Sam and Lola

"Yes," the girl nodded her head like a pecking bird.

Justin sat on a couch and sip a tea with his eyes closed. However, he saw everything happening around him.

GrandPa Philip, Sam and Lola stared at Justin every second. Lola pinched Sam and whispered.

"Do you think he's OK? Maybe he's faking it."

Sam shook his head. "I think he has turned into one of those frightened eating people."He shivered, thinking of the zombies.

"Are you sure?" she panicked, clenching Sam's clothes.

"Yes! How could such a man live with that kind of injury? It's only two days. If he's not a zombie, then what? I won't believe it if he said he is not one of them." Sam snorted.



"Why did you do that?" Sam looked at Philip with his eyes blinking, feeling wrong.

GrandPa Philip looked at him and scold. "Stop with your nonsense. If you see a zombie, can't you wait and talk all this your nonsense? I bet you will be the first person to cry for your mama."