[Chapter 1149-1150]

>Chapter 1149: Don't Come Over!!<


Lu Ze took a deep breath. He immersed himself in learning.

In just an hour, Lu Ze reached Beginner Mastery. He didn't stop there.

Five hours later, he reached Familiar Mastery.

A day later, he reached Experienced Mastery.

On the fourth day, intense Green Light flowed from Lu Ze. Life force seeped out from his body. He opened his eyes.

In these four short days, he had reached Perfect Mastery for this [Divine Art].

Lu Ze didn't dare to believe it himself either. This speed was unreal!

But Lu Ze and the girls knew that if he didn't reach [Domain Level Mastery] for [Life God Art], and this [Divine Art] was only [Cosmic System State Divine Art], as well as all the things he used and the environment he was in, there was no way he could do it that fast.

Lu Ze grinned. Just thinking about how Lily spent all those years and was only at Familiar Mastery, he felt embarrassed.

Lu Ze calmed himself down. He wanted to test the results first.

Lu Ze lifted his hand. Green Wind formed Sharp Wind Blades.

He sliced his hands with them. A faint blood mark appeared.

Lu Ze's mouth twitched. He had already intentionally weakened his defenses, and this Wind Blade still only cut his skin. But this was enough.

Just when Lu Ze was about to use the [Divine Art], the wound already healed.

Lu Ze was speechless.


His [Regeneration God Art] was super strong too.

What should he do? Should he throw a [Fire Ball] at himself?

He couldn't do it here, could he?

What if he blew this Medium-grade Dao Enlightenment Room apart. Therefore, Lu Ze could only decide to test it at the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] later.

He checked the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]. It could be entered now. Therefore, Lu Ze chose to go in.

He appeared and checked on the girls' situation. They were still learning [Divine Art].

Nangong Jing and Qiuyue Hesha were learning [Life Blossom Divine Art]. Judging based on the [Runes] around them, they were probably at the Experienced Mastery.

This speed was very fast. After all, their [Life God Art Mastery] was less than Lu Ze's.

It would greatly impact learning [Divine Art].

Lu Ze even wondered if they could reach Perfect Mastery of the [Divine Art] with their current [Life God Art Mastery].

Lu Ze thought about it and looked at Lin Ling, Lu Li, and Alice. Then, he found that they were also learning [Divine Art].

Lu Ze gasped.

It seemed he was about to enter the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] alone.

Lu Ze found that he hadn't gone alone for a long time.

Lu Ze shook his head and chose to enter. He concealed his Chi and looked around for prey. His Mental Force scan was far weaker than Lin Ling's [Spirit Eye].

He missed Lin Ling already.


Half an hour later, Lu Ze found a Beast.

It was a Level-5 Cosmic System State Fire Wolf. It was lying under a rock, resting.

Lu Ze's eyes lit up. This Beast's attack was quite strong. If he doesn't defend seriously, it should be able to break his defenses.

Perfect, he could test his newly learned [Divine Art] now.

Lu Ze looked at the Wolf, and the Wolf seemed to have sensed this. It jumped up from the ground and looked around.

Lu Ze charged at it.

The Wolf roared at Lu Ze as though trying to threaten him, but Lu Ze ignored it and kept flying towards the Fire Wolf.


Flames spun around the Wolf as it charged at Lu Ze.


Streams of Flames shot at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze only wore Combat Armor and just stood there. The [Red Flames] engulfed Lu Ze.

The Wolf's eyes flashed with contempt. What stupid animal was this?

After the Fire was gone, Lu Ze's skin was burnt crisp. Right now, even a star couldn't burn his hair. However, his [Self-regeneration God Art] was already running.

His injuries were healing rapidly.

Lu Ze's face changed. He quickly used [Life Blossom].

A Green Light flashed. When the light disappeared, Lu Ze's hair grew out again. He moved a little, and the charred skin fell off.

The Fire Wolf gasped.

Lu Ze frowned.

This injury was too light. He just used [Life Blossom], and it had pretty much healed. He couldn't feel the effect of this [Divine Art].

Lu Ze kept flying towards the Fire Wolf.

The Wolf shot huge [Fire Balls] at Lu Ze.

Lu Ze didn't dodge. A few hundred [Fire Balls] buried him.


The entire sky was covered by the Fire of explosions.

The Fire Wolf barraged for half a minute and only stopped when its Chi was a lot weaker.

When the Fire was gone, Lu Ze was revealed. His left hand was broken, and parts of his exposed body were charred. It was painful but still better than dying.

He used [Divine Art], and in a second, he had completely recovered.

Lu Ze grinned. With [Life Blossom] and [Super Rapid Regeneration], he would be able to heal any injuries in a second.


>Chapter 1150: Lucky King Today<


The Fire Wolf wanted to run.

Lu Ze grinned. Keep dreaming!

He instantly appeared next to the Fire Wolf.

The Fire Wolf howled and wanted to resist.

Lu Ze expanded his [Fire God Art Domain]. Immediately, the Fire around the Wolf dissipated. Fire spun on Lu Ze's right leg as he kicked towards the Fire Wolf.


He kicked heavily on the Wolf's waist, and the Power surged into its body.

The Fire Wolf fell back as blood poured out from its mouth. Its body twisted into an eerie arc.


The Wolf crashed into a crater in the desert.

Lu Ze looked at the [Drops]. There were the usual [Liquids], a [Red God Art Orb], and a [Red Crystal].

Lu Ze's eyes flashed with a sliver of surprise. His luck was so good today.

The first monster he killed gave him an [Equipment Crystal]?


Lu Ze happily picked things up and left.

Six hours later, Lu Ze was flying in the desert and searching for prey with his Mental Force. He had killed quite some beasts during this time, including a Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State Yellow Serpent.

Other than the usual stuff, he got a [Summoning Crystal]. There was nothing else good.

Lu Ze wanted to get some [Summoning Crystals] actually, especially those like Level-6 and above Cosmic Cloud States. By then, they would have enough cards to enter the Xavier Ancient Ruins.

If only he could encounter two Super Bosses fighting...

Lu Ze gasped.


An explosion sounded far away.

Lu Ze suddenly turned towards the direction of the sound.

Golden Light and Red Flames painted the sky gold and red. A shockwave spread in all directions. Even at Lu Ze's position, he felt this Violent Power.


Far away, weak beasts were fleeing from the battlefield.

He was really lucky today. He was just thinking about Super Boss battles.

Lu Ze slowly moved towards the battlefield.

As he neared, the pressure grew stronger.

Even Lu Ze felt some pressure. He could tell that the beasts fighting weren't Overlords, but their Power was very strong.

At least, they were much stronger than him.





Two figures clashed in the air incessantly. There were after images everywhere in the sky.

Seeing this, Lu Ze quickly concealed his Chi and stopped moving forward. He hid carefully in the Sand and looked at the battle with excitement.

They were Level-7 Cosmic Cloud State Golden Lightning Eagle and Ruby Scorpion!

Two Super Beasts!

This was great. He was truly a lucky king today!

'When they were both injured, hehe~'

The battle grew more and more intense. Blood fell from the sky from time to time.

Moments later...


There was another clash, and the Golden Lightning Eagle fell back. It howled painfully.

The Scorpion kept forming [Fire Balls] around it and smashed at the Eagle.

Lu Ze frowned. This Super Golden Lightning Eagle was a bit noob. They were both Level-7 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beasts.

The Golden Lightning Eagle Overlord could fight one against two—the Fire Bird and Ice Bird Overlord. At this rate, it was unlikely they would both be heavily injured.

Even if the Ruby Scorpion killed the Eagle, it would still have quite some power remaining.

Thinking about this, Lu Ze frowned.

The battle continued.

The Scorpion unleashed [Fire Balls] at the Eagle like crazy.

In a short moment, the Eagle was struck many times again. It was covered in wounds and getting weaker.

The Scorpion was also a little weaker but was in a much better state than the Eagle.

Lu Ze raised a brow. It can't continue like this. He thought about it and had a bold idea.

It might not work, but if it fails, he will be dead. However, Lu Ze made up his mind and disappeared from the spot. He appeared a hundred kilometers from the Scorpion.

[Fire God Art Domain]!

The fire sea reached the Scorpion, and the few hundred [Fire Balls] around it suddenly disappeared into the Sea.

The Scorpion was stunned. It sensed that it couldn't use [Fire God Art] and [Divine Art] anymore. It roared. It looked at Lu Ze immediately. Its eyes were full of killing intent.

Lu Ze's body went cold.

A Level-7 Cosmic Cloud State Super Beast would be able to slap him to death just with its Body and Spirit Force. He quickly fled.


The Scorpion wanted to chase, but at this moment, the Eagle was able to catch its breath. It shot dozens of Golden Lightning Balls at the Scorpion.

The Scorpion had to turn around.

Lu Ze saw this and couldn't keep using his [Domain] to suppress the Scorpion. After all, he was too close. All these Lightning Balls might kill him just with the shockwave.

Lu Ze disappeared off into the distance.

The moment Lu Ze disappeared, the Scorpion sensed it could use [Fire God Art] and [Divine Art] again. It formed a Red Shield and wanted to defend.

The Eagle kept shooting Lightning Balls at the Scorpion not giving it any chance to breathe.

The Scorpion's Chi started to quickly weaken.


At this moment, the Scorpion's Chi suddenly shot up. The Scorpion charged out the Golden Lightning Sea. It seemed pitiful.

Its right pincer was cracked, and its body was cracking up. Lava-like blood was flowing out from it.

The Scorpion's Chi rapidly dropped and became weaker than the Eagle. It didn't hesitate to flee away.

The Eagle wasn't going to let him go. It chased up towards the Scorpion instantly and scratched at the Scorpion's back.


Golden Lightning went into its wounds, making the Ruby Scorpion's Chi drop again.

The Scorpion planned to use [Fire God Art] and fight with its life.
