Chapters [305-306]

Chapter 305. Being Made a Fool by the Old Man


Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha walked over when Lu Ze and Lin Ling had finished their sparring session.

Seeing how upset Lin Ling was, Nangong Jing smiled and comforted her. "Alright, let's go out. There are still plenty of opportunities to spar in the future."

Lin Ling nodded helplessly.

The four people left Virtual Reality.

Subsequently, Lu Ze fed Yingying some red orbs as usual.

In the dimmed room, the starlight on the surface of Yingying's body was much brighter than before—it was a drastic change that could be noticed.

Nangong Jing took out a bottle of alcohol from her storage ring and took a few gulps then said, "I wonder when this little girl is going to wake up."

Qiuyue Hesha looked gently at Yingying who was sleeping soundly. "Hopefully soon."

Lin Ling smiled. "Compared to before, her starlight is much brighter now. The effects of the energy created by Ze's god art seems pretty good."

When Lu Ze heard that, he raised his brows and said proudly, "Of course, don't you know who I am?"

The three people rolled their eyes at Lu Ze.

After feeding Yingying, Qiuyue Hesha stretched and stroked her long pink hair. "Let's go down and eat."

Thanks to Lu Ze, even Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha had developed the habit of eating.

Lin Ling often complained to Lu Ze that because of him, everyone became foodies.

Lu Ze was proud of that. Wasn't it human nature to enjoy delicious food?

Although the Interstellar Era was plagued by crisis, humans' productivity was naturally stronger than that of the earth era. If they couldn't even eat under such good conditions, it would be too miserable. People should enjoy themselves while they can.

They went downstairs, and Lu Ze suddenly recalled something.

He turned to look at Nangong Jing. "Teacher Nangong, it is your 30th birthday today, right?"

When Nangong Jing heard his question, she stiffened up and spat out the alcohol in her mouth, landing right onto Lu Ze's face.

Lu Ze: "…"

He never thought that this woman's reaction would be so big. He became somewhat stunned now.

This woman actually spat on his face!

His mouth twitched as he wiped the alcohol off his face. When he was about to curse this woman, he suddenly felt something wrong in the atmosphere.

He lifted his head and noticed how Qiuyue Hesha and Lin Ling were looking at him. It was as though he couldn't be saved this time.

Then, both of them quietly moved away.

Nangong Jing clenched her teeth and gave Lu Ze an evil glare.

Lu Ze: "What…. What is it?"

Shouldn't you be happy on your birthday?

Lu Ze even wanted to ask this woman if she wanted a birthday gift, but he felt that maybe he should wait until his cultivation reaches a higher level, then he could give her a [Mortal Evolution State Red Orb] as a birthday gift.

When his cultivation reaches a higher level, the [Mortal Evolution State Red Orb] wouldn't be precious to him anymore, and he didn't have to spend any money. It would be great as a gift.

But this situation didn't seem quite right?

Lu Ze didn't say a word, and he felt a firm grip around his neck, a familiar pain appeared on his forehead again.

At the same time, Nangong Jing gritted her teeth and yelled, "I AM 18 YEARS OLD THIS YEAR!!!"

"It hurts! Hurts! 18 years old, 18 years old! Teacher Nangong Jing is 18 years old! I was wrong, please let me off."

Lu Ze was speechless. This woman was already in the Mortal Evolution State, what's the difference between being 30 years old and 18 years old??

He really didn't understand what was in the heads of women.

How many times had this woman beaten him up?

He almost lost count already.

Qiuyue Hesha and Lin Ling watched this scene without any expression.

Tsk, men

A woman's age is taboo, how could you be so direct?

If it were them, they would definitely teach Lu Ze a lesson too.

Nangong Jing let Lu Ze off when he admitted his mistake.

Lu Ze recovered after using [Regeneration God Art].

He was very pleased, [Regeneration God Art] was really useful.

At this moment, Nangong Jing asked suspiciously, "How did you know that it's my birthday today?"

Nangong Jing didn't recall telling him when her birthday was.

Also, she basically never celebrated her birthday after becoming a grown-up. After all, other than the old man, her family was very busy. If the old man celebrated her birthday with her, wouldn't he rush her to get married until her death?

If she was alone, she would just drink a good bottle of alcohol, and it was considered a celebration. She didn't expect that Lu Ze would know.

Lu Ze rubbed his forehead helplessly. "The old man messaged me last night."

He didn't know either, but last night, old man Nangong suddenly texted him and said that it was Nangong Jing's birthday.

What was the old man trying to do?

Assist in the attack?

Since he knew that it was this woman's birthday, he obviously couldn't pretend that he didn't know.

Furthermore, it was old man Nangong who personally sent him the message.

Hence, Lu Ze could only brace himself and ask this woman.

Nangong Jing: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

Qiuyue Hesha: "…"

After listening to Lu Ze's explanation, the atmosphere became awkward instantly.

Nangong Jing was fuming.

Being made a fool by that old man made Nangong Jing lose her temper. She could even imagine the old man's wretched smile at this moment.

Nangong Jing clenched her teeth and thought in her heart— 'Should I charge over to planet Jinyao and tear down that old man's house?'

This was too awkward.

Qiuyue Hesha and Lin Ling, who were watching the show from the side, looked sympathetically at Nangong Jing.

With this kind of old man, she was quite pitiful.

There was silence in the air, and Nangong Jing appeared to have given up as she rubbed her temples. "That's right, today is my birthday. What birthday gift are you going to give me?"

Lu Ze shook his head. "Nothing."

Nangong Jing: "…"

Lin Ling: "…"

Qiuyue Hesha: "…"

There was silence once again.

The three people looked strangely at the innocent-looking Lu Ze.

Nangong Jing clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. "So you just brought it up to stab my heart?"

He asked whether it was her 30th birthday the moment he opened his mouth. If he wasn't trying to stab her heart, what was it, huh??

When Lu Ze saw that Nangong Jing was about to explode in rage, he quickly exclaimed, "Wait! Teacher Nangong, put your fist down first and take a deep breath! Calm down!"

Nangong Jing grinned towards Lu Ze. "I'll give you a chance to form another sentence."

Lu Ze smiled. "Teacher Nangong Jing, see, you definitely have what I have and is not lacking in anything. I was thinking why don't you wait until I improve in my cultivation and give you a stronger [Red Orb] to cultivate, right?"

Nangong Jing was a little stunned when she heard that and didn't say anything.

Lu Ze felt somewhat embarrassed with Nangong Jing staring at him and spoke carefully. "Teacher Nangong Jing, are you alright?"

Could it be that this woman's fist was still itching?

Nangong Jing took a few gulps of alcohol then sighed and smiled at Lu Ze. "Your [God Art] energy is very precious, don't give it to me."

When Lu Ze heard what she said, he understood why she looked at him that way.

He smiled faintly. "Kindness is always returned tenfolds. I am good to someone on the premise that the person was good to me. Teacher Nangong, you've always been nice to me, and I certainly wouldn't be stingy toward you."

Whether it was on the battlefield or paying first to let him purchase the divine art, even teaching him every morning,

Nangong Jing may have a bad temper, but she was quite nice to him.

Of course, this was mainly because Lu Ze was talented and perhaps because of Uncle Merlin, but he cannot deny that Nangong Jing had helped him a lot too.

Since Nangong Jing was nice toward him, he obviously wouldn't be stingy with her.

Nangong Jing's eyes lit up when she heard what Lu Ze said, but she didn't say anything and merely looked at Lu Ze seriously.

Nangong Jing remained silent, so Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha naturally didn't say a word either.

Lu Ze felt a little uncomfortable with these three people staring at him-are they looking at some rare animal?

After some time, Nangong Jing finally patted Lu Ze's shoulder and laughed. "Give me that sort of energy now, then. It shall be my birthday present. I want to see if I could touch Yingying after refining—this would be the best birthday present for me."

Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha looked at Lu Ze and Nangong Jing with glistening eyes. There was actually this method?!

Even Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha wanted to touch Yingying, not just Nangong Jing, but they were too embarrassed to ask Lu Ze for energy. So they could only hold it in.

Qiuyue Hesha widened her eyes and looked at Nangong Jing in disbelief.


She was very jealous!

Lin Ling was very envious too.

When Lu Ze heard that, he gave Nangong Jing a strange look and didn't think further. "Alright."

With that said, he pulled out a blue bird boss' [Red Orb] and handed it over.

With his current power, he could kill the blue bird boss in seconds.

Lu Ze already had accumulated a number of its red orbs.

Nangong Jing reached out and took the [Red Orb], then sat cross-legged in the living room eagerly. "I'll absorb it first."

As she spoke, she placed the [Red Orb] into her mouth, closed her eyes, and focused.

Lu Ze and the other two people watched. The energy in the blue bird boss' [Red Orb] wasn't much for Nangong Jing, and Lu Ze wasn't worried that anything would happen to this woman either.

Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha were just curious.

They saw how much Lu Ze had improved in one month and were naturally more curious about Lu Ze's energy.

Right now, Nangong Jing was the first among them to use this [Red Orb].

In just a few minutes, Nangong Jing opened her eyes, and a tinge of happiness flashed in her eyes.

"How is it?" Three of them asked curiously. It was the first time Lu Ze let such a prodigy like Nangong Jing use it, he also wanted to know its effects.

Nangong Jing smiled. "Not bad."

She had some subtle loopholes in the early stage of the martial arts, even for herself, but this [Red Orb] actually covered up many of these loopholes!

Although it didn't have any effect on her current power, it increased her potential and broadened her path.

Right now, Nangong Jing finally understood why Lu Ze was so gifted.

So envious of this fella!

He actually had such an Awesome [God Art]!


Chapter 306. Ze Is the Most Handsome Guy in the World!


In the living room, Nangong Jing didn't mind the curious gazes of those three people and was still enjoying the sense of fulfillment she felt when the loopholes were filled just now.

At first, she just wanted to use the orb once and see if she could touch Yingying. After all, that [Red Orb] was very precious to Lu Ze, and she didn't want to owe him a favorshe was this fella's teacher.

However, right now, she couldn't bear to part with it. She aspired to be a female warrior who could protect the people, and this [Red Orb] could actually cover all her loopholes.

This way, she could go farther in her future. With such a good chance right before her, she obviously wanted it.

However, this was Lu Ze's [God Art], after all. If he didn't have enough for himself, he naturally couldn't give any to her.

Nangong Jing was at a loss as to what to do.

Although Nangong Jing was currently tangled, she was a carefree person, to begin with, and was relatively calm, so she didn't think too much about it.

Let it be, then. With this guy's character, if he really had some to spare, he would give them to her, right?

She recalled Lu Ze's smile and what he said just now about returning her kindness tenfold. Her eyes glistened, and she was in a pleasant mood.

This was such a precious thing, and this chap could bear to give it to her. She admired this character of his, which was why she kept helping him.

Otherwise, there was no use even if Lu Ze was more talented than this.

So what if he was the one that Uncle Merlin fancied?

She was Nangong Jing and would only befriend people she liked.

Qiuyue Hesha and Lin Ling had envious expressions on their faces after they heard what Nangong Jing said. Seemed like the effect was not bad, and they wanted to give it a try too.

After that, Nangong Jing stood up, and her body disappeared instantly, leaving only a cheery voice. "I'll go look for Yingying and try it."

Lu Ze and the others looked at each other and didn't follow her up the stairs.

After she went upstairs, Lu Ze and the other two people saw Nangong Jing's slender and fair hand stroking Yingying's little round face.

Lin Ling: "!!!"

Qiuyue Hesha: "!!!"

When both of them saw this scene, they immediately cast a looks of jealousy and envy at Nangong Jing.

Didn't expect that it would actually work!

After Nangong Jing used this sort of energy, she could actually touch Yingying!

At the side, Lu Ze immediately felt the grudging glares from two people. He looked over and realized that Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha were both staring at him without blinking.

Lu Ze: "…"

There was silence as the three people's eyes met.

Nangong Jing stopped what she was doing and looked at Lu Ze as well.

Although she had selfish motives, this was still up to Lu Ze, and she didn't have any reason to interfere.

After some time, Lu Ze rubbed his temples and said, "One for each person, no more than that. I still need them for my own cultivation."

Both Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha were quite nice to Lu Ze, and he simply couldn't stand their stares anymore. It felt like they were cats waiting to be fed.

At this moment, should he be singing "Always Too Soft-Hearted"?

Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha revealed a gleeful smile the moment they heard that and nodded continuously.

Lin Ling bit her bottom lips and glanced at Lu Ze without saying anything.

Initially, she was unhappy that Lu Ze didn't use his full power during the battle with her just now, but she wasn't upset at this time.

This [Red Orb] was very precious, and this chap actually gave it to her…

She reached out to take the [Red Orb] with glittering eyes and directly sat cross-legged on the floor without saying anything as she swallowed the [Red Orb].

The moment the orb went into her mouth, Lin Ling knitted her brows.

She wasn't as physically strong as Lu Ze and the [Red Orb's] energy was in Aperture Opening State. To Lin Ling, it was considered quite terrifying. She clenched her teeth, pushed through the pain, and began the refinement.

While on the other side, after Qiuyue Hesha received the [Red Orb], she paused for a moment and looked at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze was confused as he looked at Qiuyue Hesha. 'What is it, teacher Qiuyue?"

Qiuyue Hesha's red lips curved into a smile, her delicate and fair fingers brushed across Lu Ze's face, and her voice was slightly languid. "Little brother Lu Ze, I don't hate what you said to the violent mother dragon just now."

Even without using the [Charm God Art], Qiuyue Hesha's original aura had become very seductive and would tug at one's heartstrings due to the influence of the [God Art]. Her frown, smile, and watery eyes were simply a poison to any man.

Even for a steadfast man like Lu Ze, his heartbeat changed.

However, during this one month, Lu Ze had come into contact with this woman's [God Art], and his immunity was still quite strong.

Lu Ze rolled his eyes at Qiuyue Hesha. "Nice try, even if you praised me, I do not have any extras for you."

This woman was trying to seduce him, wasn't it?

Tsk, how naive!

Qiuyue Hesha smiled and didn't explain further. She simply went aside and sat cross-legged then swallowed the [Red Orb].

Lu Ze looked at Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha who were both sitting cross-legged on the floor, and his eyes glistened.

It seemed that other than the [Orbs] left behind by Lu Li and Alice, he could gradually get Lin Ling and the others to increase the production of [Red Orbs]. This way, they would be able to cultivate as well.

They were all very strong and with the [Red Orbs], they would definitely become amazing prodigies and compete with the top races in the universe.

Nangong Jing crossed her arms and glanced suspiciously at Lu Ze. "You said that this was my birthday gift, huh. Brat, are you so nice to every girl?"

Although she knew that this was Lu Ze's choice, when Lu Ze really gave the [Red Orbs] to Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha, she was still a little upset. This was her birthday gift, but those two got it as well.

Were they also celebrating their birthdays, huh?

Lu Ze was slightly embarrassed when he heard that. Seemed like he did say that it was this woman's birthday gift.

He scratched his head and smiled. "Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha wanted to touch Yingying too. I will give you another one next time."

When Nangong Jing heard that, she smiled and said, "You promised, so don't forget it."


Lu Ze nodded and cursed in his heart. 'Didn't this woman say that touching Yingying would be the best birthday gift, huh?'

'Why did it completely change now?' As expected, you cannot trust a single thing a woman says.

Of course, he only dared to keep these thoughts to himself.

A few minutes later, Qiuyue Hesha opened her eyes, and a tinge of shock flashed across her face. The effect of this energy was much better than she expected.

Although it didn't contain a lot of energy, it was very pure and could cover her loopholes. If there was enough energy, it would benefit her greatly.

No wonder the violent mother dragon acted so weirdly just now. She had clearly experienced this too.

When Lu Ze saw that Qiuyue Hesha had opened her eyes, he smiled and asked, "How is it?"

When Qiuyue Hesha, who was still in a slightly shocked state, heard Lu Ze's voice, she lifted her head and smiled with glistening eyes toward him. "Very awesome oh, it made big sister want more."

Lu Ze rolled his eyes at her. This woman wasn't afraid of letting other people get the wrong idea with the way she spoke.

Nangong Jing scoffed at this. "Tsk, vixen, you're actually using this method to get what you want."

Qiuyue Hesha smiled. "At least it's better than someone who doesn't have any charm, right?"

As she spoke, she raised her brows toward Lu Ze and revealed a gentle smile. "Little brother Lu Ze, do you need a girlfriend? What do you think of big sister? If you have more energy [Orbs] in the future, give it to big sister and not the violent mother dragon, alright?"

When Nangong Jing heard that, she was enraged. A gold light flashed in her eyes, and she clenched her fists. "Vixen, do you believe I will beat you up, huh!"

"Violent mother dragon, nobody would want someone as violent as you, right?" Lu Ze became speechless as he watched this scene.

"When I have extra [Red Orbs] next time, I will give it to you guys." As for the girlfriend part, Qiuyue Hesha was obviously joking.

This was how she was like anyway.

Qiuyue Hesha pouted when Lu Ze said that and didn't want to continue teasing Nangong Jing anymore, so she simply ran to Yingying's side and stroked her with glistening eyes.

Lu Ze was slightly speechless at this woman's actions. If the police were around, they wouldn't believe this person's explanation and would definitely think that she was a trafficker who abducted the little girl.

Nangong Jing scoffed coldly, crossed her arms, and didn't look at Qiuyue Hesha anymore.

Lin Ling was the weakest among them and took over an hour to digest this [Red Orb].

When she opened her eyes, she clearly had a stronger Aura.

She could feel the Aura in her body and couldn't resist smiling. The effect was amazing!

When Lu Ze saw that, he grinned. "What do you think? The effect is great, isn't it? Do you worship me now?"

The smile on Lin Ling's face froze, and she glared at him.

This fella actually used this sort of energy to cultivate—that was too unfair!

No wonder she could never catch up to this fella.

But when she remembered that this was his [God Art], Lin Ling wasn't pissed anymore. She really wanted it as well.

When Lu Ze saw that Lin Ling's originally cute little face was about to turn into a frown, he was in a very good mood.

He revealed a friendly smile. *Cough* *Cough* "Lin Ling, if you said 'Ze is the most handsome guy in the world,' I would give you more orbs in the future."

Lin Ling: "!!!"

She looked at Lu Ze in disbelief.

This bastard!

He actually wanted her to say something like this?!

That was too much!

She gritted her teeth. "Even if I died, even if I get eaten by space beasts, I will not speak against my conscience!"

Lu Ze smacked his lips doubtfully when he heard that. "Then… I am constantly becoming stronger and would definitely produce more next time, too bad…"

Lin Ling: "!!!"

She went silent after hearing Lu Ze's words.

If she didn't use the orbs, wouldn't she always be lagging behind this fella?

She really couldn't accept this…

Lu Ze looked at her perplexed expression. Naturally, he was enjoying it.

'This is bad, bullying this girl is super fun. Will I get addicted to it?'

'This is bad.'

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha were looking at Lu Ze in an indignant manner and wanted to help Lin Ling.

However, they were afraid that Lu Ze wouldn't give them any [Red Orbs] anymore.

So the two spineless women let him be.

Lin Ling…

It's not that we don't want to help you…

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha silently turned their heads in agony and didn't dare to watch this painful scene anymore.

After some time, Lin Ling gritted her teeth and stared at Lu Ze. "Ah… Ze is… the most handsome guy in the world!"
