[Chapter 1183-1184]

>Chapter 1183: [Battle Will Seed]<



Just as they were about to attack, the Tower of War suddenly glowed with Green Light.

Everyone was stunned again and looked at the Tiger.

The Green Light shone brighter and brighter until covering the entire War Domain.

Lu Ze was ready to use the [Level-9 Cosmic Cloud State Super Serpent Summoning Crystal] at any time and also use the cultivation level increasing [Crystal].

At this moment, a robotic voice sounded. "The Tower of War has opened, the trial has been activated. Everyone enters the trial."

Hearing this, everyone was startled.

Lu Ze felt the surrounding Space fluctuate, and they appeared in this extremely wide space.

Was this the trial? Was he the only one?

Was the ranking on the leaderboard related to this?

At this moment, that robotic voice spoke again. "Trial begins."

A humanoid figure suddenly appeared a few hundred kilometers ahead. He was two meters tall and covered in Green Armor.

Even his face was covered in armor, and all that could be seen was a pair of green eyes. He held a long spear and looked very similar to that statue.

Its cultivation level was Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State. Before Lu Ze could react, the warrior burst into the Green Light and charged forward.

He instantly appeared before Lu Ze and stabbed his spear towards Lu Ze's heart.

Lu Ze didn't even use Spirit Force and just slapped the spear away and kicked the soldier.


The soldier was kicked out and exploded in the air.

Lu Ze sighed.

This soldier was a little weak. He was the same as an ordinary Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State. His Spear Will, [God Art] and Spirit Force quality were also very weak.

"First round passed, reward, five Green Hill Fruits."

Five Green Hill Fruits suddenly appeared before Lu Ze. He just beat an ordinary Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State, and he got five?

Lu Ze happily took them.

"Second round commencing."

This time, ten of the same soldiers appeared. Their power was still the same, but the number was tenfold. They charged towards Lu Ze.

Lu Ze kicked them all away.

"Second round passed, reward 10 Green Hill Fruits."

Lu Ze picked them up again.

"Third round commencing."

There was no time to rest at all.

It was one soldier again. His cultivation level was still Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State, but his Spear Will was much stronger. His Chi was also much stronger.


His Spear tore through space and instantly arrived before Lu Ze.

Lu Ze dodged and kicked this soldier.


The soldier fell back. It was covered in cracks but didn't disappear.

Lu Ze raised a brow. He appeared before the soldier and kicked.

The second kick destroyed the soldier.

"Third round passed, reward the acquired five Blue Star Herbs."

"Fourth round commencing."

Ten of the same soldiers appeared.

Lu Ze kicked them all to death and acquired 10 Blue Star Herbs.

Fifth round…

Sixth round…

In every round, the soldier's cultivation level was Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State, but their Combat Power increased by quite a bit.

Lu Ze beat them all with just [Body God Art].

When he was at the ninth level, the soldier's cultivation level had risen to Peak Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State. The Spear was extremely intense.

Lu Ze didn't use any defenses and let the soldier stab him with the Spear.

It even penetrated his skin!

Just his body without [Body God Art] and Spirit Force was already extremely strong in defense. He was confident in fighting Level-4 Cosmic Cloud State just with his body.

Lu Ze easily crushed the soldier with a few punches and acquired a Spirit Essence Fruit. It could be used to increase cultivation level or recover lost Spirit Force.

The 10th round was 10 of those 9th round soldiers. They were no threat to Lu Ze naturally.

Lu Ze killed them all and acquired three Spirit Essence Fruits.

By the 11th round, the soldier had reached Level-4 Cosmic Cloud State. This time, the soldier also had some Battle Intent.

The Battle Intent fused into the Spear Will.

Even Lu Ze felt a sliver of pain.


The soldier attacked, and before the Spear even hit Lu Ze, he experienced some painful sensation. He frowned and used Spirit Force.

He dodged the charge and slapped the soldier to death.

12th round…

13th round…

Lu Ze kept killing the soldiers easily. He would get rewards every round from Spirit Fruit, Spirit Items to serums, [Runes], [Formations], weapons, and equipment.

As the difficulty increased, the rarity of the rewards also increased.

The 11th to 20th round was a Level-4 Cosmic Cloud State.

The 21st to 30th round was a Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State.

The 31st to 40th round was a Level-6 Cosmic Cloud State.

Every ten rounds, the soldier's cultivation level would increase by a level, and their Sword Intent, as well as the Battle Intent, increased too.

Lu Ze even began to slowly use [God Art] later on.

At the 51st level, the soldier was Level-7 Cosmic Cloud State, and his Spirit Force was very intense.

The soldier charged at Lu Ze again.

Lu Ze spun in the Wind and disappeared from the spot. A [Red Fire Ball] appeared on his hand and smashed at the soldier.

The [Red Flames] engulfed the soldier.

"51st round passed, reward, one [Primary-Grade Battle Intent Seed]."

Lu Ze saw a speck of Light appear before him. He grabbed it and saw a [Crystal Ball]. He could feel Battle Intent coming from it.

Lu Ze was stunned.

This was very similar to the [God Art Orbs] in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension]!

They all contained [God Art Knowledge]. However, this Seed was much weaker than the [God Art Orb].

The Xavier Race could pass down [God Art Knowledge] like this?

Lu Ze was shocked.


>Chapter 1184: Did Some Monster Come Out?!<


Lu Ze continued after taking the [Battle Intent Seed].

Level-7 Cosmic Cloud State soldiers were getting stronger, but they were still a far cry from Lu Ze.

Every round he passed, he would gain a [Primary Combat Intent Seed].

Soon, Lu Ze reached the 61st round. The soldier's cultivation level was Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State now. But for Lu Ze, it still wasn't enough.

The soldiers died with a [Fire Ball].

Lu Ze acquired a [Medium-Grade Battle Intent Seed]. It was slightly larger than the [Primary-Grade Ones] and had more [Battle Intent Knowledge].

Lu Ze happily took them.

With these [Battle Intent Seeds], he could learn [Battle Intent] to a rather deep level in an extremely short time. Then, he would be able to learn that [Battle Intent Divine Art].

On the 62nd round, there were ten of those soldiers.

Lu Ze attacked first. Tens of [Fire Balls] appeared around them and instantly enveloped all the soldiers.


"The 62nd round passed. Award, the [Medium-Grade Battle Intent Seed]."

Lu Ze kept going through the trial.


Meanwhile, figures started appearing outside the tower. They weren't injured, but their chi was weak. However, they were excitedly smiling.

"Hahaha! I reached the 8th level! I got so many rewards!" One being with a white bone on his head laughed.

Another one with a horn sneered. "I reached the 11th level! I got even more rewards! However, the soldier in the 11th round is much stronger than before. Ordinary people can't pass it at all."

The crowd around him looked at him in shock.

This guy must be very strong to reach the 11th round. They felt this guy's Chi.

Peak Cosmic Cloud State.

One creature who seemed to be formed from ice said, "It's only the 11th round. I reached the 14th round!"

"What?!" Everyone gasped.

Even the horned creature felt very shocked.

The soldier of the 11th round was beyond Peak Cosmic Cloud State and near Cosmic Realm State.

Every 10 rounds, the soldiers' power would grow significantly.


At this moment, another figure fell out. It was Louisa. Her face was pale.

Everyone was startled. She was the one standing next to the man who reached the statue first.

Louisa quickly flew down to a corner.

At this moment, another figure appeared. It was Lucia.

As soon as he appeared, a few other Demons from the Advanced Demon Race flew over.

"Prince, how was it?"

Lucia's face was slightly ugly. "Damn it! I didn't pass the 18th round!"

If he passed it, there would be another reward. These rewards were precious even to the Advanced Demon Race, and he just missed it like that!

Everyone fell in silence. This guy reached the 18th level?!

He was a prodigy.

Lucia took a deep breath and smiled. He did earn a lot of things this time though. He looked around and said, "By the way, did the Race who came with the Elf Race come out?"

A few Demons looked at Louisa and replied, "One Elf came out."

Lucia looked over and snarled. "The Elf Princess isn't out?"

Unless it was a special circumstance, usually those who came out later passed more rounds. If the Elf Princess passed more rounds, wouldn't that mean she was more talented than him?!

His face became more and more ferocious. He looked at Louisa and said, "Kill this Elf Race first and then hunt the Elf Princess later!"

Louisa clutched the [Summoning Crystal] tightly. She was alone. This was all she could rely on. She hoped its Power was as strong as what Lu Ze said, or she would die.

At this moment, a few more figures appeared.

Lily and Burberry were amongst them.

Lily saw Burberry and frowned. She quickly retreated.

Burberry did the same.

They were both exhausted and didn't want to fight at this time.

Louisa flew towards Lily.

Lily saw the Advanced Demon Race gathered together and frowned.

Burberry recovered while smiling. "Elf Princess, the entire War Domain is sealed. See where you can run to today!"

Lucia's eyes flashed with a bit of killing intent. "Today is your death!"

Luckily… Two [Crystals] appeared in Lily's hands.

Lu Ze gave her two [Level-5 Cosmic Cloud State Summoning Crystals]. They were as strong as her.

After Burberry recovered some power, he grinned. "Attack! Kill them!"

He charged towards Lily.

Lucia did the same.

Lily said coldly, "Louisa, use the [Crystals ]Lu Ze gave!"

She inserted her Spirit Force into the [Summoning Crystal].

Three Vibrant Lights flashed and appeared before the two.




Three Terrifying Chi appeared.

Lucia and Burberry and the other creatures immediately stopped their charges.

The Demons behind them were stunned.

Everyone here was shocked.

What was going on?!

Did some monster come out?!
