[Chapter 1191-1192]

>Chapter 1191: Cheating<


Lu Ze noticed Makin Thor's Chi grow weaker, and his body slowly became more ethereal.

"Predecessor Makin Thor, you are…"

Makin Thor smiled and said, "I've waited a hundred million years. This remnant soul had been sleeping, but it's at the extreme now…"

He looked at the endless white space in the tower and smiled. "I'm satisfied to be able to see this familiar world again."

He took a deep look at Lu Ze. "Kid, your talent is very great. I hope you can complete the dream that I wasn't able to achieve and become an Emperor."

Lu Ze nodded. "Don't worry Predecessor, I will work hard."

Makin Thor nodded as he smiled. His body crumbled and turned into green dots.

Lu Ze's eyes were complicated. This guy was born as the Top Pinnacle prodigy but ended up like this. Even his Race was annihilated.

Lu Ze shook his head.

At this moment, the robotic voice sounded. "Challenger has completed the final trial and acquired the highest reward."

A large pile of resources appeared before Lu Ze. There were all sorts of Spirit Fruit, Equipment, and [Battle Intent Seeds].

Lu Ze grinned. Makin Thor left him a pile of gifts before he left?

This was great!

Outside the tower, everyone was still staring at the leaders' battle list.

"It rose again, 820th!"

"Terrifying! This is too terrifying! Which Race is prodigy from?!"

"With such talent, he can definitely become a Cosmic Lord, right?!"

Kaneip spoke with a somewhat hoarse voice. "This is really unbelievable! That guy is that strong?!"

The atmosphere fell silent, and Winston next to him, "No wonder we lost."

Based on Lu Ze's ranking, his [God Art Mastery] must be at a terrifying level. No wonder they would lose to Lu Ze.

Russel spoke slowly. "Too bad we're on the opposing side now."

Everyone fell silent. If they couldn't kill such an enemy now, their Race would be doomed, unless their Race moved to some unknown place.

Cosmic Lords were powerful, but they couldn't control everything in the Universe.

After a moment of silence, a [Bloody Flame] flashed Riley's eyes, and his breath fluctuated slightly, showing a restless heart. He slowly said, "No matter how strong that monster is, he's only Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State. If we attack together, we have a 100% chance of keeping him here!"

Hearing this, the other three nodded and Kaneip slowly said, "We just reached the Cosmic Monarch State. We're also the Top prodigies of our own Race. Although our cultivation level is suppressed to Cosmic Cloud State, our Combat Power isn't something that Cosmic Cloud States can compare with!"

"That's right."

Riley swept his eyes across the four Races and slowly said, "Don't hold back this time. If he gets away, you know the consequences."

The other three nodded.

"It rose again! He's in the top 300!"

Everyone looked at the battle list stiffly.

Lu Ze kept rising until he reached 294th.

Everyone was regretful. If they knew Lu Ze was this talented, they would be able to give up the Cosmic Lord Heritage.

After all, it was definitely worth it to gain the friendship of a super Cosmic Lord in the future.

"Even those females have reached around 4000!"

Everyone took in a cold breath. "What sort of Race are they? They are this terrifying?!"

Everyone looked at Lily and Louisa.

Sensing this, their mouths twitched. They really wanted to know why these guys were this strong.

Suddenly, a hum sounded above the leaders' battle list. Soldiers formed there and roared.

Even Riley and then felt pale-faced. This battle intent was too strong.

"What's going on?!"

Lu Ze's ranking charged straight to the very top.

1st, Lu Ze, unknown, 10 Stars.

Everyone was speechless.


They opened their mouths but couldn't say anything.

After some silence, they remarked.

"Oh sh*t! What is going on? He's ranked 1st now?? And his Combat Power is 10 Stars?!"

"What happened? How did that guy do it?!"

"How can there be 10-Star Combat Power! The original first was only 8 Stars. How can he be this much higher?!"

Riley and the four Races were very regretful and felt nervous.

Russel couldn't help but say, "What is a 10-Star Combat Power? Would he reach our level?"

Hearing this, the other three Races felt their hearts twitch.

Afterwards, Riley slowly said, "Impossible! If he's a Peak Cosmic Cloud State, then, we might not be able to do anything to him, but don't forget that he's only a Level-3 Cosmic Cloud State now!"

Everyone breathed easy.

Kaneip slowly said, "No matter what price we pay this time, we have to kill him!"

10-Star Combat Power was too scary.

At this moment, when the soldiers were discussing, Lu Ze's information was suddenly wiped away like he never appeared.


"Wait what? What's going on? Why did his name disappear?"

"Yeah, wasn't he first?"


After a while, an Abyssal Race said, "Did that Lu Ze cheat?!"


>Chapter 1192: Respected<



Everyone was dazed.

"Perhaps, this can only be explained through cheating? He used a special way to get first and then was caught. Therefore, his name was removed?"

"Perhaps, only this can explain his absurd Combat Power of 10-Stars? Even the strongest Cosmic Lord prodigy is only 8-Stars! This guy can't be the son of an Emperor, right?!"

Everyone's eyes flashed. This didn't seem wrong.

Lu Ze definitely didn't seem like he was from an Emperor Race.

A soldier from the Bloodstone Race next to him frowned and said, "The ranking of the other five females didn't change. Why is that?"

Everyone was stunned again.

So, this meant the girls' rankings were real.

In that case, did Lu Ze cheat or not?

Riley and the others looked at each other, their faces still dignified. After the atmosphere fell silent, Winston said, "Regardless of why his ranking disappeared, we can't be careless."

Riley opened his mouth and said, "Give it all we got and kill that bastard! And, we have to get the Xavier Race Heritage!"

The atmosphere in the War Domain tensed up again.

The other Races felt the cold and murderous intent of those four Races and retreated, fearing they would get caught in the crossfire.

The Chi of the four leaders made Lily lose the courage to even resist. What would happen when Lu Ze and the girls came out?

The leaders' battle list flashed again. Soon, the five reached the top 1000.

Riley and the others frowned.

The five females couldn't be as terrifying as Lu Ze, right?

At this moment, a few figures appeared outside the tower.

Lu Ze, Nangong Jing, Qiuyue Hesha, Lin Ling, Lu Li, Alice, and Ying Ying appeared.

After Lu Ze came out, he looked at the few people in Nangong Jing. There was nothing wrong with them. He exhaled slightly, and then smiled and said, "Are you guys okay?"

Nangong Jing smiled quietly and said, "What can happen to us? Pity, I only reached round 61."

She looked at Qiuyue Hesha and asked, "What about you, Fox Demon?"

Upon hearing this, Qiuyue Hesha smiled slightly and said, "I only reached 61 as well."

Nangong Jing muttered, "It's a tie again."

Then, she looked at Lin Ling and the other girls. "How did you three go?"

Lin Ling blinked her eyes and said, "I reached 61."

Lu Li smiled and said, "Me too."

Alice also smiled and said, "Same here."

Nangong Jing drank some Golden Fruit Wine and laughed. "Then, we're about the same."

Lu Ze was surprised that they reached there. Their Combat Power was weaker than his. He used quite some White Energy and owned [Special God Arts] and [Divine Arts].

He looked at Ying Ying and asked, "What about you?"

Ying Ying blinked and said, "I didn't go through any rounds."

Lu Ze and the girls were shocked. "???"

Lu Ze said curiously, "What did you do there, Ying Ying?"

At this moment, they suddenly felt a Terrifying Chi charge over them.

They frowned.

The four Cosmic Monarch State Races quickly surrounded them.

Lu Ze and the girls put on their armor and looked tensely at Riley and the other races.

Seeing the dignified face of Lu Ze and the girls, Riley glanced over Lu Ze and the girls. Murderous intent appeared in his eyes, and he said, "Kill!"

Everyone charged at Lu Ze and the girls.

Lu Ze and the girls tensed up. These guys were so strong!

Lu Ze knew that he was far from a match for them. Their true cultivation level was definitely terrifying.

But… He grinned and inserted Spirit Force into two [Summoning Crystals].


Terrifying Chi rose in the [Crystal].

Riley and the other Races stopped in shock.

"Such Powerful Chi!"

Kaneip had turned into a bulky man surrounded by Lightning.

Riley's [Bloody Flames] flowed all over his body, and his voice was a bit dull.

"The Power behind them isn't simple! The strongest cultivation level in the first level is the Cosmic Cloud State. To be able to have such Powerful Chi in a Cosmic Cloud State is very rare in the entire universe!"

"In that case, we must not let them get away, or the consequences would be unimaginable!"

This Race was definitely a very powerful Cosmic Lord Civilization!

The other Races saw this and gasped.

"We've seen this before!"

"Yes! Those two Elf Races used this too?"

"I was right, the trump cards from the Elf Race were given to them by this unknown Race."

Lily's and Louisa's worries lessened after the two [Summoning Crystals] were used. The Chi coming out from it was on par with the four leaders.

The light disappeared, revealing two Beasts.

One was a huge Sand Serpent that was a Peak Cosmic Cloud State.

Next to it was a Crisp Green Crystal Horse. It looked elegant and beautiful. It was a Level-8 Cosmic Cloud State, but its Chi was also very terrifying.

Riley and the other Races were a little shocked. Such a terrifying [God Art Power]!

This level of [God Art Power] was greater than theirs, even though they were a Cosmic Monarch state. They rejoiced that the Beasts weren't a cosmic realm state.

Otherwise, they would be no match.

Despite this… these two Beasts having such terrifying talent was unheard of!

They had never seen such powerful beasts in the Eternal Song Gallery!

How powerful would the Race possessing such Beasts be?!

To be able to have such powerful beasts protecting them, how noble was their status?

Even in a Cosmic Lord Civilization, they would be the noblest prodigies, right?

They took a deep breath.

After being silent, Riley grinned with killing intent surging in his eyes. "These two Beasts are very strong, but if you think you can survive with just these two, you are wrong!"
