Chapters [397-398]

Chapter 397. So You're Like This, Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze?


Lin Ling noticed Chris's daughter's glance, but she didn't care about it. She was all too familiar with this glance. What was good about this retard?

If she knew that this retard was severely sad because he didn't get to eat good food, then, perhaps, her dream would shatter. However, this girl has suffered quite a lot, so Lin Ling didn't say anything about it.

Soon, Lu Ze took the group to Jian Wen and Chris.

The two professors were covered in wounds, lying unconscious on the ground.

The scientific research team around there also received some injuries, but such were negligible compared to Jian Wen's and Chris'. There were quite some defense force people around the two. Even Ling Dongyu and the others were here.

After all, Jian Wen and Chris were the main perpetrators of this incident.

Seeing their state, their family's faces lost their color once more. They just charged toward Jian Wen and Chris with teary eyes.

Lu Ze and Lin Ling had complicated expressions. They didn't know what to say. At this moment, Ling Dongyu and the rest saw Lu Ze and Lin Ling. They walked up to Lu Ze.

Lu Ze glanced at Jian Wen and Chris and asked, "They're fine, right?"

Ling Dongyu smiled. "They've been treated in time. They're just unconscious now. Next, they will be taken to court. We don't know how they will be judged."

Ling Dongyu felt bad. If their defense force protected their family members well, this situation wouldn't even happen. But since it already occurred, then there was no point saying such things.

Lu Ze nodded. He didn't know what to say in this situation as well.

The atmosphere fell silent.

At this point, Ling Dongyu grinned at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze: "???"

Why was this guy smiling at him like this?

Ling Dongyu suddenly bellowed, "Gracious System defense Force! Salute!"

His Mortal Evolution State voice filled the heavens and earth as he saluted to Lu Ze.

Bazer, Angelie, and old Yang saluted to Lu Ze too.

Subsequently, all the other soldiers, as well as the high-levels saluted to Lu Ze.

The ordinary soldiers looked at Lu Ze with fanatic admiration. Even Bazer and the rest looked at him with respect. This youth annihilated the Void Beasts all by himself. If Lu Ze wasn't here, they would suffer dire consequences.

Perhaps, the entire Solar System would be affected.

Now, although they sustained injuries, they weren't substantial.

Lu Ze, who forcefully annihilated the two Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts at Level six, was deeply imprinted in their brains.

On the other hand, Lu Ze felt a little awkward. There were so many people.

Still, Lu Ze seriously saluted back to all the soldiers. They weren't strong, but they were respectable human warriors.

Lu Ze smiled. "You guys don't need to be like this. I'm a lieutenant colonel after all."

It was just an honorary title, but he still had to do something since he had such a title.

Ling Dongyu smiled. "For the citizens on this planet and us who almost died, this salutation is well-earned."

Lu Ze then looked at Ling Dongyu solemnly. "In that case, Commander Ling, I have an important request."

Notice the seriousness in Lu Ze's demeanor, Ling Dongyu felt stunned, but he nodded firmly. "Your business is the business of the Gracious System's defense force. Please say it!"

It shouldn't be a small matter, seeing how serious Lu Ze's face was.

Nevertheless, Lu Ze helped them so much, so whatever it is, they should help with it. Everyone listened carefully. They must try their best to complete Lu Ze's request!

Lu Ze's eyes flashed with emotions. They were good people. He said, "When I leave, come with me to that shop in Xingzhan City that sells Xingzhan pancakes. I want to buy a few extra ones!"

Everyone: O_o ??

The tense atmosphere turned silent. Everyone was confused. What did Lu Ze say?

Did they hear it incorrectly?

Ling Dongyu smiled awkwardly. "Um, what did you just say?"

With a desperate voice, Lu Ze said, "I want to buy some extra pancakes from that shop, but it only sells one per person."

Everyone was rendered speechless.

Deep inside they thought, 'Did you need to be so serious about food?'


The eyes of several people from the defense force suddenly lit up. They recalled Lu Ze's anguished face when he was in the air. They compared it to the face he just made.

The percentage of similarities was 99.2831%… Was it because of this reason?!

So you're like this, Lieutenant Colonel Lu Ze?!


Essentially, he killed the three Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts so violently and then annihilated the rest of the Void Beasts so rapidly because the Xingzhan Fruit Forest was obliterated?

Thinking about this, the defense force people felt Lu Ze's great image crumbling at this instant.

Lin Ling saw this and silently looked away. She wanted to laugh, but she had to hold it in!

Lu Ze asked hopefully, "How is it? Commander Ling? Can it be done?"

Ling Dongyu: "…"

He took a deep breath and smiled. "No problem! How many do you want?"

Lu Ze answered, "3, no… 4, no… 10!"

Ling Dongyu nodded. "No problem! 10, right? I'll definitely get them for you."

Lu Ze's eyes lit up. He could eat 10!


At this moment, Lin Ling smiled. "In that case, I want to try too. Could you please get 10 for me as well?"

Ling Dongyu: "…"

He looked at Lin Ling with confusion. She seemed to be curious about something. In conclusion, she probably wanted to taste them. He felt relieved. It was a good thing that Lin Ling was still normal.

At this moment, a roar could be heard from the distance.

A powerful Level five Mortal Evolution State chi was approaching the battlefield. "Hold on defense force, I'm here!"

By this time, a flying mission ship landed from the sky. Two figures exited from it. One was a Level six Mortal Evolution State while the other was a Level seven Mortal Evolution State.

The three looked at the battlefield and saw the piles of Void Beast bodies. They couldn't help but widen their eyes. They were the Mortal Evolution States nearby.

As such, they headed over as quickly as they could. One of them was on the Gracious Planet, but that was more than 300,000 kilometers from here. He did his best to cross the distance shortly.

The other two were on the neighboring planets.

Likewise, they brought their ship using the maximum speed possible. Yet, the moment they had arrived, the could only find dead bodies over here. Who was so fast?


Chapter 398. The Federation Has a Monster


The three, exchanging glances with each other, could only look at the bodies of the Void Beasts on the ground.

Theoretically, they should be the fastest bunch, but someone came even faster than them. They turned their gaze at the gathered defense force and said, "Let's go over and see."

They flew down toward the defense force.

Seeing this, Ling Dongyu smiled. "Thank you three for coming over to back us up so quickly."

Although Lu Ze had dealt with all the void beasts, these three still went here swiftly. Hence, they should be thanked as well.

One golden-haired middle-aged man revealed a smile. "Commander Ling, you're too polite, we didn't come early. The Void Beasts had all been cleaned up."

He was the strongest of the three, reaching Level seven of the Mortal Evolution State. To be honest, they felt a little unsatisfied.

Ultimately, there would be federal contribution points rewards after completing such emergency reinforcement missions. They thought they could earn some points this time, but upon arriving, all they saw was the ground littered with bodies. This felt hard to accept.

They glanced at all the bodies and eventually stopped at two quite enormous bodies. Didn't they say there was only one Mortal Evolution State at Level six?

There were actually two instead?

The three looked through everyone at the scene. After all, the person who can beat their speed and eradicate all the void beats wouldn't be weak at all.

He should at least have a Level seven Mortal Evolution State combat power. They didn't know that Lu Ze fought them without considering energy expenditure. His real combat power was just around Level six of the Mortal Evolution State.

When they saw the two unconscious men, they had guessed that those two were Jian Wen and Chris. Anger and worry flashed in their eyes. It was a good thing the bomb was faulty.

Otherwise, if Planetary State Void Beasts came over, it would endanger the entire Solar System.

At the same time, they looked at Lu Ze and Lin Ling. They knew about the two a little. People at their level were very busy, but they still heard about Lu Ze, who was so famous in the Federation right now.

Did they come to help too?

It's said that Lu Ze's combat power had reached the Mortal Evolution State, right?

The three looked at Lu Ze, and they had a glimmer in their eyes. His cultivation level was probably at the extreme of Aperture Opening State, wasn't it?

Even they had to respect Lu Ze for reaching the Mortal Evolution State combat power at such age and cultivation level. This kid would surpass them soon, wouldn't he?

Even the short-haired girl seemed to be around aperture opening state with 600 Apertures.

Comparatively, they were all over a hundred years old. But…

Why did Lu Ze smile so happily?

His smile seemed to contain some naivety. They didn't think much. Perhaps, he gained a lot out of the Void Beast tide?

However, Lu Ze probably didn't kill the Level six Mortal Evolution State Void Beast. This wasn't practical. But other than the people here, they didn't find another powerful being. Did he leave already?

The bulky man, who bellowed back then, asked, "Where is the person who killed the two Mortal Evolution State Beasts at Level six? Did he leave?"

The other two looked over as well. Didn't this guy leave a bit too fast?

Everyone else froze at the question, looking at the three strangely. That person was right here.

Lu Ze thought those three could figure out it was him. That's why they stared at him for so long. Now, it seemed they didn't guess it at all. Why were they looking at him like this then?

He felt embarrassed.

The bulky man also noticed that the atmosphere wasn't right. He just asked a question, so why was everyone looking at him like that?

Was this person so powerful that he couldn't even ask?

The golden-haired man and the mature beautiful woman also frowned.

At this moment, Ling Dongyu pointed awkwardly at Lu Ze. "Umm… it was Lu Ze who killed the Void Beasts."

"… what?"

The three looked dazedly at Ling Dongyu and then at Lu Ze. He must be joking, right?

They don't question that Lu Ze was very powerful, but to lie to them and say that Lu Ze could kill two Mortal Evolution State Beasts at Level six was absurd.

If Lu Ze could kill Level three or Level four Mortal Evolution State Beasts, they could still barely accept it. After all, this was acceptable for a prodigy at the level of a young duke.

Lu Ze was stronger than ordinary young dukes, so fighting four levels beyond was giving Lu Ze enough credit. But, how could they believe what Ling Dongyu said?

Ling Dongyu expected such reactions. After all, if he didn't witness the scene, he wouldn't believe it either.

He then smiled and said affirmatively, "You didn't hear it incorrectly, and we're not tricking you. It was really Lu Ze who killed both the Level six Mortal Evolution State Void Beasts. He pretty much killed all the Void Beasts here."

The three people: "Really?".

"Really! I swear on my honor!"

The atmosphere went awkward, and the three looked at Lu Ze like he was a monster. He had such power before even reaching the Mortal Evolution State. There was a monster in the Federation. They could imagine just how bright Lu Ze's future was.

Perhaps even…

With Lu Ze's talent, he might not be able to compete with the top prodigies of the elf race, but maybe, he was on par with the stronger ones?

Even the most talented young dukes could, at most, barely compete with the ordinary prodigies of the elf race. But just how many ordinary prodigies did the entire elf race have?

Hundreds of thousands?

They were a powerful race that had a Cosmic Realm State after all. However, looking at Lu Ze, they seemed to have seen an extremely sliver line of hope. They could feel their blood boiling while thinking about this.

Such a prodigy could perhaps lead the human race further.

Lu Ze could only scratch his head due to their strange expressions. He wanted to keep a low profile, but his power didn't allow him to.
