darkness.

When his vision recovered, he was already in the familiar dormitory.

Lu Ze's lips twitch, he was breaking out in cold sweat due to the pain; his entire body was aching with a rhythmic pain.

That Lu Ze 2 was too brutal, huh?!

Nevermind that he didn't answer Lu Ze's question, he didn't even greet Lu Ze and simply blew him up when they both looked exactly the same.

Could it be that this fella's conscience wouldn't hurt at all?

Could it be that this fella wouldn't feel like it happened to himself?

He will remember this!


That Lu Ze 2 was really strong.

He managed to kill so many strong beasts with just one move. His power must be at the Mortal Evolution State already.

Lu Ze lay in bed and knitted his brows, thinking back to the scene when hundreds of beasts worked together to attack him

Why did those beasts unite to attack him?

Those beasts were of different species and were all very strong. Usually, they would have a territory of their own, but they managed to gather so quickly—this was clearly premeditated.

Lu Ze rubbed his temples and felt his head hurt.

There would always be wicked people trying to harm him.

What did he do wrong?

He was just an innocent child. Why must he receive such unfair treatment?

Just at this moment, Lu Ze suddenly recalled the incident when the rabbit boss mistook him for Lu Ze 2.

Wait a minute!

He had a bold guess.

Could it be that all these beasts mistook his identity as well?

Or perhaps, Lu Ze 2 had stirred things up inside and became an arrogant figure. He was then besieged by the local tyrants, preparing to defy the natural order?

Lu Ze thought that this was a possibility too.

If it was true, then he was an innocent victim, right??

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He was dumbfounded. Life was already so hard.

Why did he have to suffer this injustice?

He silently noted down the enmity of all the beasts and planned to take revenge next time.

At this moment, the pain had subsided.

Lu Ze took a deep breath and sat cross-legged.

Although he was chased out by the boss the moment he went in, he still reaped quite a bountiful harvest.

A blue bird boss and over a dozen of ferocious beasts-he was quite satisfied with this harvest.

With that thought, Lu Ze was no longer upset and felt very pleased with himself.

He didn't think about the change in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] anymore and closed his eyes.

Cultivate, cultivate!

When he becomes stronger, he will let those bosses know the meaning of not discriminating against a poor young man!
