"Kuuuhhh… haaaaa, So rough!!" Jeeez… damn it, Can't that guy land me carefully? Haaaaa, as you've guessed im a transmigrator but this time im not alone… im with a million people of earth and we were transmigrated here that suites our souls? Anyway, to make it easily understandable the pokemon god Arceus send us the people from earth from this pokemon world, mind you this pokemon world? Well, it only has a few humans in it, yes, you've heard that correctly
The people from this world are scarce and it mostly consist of dangerous place, dangerous pokemons and most of all full of resources… yes, this world is full of resources, like when items here could be seen almost easily, but some are still hard to find? I guess, i wouldn't know, anyway arceus gave all of us basic knowledge in this world, like there are places that were abandoned and probably has an item that we could get
Or pokeballs could be seen in wrecked cities or fragment space, pokemons could be food here too because the 'Normal Animals' are scarce too scarce, after arceus gave us that basic knowledge he gave us food that could support us for 2 weeks, that includes meat (Pokemon) water and berries, do we have perks? Well, no and that made a lot of people scared shitless, they didn't know that we were dead… yeahp we died because of something like a war between nations or a natural disaster…
I know how i died, i was aware how i died, and this terrified me more because… it was a… a volcano eruption, and since i was close to one, i was also affected and died because of a giant fireball, get it fireball? Haha i know cringe, anyway while the people were doing what they were doing i was recalling what i know about Pokémon… and what gave me a good idea is… egg
Yes, Pokémon egg that hatch with you by its side will grow more comfortable to its trainer, and finding one would be golden… if that were the case i would survive more… but the thing was, i was falling, and i was falling in to a vast nation full of brown substance, and falling into that place just destroyed my hope… and here i was, walking into a desert AND pokemonless
I already saw many pokemons, from sandile and its evolution, barboach only, sandshrew with a sandslash, and finally a full place of cacturnes! Yes cacturnes! And its pre-evolution cacnea, i am staying at their territory on the edge though but that is enough for me because i know that i'm still protected for the night "Haaaa time to sort what i want to achieve, okay first i want a partner
Obviously since this world is dangerous, second i want to find ruins since there are treasure in those places, third find if there are other humans here… if im correct i didn't even move much from where i landed early so yeah… hoping there are humans settlements, and lastly food and water a good source of them is both from pokemons because some of the desert type pokemons
That shouldn't be supposedly to be here are here so finding water type isn't a problem like the mud types like barboach, the problem is that capturing one" (3rd PoV) As morning shined our mc woke up and started to sort his items and ate his breakfast though only a small bit only so that it could last him longer, and when it was finally time to move on, he said his goodbyes to the cacturnes and cacnea "this is going to be a lonely walk…"
It's already been 3 days after his stop on the cactus pokemon territory, and still our mc kept on walking and walking stopping only when there were shades or when night to take a break and move on after, pokemons were curious at this human but after they saw that he wasn't interesting they ignore him after, of course other pokemon that wants meat will look at a thin
Human but chose to ignore after seeing that he was too thin to satiate even their small apatite, so as our mc kept on moving he also got a few items that he got in his way, Leather Rag, Soft Sand, Hard Stone, Apricorn (Yellow, Black), Spoiled Apricorn, and some bones that he saw, anyway our mc was quite heavy burdened but he still kept on moving even though he was quite slower than when he started
"Haaaaa, so tired… but i have to keep on moving… So tired… Sweat, tired body ugh, i smell awful too… so tired…" that kept on repeating as he kept on moving and when he sleeps, he can't relax too much because there might something bad happen… (So, he still didn't find out that he has a protection aura for a month ehh… amusing, for a sharp person- Giratina) (So is he your chosen? – Dialga) (No not yet, but i will gift him a small gift- Giratina) (Hmm i guess that's acceptable- Dialga) (Giratina its time for you to come back- Palkia)
(I know Palkia- Giratina) the 3 deity pokemon vanish from where they were and a portal closed, "Haaaa, walking again, i guess… No i shouldn't let my bad vibes bring me down, hmp) As our mc continue his walk in this never endless desert he stopped and tears started to come down from his eyes "Finally! An establishment! Haaaaa thank the great deity pokemon!!) as he rushes onto that establishment, he finally saw… (3 houses? Its fine even if i stay here for quite a while and get something going on!)
Our mc started to rummage the items that could be found in the houses and there he saw… "Incubator? Even though its old its workable i guess, anyway clothes? Clothes? Hide? This is a pokemon hide? Its durable too? Who would forget this? This is so useful in this desert!" our hero didn't notice as time past that it was already sundown when he was still rummaging the 1st house
"Haaaa, what a satisfying night! Well i again thank you great deity for giving me this gift, even though i don't really know what happened or some deity gave me a gift i still thank you from the bottom of my heart" (Kufufufu amusing kid, even though you are from a different dimension you are true to yourself, haha what's funny is that you're not even aware that your body is at 17 yrs old! Kufufu -Giratina) (Come on brother you're looking at your supposed to be chosen -Palkia)
(Well you're just jealous to me because i found a person who is interesting in our tiny territory -Giratina) (Hmp i'll find one i'm sure -Palkia) (Oyy you two lets go the space time here is getting unstable -Dialga) (On it -Palkia) (Well little human lets see how far you'll go with my last gift -Giratina)