
P.A :Four

The clear moonlight gave the lake the ability to act like a mirror.

"Mirror , mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all. " I playfully said remembering the movie Gina and I had watched a couple of nights ago.I don't remember what was it's name but it was captivating .

I decided to look at my wolf form for the very first time . My wolf usually shows itself in my head but usually takes my human appearance . Other people say they see a wolf in their head ,their wolf to be precise . Today I was taking the mighty leap to look at my wolf in all it's glory .

One paw after the other I moved to the edge of the lake . If wasn't sure that I was royalty the wolf in front of me just made everything clear . White fur with ocean blue out lines covered the whole wolf . I was slightly bigger that an Alpha wolf . My eyes were a deep shade of acquire blue with some gold flecks . My left front hind was tinted with a water mark that was a very deeper shade of blue with an outline of gold .

I gasped at my appearance , I thought it was a lie that they said I looked breathtaking but right before my eyes was the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen . I watched my wolf as I do some few tricks.

After all the tricks and running , I walked all the way to the lake house. I shifted back to my human form and fetched the house keys from the flower pot that was besides the front door and opened the front door . The fresh breathe of vanilla welcomed me as I stepped in tho the lake house. I headed straight to my room and took a l quick shower . I walked in my walk-in closet and changed into my comfy onesie. A quick glance to my bedroom window showed a some golden and orange in the horizon . Time had really flown by fast and dawn had creeped in claiming it's glory in the sky.With the last view of the sunrise ,I went to sleep.