[Chapter 1133-1134]

>Chapter 1133: Arrival Of The Elf Race<


The next morning at Planet Shenwu, Xu Bingbai and Liu Zhiyun were waiting for something in the empty underground cave.

At this moment, a Silver Light flashed and over ten tall figures appeared.

The one at the front seemed a bit old. His Chi was still very dominant.

It was the Barbarian Race leader.

There were also Man Dali and some other elders, as well as Man Kun, and Man Xiu.

Xu Bingbai greeted them and grinned. "Elder Man Wu, long time no see."

Man Wu studied Xu Bingbai and sighed. "I didn't expect you, little kids, to have grown to this level."

He remembered Xu Bingbai was still very young when he came to seek an alliance with the Barbarian Race.

It had only been a thousand years, and they had already reached the Cosmic Cloud State. He couldn't see through their power anymore.

Xu Bingbai grinned. "Haha, we were just lucky."

Man Wu smiled. "It's indeed a stroke of huge luck for your Race to have Ze. That kid helped us solve the Insectoid crisis last time. We didn't even get to thank him properly. Where is he?"

Xu Bingbai smiled and said, "They're having breakfast, probably."


Man Wu laughed it off. "I saw that Ze seemed to enjoy good food, so we brought over some specialties."

Xu Bingbai smiled. "Then, I'll thank you, for Ze. He should be very happy."

Man Wu nodded and looked around. "Are the Winged and Round Race not here, yet?"

Xu Bingbai smiled and said, "They should be here soon."

At this moment, two more Silver Lights lit up.

The other two Races had arrived. A white-haired old man, leading the Winged Race while the Round Race all looked the same pretty much.

They also brought their elders and prodigies.

The allies greeted each other.

Then, the Winged Race leader asked, "Xu, you kid, did those Races arrive?"

Xu Bingbai smiled and said, "They will probably arrive in the next few days just like the Elf Race."

Hearing the words, Man Wu smiled and looked at Xu Bingbai. "Young Xu, thank you for this time."

The others also looked at Xu Bingbai gratefully.

This huge gathering would be attended even by the Elf Race. There were many Peak Cosmic Cloud State Races. They were the only Cosmic System State Races.

They had no right to attend such gatherings, but the Human Race didn't forget their past relationship and invited them over.

It would be a huge benefit to their development.

Xu Bingbai grinned. "What are you talking about, Elder Man Wu? When the Human Race was weak, we wouldn't have today if you three Races didn't help. Therefore, of course, we won't forget about you."

Man Wu laughed. "Hahaha! I knew I saw right! Becoming allies with the Human Race was the most right decision I have made!"

Xu Bingbai smiled slightly.

"Since everyone is here, let's go out. I've arranged residences for you all."


In the next few days, Cosmic Cloud State Race fleets were coming incessantly. Many Races weren't invited but came.

After all, the Milky Way wasn't closed off. They could come whenever they wanted.

After the Elf Race announced forming an alliance with the Human Race, their name has spread across the entire East Region.

As more and more aliens came in, the Milky Way Galaxy became busy. All prosperous Systems had visitors.

The citizens were very proud.

Before, there were barely any visitors, but now, there were so many.

Lu Ze and the girls had been cultivating, as usual, these few days.

They did greet Man Kun and the rest. They took them out on trips and meals.

The Barbarian Race had tastes similar to the Human Race while the Winged Race liked more light foods and preferred more Spirit Fruits.

The Round Race wasn't used to the Human Race foods.

After going around for the entire afternoon, Man Kun and the rest gave Lu Ze a large pile of Spirit Foods and materials.

It filled up more than ten storage rings.


Three days later, the Crystal and Golden Spear Race came.

Fred, Yi Lei, Mirium, and Cagel also came.

Lu Ze and the girls greeted them again.

Lu Ze brought Man Kun and the rest of the soldiers to introduce as well.

Man Kun's and the rest of his soldier's cultivation level was ordinary to Fred's group, but their talent wasn't far off.

They were just born in a different environment.

With their status, they wouldn't judge beings purely on cultivation level. Since they were Lu Ze's friends, they showed plenty of faces to Lu Ze.

Fred's group also knew Lu Ze's hobby and made their Races prepare quite some good food.

Lu Ze harvested another round of storage rings.

He felt great.

Five days later, their door was knocked.

Alice opened the door and saw Zuoqiu Xunshuang there. "Auntie Xunshuang, what brought you here? Do you want to come to have breakfast?"

The group hadn't seen her for a long time.

Zuoqiu Xunshuang looked, rolled her eyes, and said, "Not yet. The Elf Race is here. Come greet them with me."


>Chapter 1134: Elf Princess<


Lu Ze asked in surprise, "The Elf Race is here?"

Zuoqiu Xunshuang looked and nodded. "Yes, the news came from the Elders. The Elf Race ship is at the border. You should hurry over. After all, you're the closest to them, and they're only forming an alliance with the Human Race because of you. So you have to be there."

Lu Ze nodded. "Okay. Let's go then."

Lu Ze looked at the breakfast he only ate a little with pity, and then, he disappeared from the spot with the girls.

At the Milky Way border, there were numerous Space Stations.

One of them was cleared empty.

The Four Elders, as well as the High levels of the Human Race, were already waiting there.

Soon, the Elf ship would be flying over. The four Elders had already seen the Queen before, but Lin Yan and the other high officials were quite nervous.

This was their first time coming in close contact with the Elf Race. They were the Overlords of the Elf Cosmic Realm.

At this moment, Lu Ze and the girls came over.

Nangong Jing waved to them. "Why did you only come now?"

Lu Ze rolled his eyes seeing how tense the atmosphere was. They came to the Elders and waited quietly.


A few minutes later, a luxurious green ship came above the Space Station under the leadership of a Human ship. Then, the Elf ship slowly landed.

The Elders and the others tensed up.

At this moment, the door opened, and more than ten figures came out.

The leader was the Elf Queen whom Lu Ze had seen last time.

Behind her was an female Elf wearing luxurious long robes. She had long crisp green hair and extreme beauty. She was on par with the Elf Queen.

However, her temperament was a little more immature and less dominant.

Behind the two were two more Elf cosmic realm states.

Anton and the others were behind them.

All the other Humans were stunned upon seeing the beauty of the Elf Queen.

The Queen had led the Elves over.

Elder Nangong poked Lu Ze and greeted them with the other Elders.

"Welcome to our Race, Your Majesty. Your arrival really brings glory to our Race."

Lu Ze smiled. "Welcome, Your Majesty."

Then, he looked at the female Elf.

This girl… is so pretty… no! So strong!

Lu Ze realized he couldn't even see through her cultivation level. He could see through the majority of Peak Cosmic Cloud States now.

Clearly, she wasn't a Peak Cosmic Cloud State. She was a Cosmic Realm State Elf.

The Elf Race was terrifying.

So far, he had seen six in total.

Lu Ze didn't believe they wouldn't have more. No wonder they could take such a large portion of territory.

This female elf also looked at Lu Ze. Her eyes flashed with curiosity before she nodded at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze was dazed. Was he that charming?

Even a Cosmic Realm State Elf girl fell in love with him at first sight?

But no! He already had wives!

Lu Ze nodded calmly and then looked away. Only then did those cold glances behind him stop.

Lu Ze breathed easy.

The Elf Queen smiled. "Elder Nangong, sorry for disturbing you."

Elder Nangong smiled and said, "No, not at all. Please come with me. We've already prepared residences for everyone. After we go through our welcome ceremony, we'll take the Queen to understand the situation of our Race."

The Queen nodded. "Thank you, Elder Nangong."

The Queen personally came this time to discuss the alliance and understand more about the Human Race.

Although they were intending to ally with them due to Lu Ze's group and their background, they still needed to have a better understanding.

Then, they tore through Space and came to Earth.

This was the political center.

They came to a forest region on Earth.

They were surrounded by trees that were hundreds to over a thousand meters tall. There were quite some exquisite constructions carved on the wood.

Elder Nangong smiled. "We've been lucky to go to the Elf Race once. We saw the houses there so we made some here. Although it can't compare with the ones in the Elf Race, I hope Your Majesty won't mind."

The Queen smiled. "Thank you for your effort, Elder Nangong. I'm quite pleased."

The Elders felt relieved.

Elder Nangong smiled and said, "In that case, please have a rest. I'll take you around our Race tomorrow and have a gathering at night?"

The Queen smiled slightly. "Since Elder Nangong already made the arrangements, we'll do that."

She looked at the female Elf and then at Lu Ze's group. "Ze, this is our Elf Princess, Lily. If you don't mind, please take her around?"

Lily smiled at Lu Ze. "Lu Ze, I've long heard of your name."

Lu Ze smiled. "You praise me too much, Princess Lily. You are so young, but you've reached the Cosmic Realm State. It makes me ashamed of myself."

He then said to the Queen, "Understood, Your Majesty."

Lu Ze smiled at Lily. "Let's go."

They tore open Space and left.
