[Chapter 1199-1120]

>Chapter 1199: Revived<


"What? What just happened?"

"Those four directions are the stations of the Blood Stone Race, Single-Armed Race, Abstruse Lightning Race, and Abyssal Race? Why are there such terrifying Chis coming from there?"

"A prodigy from the Blood Stone Race died? Who would dare to do this?!"

"Their prodigy should be very strong, right? How could he get killed?"

"Someone powerful seems angry…"

Everyone in the big city was stunned.

"What about the other three Races?"

"Is it the same?"

After all, Chi surged from all four of these Races.

They were four Cosmic Monarch State Civilizations!

They were completely Overlords in this region. Who would dare to attack all four of their prodigies at the same time?

At the top level of the Blood Tower, in a large room, there were blood rocks laid there. They were about five-meters tall, and there were nearly 100 of them.

A few of them were flashing with Red Lights.

At the front of these stones, there were three giants formed of red stones. They almost exactly had the same appearance as Riley.

The middle one spoke coldly, "Who is it?! Who dares to attack the Blood Stone Race?!"

Another being from the Blood Stone Race on the side said, "Riley and the others died. With Riley's Power, he should have no trouble in this region. Even if he does find a match, he should be able to escape. How could he die there?"

"Didn't Riley go to that War Domain? Did he encounter some accident there?"

"And there seems to be a situation at the Abstruse Lightning Race, Single-Armed Race, and Abyssal Race."

"Did they have prodigies who died there as well?"

The middle being from the Blood Stone Race said, "Hachi, take people there personally and have a look."

One being on the side nodded. "Yes."

After Hachi left, someone said slowly, "By the looks of it, Riley needs about a year to revive. I wonder if his talent will drop?"

"Pity, quite a lot of the Race members who went with him didn't have Blood Source stone marks. They don't even have a chance to revive."

"We must find the culprit!"

The other three Races also sent their people to check.

Outside the War Domain, Lu Ze sealed the entrance and smiled. "Okay, let's go."

Everyone nodded and Lily asked, "Where do we go now?"

Lu Ze thought about it and said, "The resources here are quite abundant. Let's go find some more resources and go back."

Lily heard the words. After a pause, she said silently, "We killed many from the Blood Stone Race. If we go to Blood Stone City and leave, would we be caught?"

Lu Ze remembered that they had to depart from the Blood Stone City to leave the Xavier Ruins. Would they have some special ways of knowing what they did?

Lu Ze laughed it off. "Are there other cities nearby?"

Hearing this, Lily rolled her eyes and said, "The nearest city is Night Demon City. It takes us about three months to get there."

Hearing this, Lu Ze smiled and said, "Let's go there then."

They weren't in a rush for time anyways. They could keep finding resources on the way as well.

The group headed off.


Soon, it was night time. They were rather far away from the War Domain entrance. They came to a dried mountain range.

Lu Ze glanced around, smiled and said, "Let's rest here."

He used up all his trump cards in the War Domain. He had to get some more. Otherwise, Lu Ze was very worried.

Ying Ying would have to intervene if they encountered a big boss. However, Ying Ying was from the Star Spirit Race.

Lu Ze didn't want her to intervene unless necessary.

The group let out a spaceship and went inside.

They were very exhausted.

Ying Ying ran into the kitchen and grabbed a drumstick. She started to watch cartoons.

Nangong Jing gulped some Wine, and the [Liquid] dripped onto Lu Ze's clothes.

Lu Ze rolled his eyes. "You gotta wash my clothes now!"

Lu Ze laughed to himself. He was dreaming.

Alice moved and came over, leaning on Lu Ze's arm. "I'll go wash it later."

Lu Ze rubbed Alice's head. "Alice is the cutest."

Lin Ling and Lu Li looked over with narrowed eyes.


The corners of Lu Ze's mouth twitched.

While vomiting in his heart, he said solemnly, "What are you looking at? Just because you look at me like that, you can't change my mind about you two being as cute as Alice!"

Everyone laughed.

Qiuyue Hesha thought of something and said, "Ze, weren't you going to tell us something before? What was it?"

Lu Li said with some curiosity, "Yeah, why did your number one ranking suddenly disappear?"

Lu Ze explained, "It's this…"

The girls jumped up with excitement.

Lin Ling's voice was a little excited. "Ze, are you serious? You really have a chance to become an Emperor?"

Lu Ze nodded.

Qiuyue Hesha jumped up and kissed him. "Little Brother Lu Ze is the best indeed!"

Nangong Jing pushed Qiuyue Hesha away and pounced on Lu Ze.

Ying Ying on the side blinked her eyes.

'What were the sisters doing?'

Alice, Lin Ling, and Lu Li were more shy, so they just hugged Lu Ze.

Alice grinned and said, "In that case, can the Human Race become an Emperor Race?"

That was the strongest Race in the Universe!

Even Ying Ying looked over when Lu Ze talked about Makin Thor's life. Even though she wasn't that strong yet.

But after hearing that Makin Thor was killed by some Emperor, everyone gasped.


>Chapter 1200: Discrimination<


The living room became silent.

The girls looked at Lu Ze with worry and fear.

After some silence, Nangong Jing slowly said, "Ze, how about we don't become Emperors?"

Lu Li nodded. "Even becoming a Peak Cosmic Lord is quite good. There wouldn't be any dangers in the Universe."

They didn't expect there would be Emperors hunting those who wanted to become Emperors. Even someone as powerful as Makin Thor didn't even know how he died.

How would Lu Ze be able to survive against the ambush of an Emperor?

Their hearts ached. They would rather want Lu Ze not to become Emperor and just remain safe.

Lu Ze smiled. "What are you thinking about? After being in the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] for so long, if there's one thing I've learned, it's how to stay safe. Without absolute confidence, how can I choose to break through?"

The girls felt more secure after hearing this.

Lu Ze and the girls told them more information about the Emperor.

After hearing that the Star Spirit Race had an Emperor, the girls looked at Ying Ying with surprise.

Nangong Jing rubbed Ying Ying's face. "I didn't expect your race to have such a Powerful predecessor. We're going to rely on you!"

Qiuyue Hesha rolled her eyes. "It's best not to tell the Star Emperor about us. After all, no one knows about what Emperors think of those who want to become an Emperor. Maybe all the Emperors don't want more beings to become Emperors. It's best that we don't even come in contact with them!"

Nangong Jing nodded.

She rubbed Ying Ying's face and said, "Ying Ying, did you hear it? You can't tell this to the Star Emperor."

Ying Ying's little face puffed up, and she blinked her big eyes. "Oh!"

Nangong Jing smiled. "Ying Ying is really good, we'll let your Sister Alice cook some more good food for you!"

Ying Ying nodded heavily and kept eating her drumstick.

Lu Ze and the girls didn't know how to react.

Lu Ze thought of something and said, "By the way, why isn't your ranking on the war leaderboard, Ying Ying?"

Ying Ying was truly talented. She probably didn't have Emperor talent, but her Combat Power should be around 8 or 9 Stars.

"Yes, Ying Ying, which level did you reach?" Alice asked curiously.

Hearing Alice's words, Ying Ying blinked her eyes and said, "I didn't go through any levels!"

Lu Ze and the girls were dumbfounded.


Seeing how puzzled Lu Ze was, Ying Ying said, "When I went in, someone told me that I was a Star Spirit, so he gave me lots of good stuff…"

She only remembered it just now, and she swiped out a Wormhole in Space afterward.


A large pile of things dropped out, building up to a small mountain.

Ying Ying stretched out her hand to take the chicken leg out of her mouth, blinked, and said innocently, "This is all of it."

Lu Ze and the girls were speechless.


They saw Green Hill Fruits and other Spirit Fruits, Serums, armors, weapons, and even a large pile of War Seeds.

It was not little even compared to what Lu Ze got.

The girls cried.


They fought so hard through the levels and didn't even get one-tenth of what Ying Ying got?

What was this discrimination?!

So what if Ying Ying was someone from the Star Spirit Race?

Even Lu Ze was dazed. He even had an Emperor talent, but he only got about the same treasure as Ying Ying. He almost spat out.

Ying Ying blinked her big blue eyes with some doubt when she saw the appearance of Lu Ze, and the girls and said, "What's wrong with you guys?"

Qiuyue Hesha laughed it off. "Nothing, Ying Ying is really amazing!"

Ying Ying smiled.

Lu Ze put his things away and said happily, "With these resources, the Human Race prodigies can grow much stronger in a short time!"

Nangong Jing grinned and nodded. "When we take these resources back, the Elders would be too excited."

Lu Ze took out those [Battle Will Seeds] and shared them.

"We'll use these [Battle Intent Seeds] first."

The girls nodded.

After that Lin Ling thought of another thing and said curiously, "By the way Ze, didn't you get the Heritage of that bronze statue? What is it?"

Lu Ze grinned. "That's a [Cosmic Lord Battle Intent Divine Art]."

Everyone gasped.

"[Cosmic Lord Divine Art]?!"

The strongest they had now was only [Cosmic Cloud State Divine Art]!

Lu Ze smiled. "With this [Divine Art], perhaps we can kill those few Overlords early."

Lu Ze was planning to break through the Cosmic Realm State before killing those Overlords.

Their powers were too absurd after all, and each had [Domains]. But if he learned the [Cosmic Lord State Divine Art], it would be a huge improvement for him.

After that, Lu Ze gave some Serums and Spirit Fruits to the girls too.

The weapons and armor were good but still couldn't compare with the ones from the [Pocket Hunting Dimension] yet.

There were also [Heritage Crystals].

The [Divine Art] with the highest level had only reached the [Cosmic Cloud State]. He would bring these back to the Human Race.

There were also some trump cards. There were Peak Cosmic Cloud States and Cosmic Realm States. These weren't really useful to them either.

They organized the resources into sections and left them in the storage rings.

They had dinner and then went back to their rooms while Ying Ying kept watching cartoons.


In the [Pocket Hunting Dimension], the ground appeared in the desert. Their faces showed satisfied smiles.

They had too much pressure fighting during the day, so they played for longer in that Dimension. However, they were all very satisfied.

Lu Ze smiled and said, "Lin Ling, let's begin. We have a big task today. We need to find more [Super Beasts] and fill up our [Summoning Crystals]."
