Chapters [355-356]

Chapter 355. Mouth Is Quite Sweet


On the side, Qiuyue Hesha's and Nangong Jing's eyes lit up after hearing Lin Ling's words. They learned something valuable!

The two felt that in the future, maybe Lu Ze would flaunt his improvement to them as well. They should take note of this technique. If they learned this now, they could use it in the future!

Lin Ling narrowed her eyes and smiled after seeing how dazed Lu Ze was. She knew that this retard would definitely have a huge power spike after the solitary cultivation and would come to show off.

Although she was very envious, she had to guard her last bit of dignity!

At least, she needed to appear calm. Nangong Jing smiled. "Let's go cultivate."

At this time, Lu Ze could only nod dejectedly. He failed to show off. He instantly lost half of his excitement for cultivation.

At Nangong Jing's home, the four went to see Yingying first. There was a frown on Yingying's face. She didn't seem too happy.

Lu Ze smiled at her expression. "Does she want to eat?"

As soon as he said this, the three looked straight at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze: "…"

What she wanted to eat was probably [Red Orbs]. Under their gaze, he fed Yingying tens of [Red Orbs] to make up for the missing ones.

Immediately, Yingying's brows relaxed. Her little face was filled with joy. She was someone very important to them now. After feeding her, everyone came to enter the Virtual Reality.

On the wide stage, Lu Ze and Nangong Jing stood facing each other.

Lu Ze smiled. "Teacher Nangong, my improvement has been quite huge during this time."

Although he wasn't able to show off before, Lin Ling had to feel how strong he was now.

Nangong Jing's heart ached again. She and the fox demon already prepared themselves after sensing that strange [Lightning God Art] chi before. Luckily, they didn't waste these past ten days!

Nangong Jing grinned, revealing her clean white teeth. "Then, let me see how much you have improved."

Lu Ze nodded.

Subsequently, his eyes turned cold.

The [Wings of Wind and Lightning] appeared. His entire figure instantly turned into a beam of Green and Purple, disappearing from the spot. Thereafter, he appeared behind Nangong Jing. He clenched his fist with dark rays carrying a terrifying chi—even space ended up twisted.

Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha could sense the chi from the [Star Crippling Punch]. They widened their eyes. This [Star Crippling Punch] was indeed much stronger than the previous one.

Back then, its power was only at the Primary Stage of level two of the Mortal Evolution State, but now, it was near the Peak Stage of level two. At the Mortal Evolution State, even at the same level, the difference in power won't be small.

Usually, only those very talented prodigy could fight others who were beyond his level. Young dukes could usually fight those who were two to three levels above.

Of course, top-level young dukes, like the original Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha, could barely cross four levels. However, that was in the past.

The current Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha were much stronger. Before, their cultivation level might only be at level eight of the Mortal Evolution State. Still, they were confident in fighting beings at level one of the Planetary State.

Mortal Evolution State and Planetary State were two completely different concepts. To be able to fight a Planetary State as a Mortal Evolution State was something countless prodigies didn't even dare to imagine.

At this moment, Lu Ze's spirit force cultivation level was only around the Aperture Opening State with 400 Apertures, but he already had power at the Peak Stage of level two of the Mortal Evolution State. If this guy reached the mortal evolution state, then wouldn't he become too strong?

Lin Ling was quite envious. Her combat power was far from this level. Although her [Strength and Spirit Eye God Art] both became stronger, her combat power was still at level one of the Mortal Evolution State. It would take quite some time to reach this guy's level.

By then, he would probably become even stronger. Was she going to be weaker than him forever?

Nangong Jing smiled after sensing the terrifying force from his fists. Thereafter, her eyes went golden. She sidestepped and dodged the incoming fist force.

Following this, she quickly grabbed his wrist.

Lu Ze grinned. She underestimated him too much!

Watch his ambush attack!

Accordingly, Purple-Red Lightning flashed in his eyes. A small [Lightning Spear] appeared in the air. It instantly headed toward Nangong Jing's back.

When it was near Nangong Jing, she grinned. Her body instantly disappeared from the spot. At the same time, Lu Ze could feel his right wrist being caught and brought before the Purple-Red flow.

Lu Ze: "!!!"

He quickly used [Lightning God Art] to shift the direction of the [Lightning Spear] at the last minute.

The [Lightning Spear] went left-almost barely touching his chest. He was numbed a bit by the lightning, but at least, he didn't kill himself with his own [Divine Art].

Although this was his own [Divine Art], he would still probably die if he suddenly took the hit. That would be too embarrassing.

The alcoholic would definitely laugh at him.

Nangong Jing looked at that Purple-Red beam and was shocked.

Sure enough, the [Lightning God Art] was not ordinary!

What [Divine Art] was this?

She hadn't seen it before. However, Nangong Jing didn't think much about it. She would ask the kid later. Then, Nangong Jing appeared behind him and executed a punch."Eat my punch!"


Terrifying power came toward Lu Ze's waist. Upon sensing this, he flurried his wings, barely managing to dodge it. Did this alcoholic not know how important a man's waist was?

How dare she!

He was going to get revenge!

He would hit… *cough* … hit her stomach.

He quickly crossed out option one. He wasn't going to kill himself!

Lu Ze and Nangong Jing used similar powers. Under her tutelage and the sparring with Lin Ling, Lu Ze's technique at the moment was extremely strong.

The two traded blows evenly.

Nangong Jing's power was extremely domineering. Her [Movement Technique Divine Art] was extremely strong. It even felt like short-distance teleportation.

On the other hand, Lu Ze's god art and [Divine Art] weren't weak. He didn't have any weaknesses. This made it hard for Nangong Jing to find a breakthrough point.


After a few hundred clashes, the two retreated a few hundred meters away.

Nangong Jing looked at Lu Ze happily. "To be able to fight on par with me for so long. Kid, you have improved quite a lot."

Deep inside, Nangong Jing was actually extremely shocked. Lu Ze had only entered the university for four months.

In the beginning, he was easily abused by her. But now, he could fight on par with her when she suppressed her power to his level. How could she not be surprised by such progress?

Lu Ze grinned. He felt great, but he responded with a calm voice. "It is all because you taught me well."

Nangong Jing rolled her eyes, but she felt quite happy. This guy's mouth was sweet. Then, she grinned. "In that case, I'll teach you even better."

Lu Ze: "???"

Lu Ze didn't feel too good after hearing her words. "What do you want to do?"

Nangong Jing grinned. "Since I can't suppress you using the same power, I will use stronger power to teach you. Only then would you feel pressure?"


She could finally have the right reason to beat this kid up!

Lu Ze: "…"


He knew she was very evil!

He thought he could take a break.

Lu Ze rubbed his forehead, but he nodded.

What could he do?

If he didn't get beaten up now, how could he beat people up in the future?

Lin Ling's eyes flashed. She looked at Qiuyue Hesha. "Sister Hesha, let's begin too."

Seeing how strong Lu Ze was becoming, Lin Ling felt pressured.

Qiuyue Hesha smiled and nodded.


Chapter 356. Experienced Mastery [Lightning Spear]


When the four came out of the virtual reality, Lu Ze's face became lifeless while Nangong Jing looked very satisfied.

Lin Ling and Qiuyue Hesha laughed at his state.

After Nangong Jing's power increased, he was judged once again. His howl didn't stop at all on the stage.

Back in the living room, Nangong Jing lay on the couch, drinking alcohol contentedly. She looked curiously at him. "Ze, your cultivation level improved so much these few days."

His original cultivation level was merely at 200 Apertures, but in just ten days, it increased to 400 Apertures. This speed was too fast.

Qiuyue Hesha and Lin Ling looked over. They could see the change as well.

Lin Ling admired this a lot. This guy's cultivation level caught up to hers!

At this point, this guy surpassed her in all aspects.

In response, Lu Ze let out a smile. "My cultivation god art improved."

This was the reasoning he came up with before.

Nangong Jing had a look of realization. "In that case, the transformation of your [Lightning God Art] is also…"

He nodded. "Yes, it happened in these few days. The [Cultivation God Art] changed the [Lightning God Art]."

Qiuyue Hesha asked curiously, "What about the [Lightning Divine Art] just now?"

To this question, he explained, "I also learned that from my [Cultivation God Art]."

The three girls fell silent. They looked at him with green eyes. So envious. Based on their knowledge regarding Lu Ze, they knew this guy had no other way to get [Divine Arts].

The only possible source was this. They also wanted such [Cultivation God Art]!

Thereafter, they had a sudden thought. Since his energy could be given to other people, would it be the same case for his god art?

However, the three didn't ask. After all, the energy Lu Ze gave them was already very nice. They didn't even know how to repay him. How could they be shameless enough to ask this?

If Lu Ze really gave it to them, how could they repay him?

By marrying him?

That was not different from selling their bodies.

Later, Lin Ling went to cook while the other three chatted casually. After lunch, Lu Ze and Lin Ling went back to their respective dorms.

In the afternoon, he used the [Red Orbs] to cultivate.

Eventually, it became late. Following dinner, Lu Ze went into the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] once again. He breathed in the tall grassy plain and clenched his fists. He had finished devouring the lightning grounds. Now, it was time to fight the three overlords and the fat rabbit.

The [Wings of Wind and Lightning] appeared behind him. He darted into the sky, floating tens of kilometers above the ground. His powerful chi surged.


After sensing him release his chi without concern, the surrounding Aperture Opening State Beasts roared.

The roars traversed far.

Lu Ze smiled. Not even your boss dared to come to me alone, yet you guys are having fun?

It seems you guys don't know real terror. Purple-Red Lightning flashed in his eyes. At the same time, chi surged around him. Lightning with a sliver of red color burst out toward the surroundings.

"Die!" Lu Ze said calmly.

Subsequently, lightning shot out in all directions. He didn't use [Lightning Spear Divine Art] yet. He just simply relied on his [Lightning God Art].

The lightning stretched out more than a hundred kilometers. All the beasts in the area were shocked to dust. They crashed down from the sky.

Lu Ze sneered and said plainly, "You guys are too weak."

This was a true master!

His gaming experience felt great!

He was invincible.

While Lu Ze was so immersed in his thoughts, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the air in front of him. He could see black scaled claws and terrifying chi erupting. It was like a tsunami.

He opened his mouth. "Oh…"

Before he could finish, his vision went black.

When he recovered his sight, he was back in the room. It was very silent. He sat on the bed, feeling dazed. After a long while, he rubbed his forehead and didn't know what to say. Invincible?

No way.

Why did things turn out like this?

Couldn't death arrive at a later moment?

However, I had already died a few hundred times. I'm not going to fall due to this!

What doesn't kill me will only make me stronger!

Perhaps, he died too quickly that he didn't even feel pain. He closed his eyes and started learning the [Lightning Spear]. When it came to the [Blood Lightning], he discovered that even if he didn't intentionally learn it, it would still slowly evolve.

Hence, Lu Ze decided to learn the [Lightning Spear] first. Currently, his [Lightning Spear] was at a bottleneck and about to breakthrough. After using a [Purple Orb], his mind cleared up as he immersed himself in learning the [Lightning Spear].

Early the next morning, Lu Ze opened his eyes. A thin [Lightning Spear] appeared on his palm again. But compared to yesterday, it was more condensed and many times stronger!

Lu Ze smiled. He died quickly yesterday for the improvement of the [Lightning Spear] today!

A [Lightning Spear] with an experienced level of mastery allowed his offensive power to reach level three of the Mortal Evolution State!

He was confident he could kill the three overlords and that fat rabbit by now!

In the day, Lu Ze and Lin Ling still went to Nangong Jing's place to cultivate. In the afternoon, Lu Ze cultivated spirit force. Soon, it was night again.

After everything was prepared, Lu Ze took a deep breath and entered the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]. He flew to a high altitude and released his chi without concern. Just like yesterday, the Aperture Opening State Beasts started roaring again.


Purple-Red Lightning flashed. This time, no boss came to pass by. Wave after wave of beasts was directly turned to charcoal. Upon seeing one black tiger getting charred, Lu Ze sighed. Before, the black tiger boss gave him so much trouble.

Now, it couldn't even take one of his [Lightning God Art] attacks. Was he too strong?




At this moment, three roars occurred, and three terrifying chi rapidly neared Lu Ze.

Lu Ze grinned at this. They were finally here. He took back the [Lightning God Art] while the other Aperture Opening State Beasts shivered and fled. Soon, three huge figures appeared before him is the blue bird overlord, black tiger overlord, and gray dragon overlord.

They looked at him with bloodthirsty eyes.

However, he didn't mind this. Thereafter, he scanned the surroundings with his mental force. The fat rabbit didn't seem to be here?

Or was it hiding so it could ambush him?

Before Lu Ze could think any further, the three overlords unleashed terrifying attacks on him.

The blue bird howled, and countless wind blades appeared around it.

The gray dragon roared, and a gray energy ball with a diameter of several meters shot out.

The black tiger swung its claws, and a huge black spirit force claw swept toward him. He narrowed his eyes. It was good that the rabbit wasn't here. He would take them all out!

Just when Purple-Red Lightning flashed in his eyes, that familiar pain invaded his head once more.

Lu Ze's brows were tightly locked. That damned rabbit was hiding indeed!
