Like Stars In The Sky

Bzzzt Bzzzt

The sound of the alarm going off was loud enough to wake up the whole building but still that sound wasn't able to wake him.

Despite the huge sound of the alarm Aiden was still sound asleep in his apartment as If nothing happened while the alarm woke up the whole building.

A crowd of people gathered in front of Aidens apartment and started knocking the door.

After 30 minutes of knocking the door finally opened, not because Aiden woke up and opened it but because Even a crowd of people knocking and screaming didn't wake him up so they broke the door to see if something happened to him that made him unconscious.

As they reach his room seeing him sound asleep they thought to themselves

'What kind of monster is he? sound asleep even after so much noise with that peaceful face.'

"he does look rather cute while sleeping doesn't he." Said a girl in the crowd.

She got quite an intense stare from everyone around.

The crowd looked at Aiden again to think how to wake him up but now they were all thinking just like that girl, "he does look cute when he is asleep."

As they were all lost in Aiden's cute sleeping face, Aiden finally woke up.

After dreaming about becoming king of the world he woke up to see a crowd of people staring him.

"You all again." Said Aiden sleepily.

Yes! this was not the first time it happened and this definitely wouldn't be the last either.

An old man came forward and started screaming, "Aiden how many times are you gonna wake up the whole building like this! your alarm is loud enough to break not just our ears but also the glass of our windows!!?"

"Now that I think of it Where did my glass go?" Aiden asked being completely clueless.

"It broke you dumass!!!" Said the whole crowd calmly.

After an hour of complaining everyone left except the old man

Old man said "Look Aiden, I know you are good kid and you don't want to cause others trouble-"

Aiden interprets the old man and with an innocent puppy face says "You really think about me like that?"

Old man being embarrassed said, "forget about what I just said, well anyway if you keep causing trouble like this then you'll have to leave this place for good, so think act accordingly."

Old man left

Aiden now looks at the time only to see it's 7 am in the morning and goes to sleep again.




Waking up at 10am Aiden gets ready and goes to college.

Entering the classroom Aiden sees that the Miss Eletha his teacher is not in the greatest mood to see Aiden.

"Meet me in the teachers office after college!!!" Said the teacher angrily but with a smile on her face, a smile like that means 'you messed up big time buddy.'




The bell rings and it's time for Aiden to go and meet the teacher and talk face to face about his studies.

"You've failed the easiest test Aiden! Do you think the college will let it slide!!, you've not only gone down in grades but you don't even try to study anymore-"

"I don't like it."

"You don't like it? It doesn't matter if you like it or not, you'll still have to study if you wanna live in this world."

"I don't like it."

"Look Aiden, I get it that you don't like studying but I've seen how good you are at it. The only time you opened book last year was 30 mins before exam and you still were in top 10."

"That was just luck."

"Getting 93 out of 100 with just 30 mins of preparation ain't no luck, go make a fool of someone else, I'm your teacher and I know how good my students are at studies."

"What do you know? I might have studied for months and just faked not studying-"

"Oh, I would have suspected that if it was any other student, but since it's you I was sure you didn't study cause you are too lazy, and didn't you wasted most of your time playing GGG to reach Legendary rank."

"Yaa I was playing Gun Gun Gun- wait why do you know that!!?"

"Aaaa... Ahem... Let's not go there...and I'm the one who asks the question here! If you don't pass the text this Saturday, I'll have to have a word with your father-"

"You don't have t-"

"Just shut up and listen to me for once!!!... Look I don't wanna do this either, I know you don't get along with your dad but that's the only thing left to do now, or else you are gonna keep skipping studies."


"Don't worry I'm not telling you to get the top spot in exams, act responsible and become successful like your dad, just pass the tests and at least graduate from college and decent life."

Aiden went home after some talking with Miss Eletha .

"Only if he was a bit mature." Said Miss Eletha with a sigh.

Aiden reaches home, gets fresh and hop on his chair to play his favorite game Gun Gun Gun a.k.a. GGG

"Oh, it's rare to see Adam and Ele offline at this time, I guess it's just me-"

[ Mizuki has invited you to join party ]

"I can always count on Mizuki." Said Aiden with an happy face

and after playing till 12 am...


Mizuki: It's 12 am.

Aiden: Oh! so we are in same time zone.

Mizuki: I guess.

Aiden: did something happened?

Mizuki: what is your goal in life? What you wanna do?

Aiden: Don't answer a question with another question!

Mizuki: I was asked what I wanna do and I got nothing I could say.

Aiden: now that I think about it, I ain't got a thing I'd like to do.

Mizuki: start thinking about it.

Aiden: that something you should tell to yourself

Mizuki: Yaa I know but It's scary...

Aiden: what is?

Mizuki: The future..

Aiden: hmm..

Mizuki: I'll be going now. Bye

[ Mizuki went offline ]

"Future huh...  it really is scary."

Aiden noticed that there was no beer in the fridge so he wear a coat hanging near the door and goes out to buy some.

"This would be enough to last a week."

"thanks for shopping from here."

Aiden starts walking towards his apartment but his legs automatically goes toward the towns park.

"Going to park late at night? Why not."

As he goes in he hears a soothing voice singing from the park.

"Only the stars can hear me tonight~

Only the night can see me shine~"

As Aiden reaches where the sound is coming from he sees a beautiful girl standing and singing facing the lake and trees, the water was waving and the tree leaves were moving on her voice as if she was singing to the nature itself."

"Even alone I will not cry and I'll shine

Like stars in the sky~"