The Saiyan’s Parasite | Cell x Kale

If she could, she would wish she would have never been thrown into his world. What a nightmare it was to be exploring this world. Clothes sprawled all across the grounds. Not an inch of his world was missing a piece of clothing. Kale hated imagining that there were once people wearing those clothes. Innocent people. Sometimes, she'd end up crying for them, wishing that she could've protected them from whatever monster lurked here. Kami, she wished she never had to look upon said monster. Knowing herself, she would most likely either freeze in place or collapse onto her knees and cry.

She missed her dearest friends Caulifla and Cabba. Why was she sucked into this world alone anyways? Without them, she feared that she would rot here. Or worse-face the same fate the deceased had faced.

Kale spent most of her time scavenging through houses for food that wasn't so moldy, or a potential place to sleep that wasn't so creepy. Most houses had broken doors, shattered windows, or they were completely demolished. Luckily, Kale found some pretty decent houses to sleep in. Memorizing a handful of these houses, Kale would change her pattern on which house she slept in.

A week had gone by since she landed in this world and she hadn't come face to face with the monster. Perhaps he had voyaged off to a different universe to terrorize. Still, it didn't make sense as to why she was stuck here. What was her purpose to reside in this world? Surely, there was an explanation as to why.

Deciding to take flight to the skies, Kale soars above the clouds and analyzes the world below, the same old clothes, broken glass, and long abandoned cars.

A secret garden catches her eye-since this was her first time flying in this world, she spots a garden teeming with life. Sighing softly to herself, she was glad that this was one of the things he hadn't destroyed. Inhaling the air, she drops down at the garden, admiring the long rectangle hedges that adorned the garden symmetrically. Carnations embedded the hedges, and Kale couldn't resist placing dainty fingers on the petals. Inhaling their sweet scent, she looks around, beds of tulips, roses, sunflowers, lilies, etc. were all organized neatly in an arrangement.

This...was too perfect. Too perfect to be natural. Inhumanely perfect.

Then, a charismatic voice spoke behind the saiyan, startling her out of her admiration for the garden.

"Do you love the garden I have grown for you?"

Kale squeaks, numbly covering her lips with her hands as she stumbles back, her body up against one of the hedges.

She takes a look upon the beast she never wished to see, and here he stood, towering over her, his mostly green body freckled with forest green spots. He drew closer to her, inspecting the short girl's delicate figure, her black hair pulled up into a natural ponytail that fit her so well. Her all too innocent eyes, and that lovely creamy light mocha skin. Everything about her was so perfect.

"A saiyan," he gasps out in amusement, grinning as he chuckles. "You're certainly different from the last one that inhabited my world." He says as a matter of factly.

"T-There we-were saiyans like me?" She asks with a soft almost mute voice. Praying that small talk would save her life.

The perfect life form who stood before her shrugs, turning to look at another direction in the garden in a pondering manner. "As far as I know, there has only been one before you. After I became nearly perfect by consuming a certain android, that pest tried his best to protect my final step in becoming perfect." He answers, his gleaming pearl eyes focusing back on her again. "You can most likely picture what became of him."

Kale was afraid to ask such details, but if said saiyan got in the way-no...Kale forced herself not to think about it.

"P-Please do-don't kill me...I-I won't bother you!" Kale sounded like a kitten with fear taking over her body, and the ruler of this world couldn't help but chuckle in amusement over her reactions.

"I don't intend on killing you, saiyan, or even absorb you."

"I-I..." Kale resisted the urge to sigh in relief. "I'll be on my way, then...s-so I don't bother you..." with that, she slowly begins to float, hoping to calm down to start speeding away. The creature immediately grabs her by the leg and yanks her into his broad chest, keeping a firm hold on her body.

"Did I say you could leave, saiyan? All of you are so brainless." With that last statement he couldn't help but laugh. "I've actually been watching you since the second you've been graciously gifted to me."

He moves a tendril of her ebony hair away from her ear. "And to be honest with you I don't intend on letting you go." He lets go of Kale as she drops to the ground, greeted by flowers that tickle her legs. The bug man grins at her vulnerability and creeps closer to her, getting down on one knee to stare at her up close. "You're still free to roam the world as you wish, but I'll always be keeping a watchful eye on you. Make no mistake, saiyan, if I see you try to leave, I won't hesitate on devouring you."

Kale shivers as sweat beaded up her forehead as she felt the urge to cry.

"What's with the long face? I promised I wouldn't hurt you and I intend on keeping that promise. Well, I have business manners to attend to so I'm sorry you won't be able to be in my perfect presence."

Kale says nothing, immobilized with fear. The perfect being realizes this as he stood tall. "The name's Cell," he waits for her to answer with her name. Rolling his eyes, he couldn't believe how easily tormented she was. "May I have your name, delicate flower?"


"Pleasure to meet you, Kale."

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After that grievous encounter, Kale couldn't help but burst into one of the houses and throw herself on the bed, sobbing into the pillow. She hated all of this. Now that she knew that those bright coral eyes were set on her practically 24/7 chances of getting out of here were an absolute negative. She cried out to Kami for a help, or even to throw Caulifla and Cabba into this world alongside her-but what good would that do? Kale berated herself for even fathoming her dear friends to be here with her.

If this so called perfect being was so obsessed on keeping her here, he most likely would want Cabba and Caulifla to stay too. But then again, it'd be three saiyans against a measly bug. Sis was pretty powerful and she knew Cabba would protect her. Cabba. Oh Cabba. Knowing him, he would be frantically searching for Kale, and begging others like Hit and Frost to join on their search to find her.

More tears escape her eyes at just visualizing such a scene. Hugging her pillow tightly, Kale wished that the other saiyan was here at least, so that the two could do away with bug man. He did look like one, especially with those massive black wings on his back. A talking walking bug. If he wasn't so scary, Kale would most likely be laughing at the thought.

After hours of having harsh realities, Kale was finally able to get some sleep.

"Cabba." The familiar voice spoke, scaring her out of her sleep as her eyelids flutter open, staring at Cell, who was currently sitting on the floor across from the bed.

"You talk in your sleep." Cell notes. "Was he or she a lover of yours?"

Kale stays quiet, slowly sitting up on the bed, rubbing her weary eyes. She takes a good look at Cell, who was expectant of her answer. "He wasn't."

"Your little sobs over him tell me otherwise." Cell bitterly remarks.

"I don't even remember what I was dreaming about." Kale bluntly replies.

"Are you hungry?" Cell changes the subject, knowing that he wasn't going to get anything out of her.

Come to think of it, Kale hadn't been able to find anything decent to eat, besides the stale food, and spots of food that didn't contain the slightest bit of green mold.

"Yes." Kale answers dutifully, knowing that if she didn't respond to him, he might do something.

Rising up from his sitting position, Cell turns to the door. "Come with me."

Kale slides herself off the bed and follows Cell out of the house. He takes to the sky, pausing in his flight once he realized Kale wasn't following him. Circling backwards as he looks down at her, he folds his arms across his chest. "Well? Don't just stand there, saiyan. Fly." He commands. She sure was something else.

Slowly, she elevates herself, watching as Cell viciously grins. He begins to fly again as Kale flies behind him.

Kale is brought on a massive square shaped arena with pillars on every corner. A long chicory dining table is set in the middle, with adornments of flowers scattered across. Cell really was one for perfection.

Even from a mile away, Kale could smell the succulent food. Had Cell really gone out of his way to make a dinner for her? A feast at that. "You saiyans do have a grand appetite for food," Cell chuckles in amusement, casually making his way over to the chair in front of Kale as he delicately pulls it out.

"Come now, Kale. You shall be properly seated." He grins. "Regardless of the fact that I'm the only other inhabitant of this world, I will still be a gentleman."

Kale graciously sat on the chair as Cell pushes it back with ease. 'It's only a matter of time before he kills me too.' Kale warns herself, watching the giant bug make his way over to the other side of the table. Taking a long look at all the food in front of her, she smells the steaming hot dumplings that were piled together, bowls of ramen to the side, barbecued steak and ribs on another side, two pizzas, one with three different kinds of meat toppings, and another that was plain cheese, her nostrils burn at the strong spiciness that the hot wings sitting next to the pizza brought, and the jugs of lemonade and strawberry lemonade were perfectly paired together.

"Perhaps, you might have a grand appetite for sexual desire as well."

Kale snaps out of her gazing on the feast, as she stares at Cell, taken aback at how straight forward he was.

"E-Excuse me?" Kale manages to respond, twiddling her thumbs underneath the table.

"You have had sex before, haven't you?" Cell asks, resting the side of his face into his hand with an amused grin.

"N-No, I told you...I've had no lovers." Kale sighs, dropping her gaze down to her legs. Just in case a radish red glow would take over her face, and she didn't want Cell to see.

'Good, good. So she is very innocent after all. Now, I intend to charm her into my arms and make her stay with me.'

Expecting Cell to respond with a lewd remark or persist with the questioning by bringing up Cabba, Kale remains silent. After what felt like forever, he finally spoke again. "Well? Quit staring at yourself and enjoy the feast I worked so hard on making."

Kale wasn't one to argue, and not quite comfortable with splurging herself in front of Cell, she ate as delicately as possible, avoiding his gaze by staring at the food in front of her.

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Kale sat quietly by the garden, a picnic blanket sprawled over the hill she was perched on. Every day it was the same. Cell would approach her, make light conversation before dragging her to eat. Little by little, he'd find out something new about her. Becoming accustomed to her presence, Cell would sit beside her, almost so that their legs would touch each other.

"What a view," Cell says casually, stringing an obsessive gaze to Kale as he grins. "The flowers pale in comparison to your beauty."

Kale's legs rub up against each other, as she trembles slightly in her sitting position. Her stomach begins to churn. This was the part where Cell would attempt to do something, brush up a hand on her thigh, kiss her cheek, or throw her into his arms. Each and every day Cell would progress in his intimate schemes, so she wondered, what he had in store today.

"T-Thank you..." she quietly responds, watching as he leans towards her face, planting a tender and slow kiss on her lips. It happened so fast, Kale didn't realize she was being kissed. She couldn't believe it. Cell had grown an infatuation for her-that's why he didn't want her to leave at all in the first place! It all made so much sense, but...was this right? Sure, he was kind to her and fed her well, but giving herself to him entirely, was there no point of return?

'He's probably expecting me to kiss him back.' Bracing herself, since this was her first kiss, Kale lifts herself up out of her seating position and hovers her body closer to him, whilst trying not to break the kiss. Plopping her legs down on top of his thick ones, Cell wraps his arms around her, one of them snaking into the back of her shirt. Kale flinches at his hand, but once the other one trails into her inner thigh, she braced herself entirely.

Breaking the kiss, Cell grins at her, leaning towards her ear and whispers intricately, "Spread your legs for me."

Kale swallows her pride, he wasn't asking but he certainly wasn't demanding her to. Kale was never one to easily comply to something, but she guessed if she still wanted the gentleman Cell, there was no backing out of this. Patiently waiting, his pearl eyes stare at her, knowing that many thoughts must be racing through her mind.

Slowly, she separates her legs, they shake in anticipation as she could muster up three possible things he was about to do. Cell smiles in victory, watching as the fabric to her scarlet skirt spreads wide open for him. He places both his hands on her knees, running them forward, causing her skirt to rise up to her waist as he grins at her pink underwear. Such a virginous choice in underwear." Cell comments teasingly, tucking at the waistband, his eyes gaze up into hers.

She looks back, a bit afraid of the sexual activities he might pull on her. "C-Cell, pl-please! Can we please not do this..." she whimpers, as she gasps loudly soon after once she feels her underwear slip off with ease.

"Don't worry, I don't intend on taking your virginity," he declares. 'At least not yet.' Staring at her with a somewhat annoyed face he sighs, forcing a gentle smile on his lips. "I just want to taste you." He licks his lips hungrily.

Kale lays on her back, breathing heavily as her body quivers. Never in a million years would she ever find herself here getting eaten out by a villainous life form. Cell raises her legs up, analyzing her secret body part open to him. Taking a look at her gem, he slides a finger down towards her entrance, pressing a curious finger inside just a bit. Once he heard her whimper, he found truth to her words. "So you are a virgin then," he chuckles. "Don't worry Kale, I won't finger you or put my erection inside you yet. But I will pleasure you, no doubt."

With those words said, Cell brings his lips towards her wetness, licking up her fresh delicate juices, humming to himself at her sweet taste, addicted to how simply aromatic her scent was. Kale's knees wobble at his tongue's vigorous pattern as she couldn't help but moan. Breathy and soft, she grips the picnic blanket tightly as she was glad he didn't choose to indulge inside of her since it did hurt.

" feels weird..." she admits, not accustomed to the newly found pleasure. "B-But a good weird..." she bites down her lip, as it seems that her words made Cell pick up the pace and hungrily suck on her clit.

Before Kale could realize what was going on in her body, a massive pleasure builds up in her stomach, swelling up so intensely, she felt like she was going to burst. She felt like a hot mess, and as her soft moans transformed into loud moans, she arches her back up, letting the entire orgasm take her.

"Splendid! Look at how much of a mess you made!" Cell rubs his fingers up her core, salvaging every bit of her.

"S-Sorry..." she whimpers, as Cell chuckles, shaking his head. "You need not apologize my love, that was the reaction I was expecting." Kale's cheeks turn red with his words as she lays there, trying to make out what happened.

"What you experienced was an orgasm, and if you very much enjoyed that bodily sensation, I can make it last longer and grow stronger." Cell pridefully declares.

Kale wipes the sweat off her body as she heaves, anticipating the next time they would do something like this. Though, she wasn't entirely sure she was ready for sexual intercourse yet.

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A few days had passed by since then. Kale would squirm on her mattress she stole from a long abandoned mattress store. Every other night she slumbered she would dream that Cell would have her ass up, eating away at her while fingering her nice and slow, and in all her dreams she would either be moaning loudly or squeezing her pillow tightly. Then, came his massive member that would never fit inside her. This of course, would wake her up from said dream and she would sit up, all flushed with fever.

Every now and then, Cell would disappear off to other parts of his universe, and she missed the pleasure he brought. And one day-particular today, Kale became heavily titillated with sexual frustration.

He did say something about using fingers, so nervously, she pulls down both her skirt and panties, as they journey down the ground. Kale reddens, her clit throbbing with pleasure-unbearable pleasure. Slipping her fingers down to her wet folds, her knees beginning to wobble as she rubs up and down. The more she imagined Cell doing this to her, the more turned on the saiyan becomes.

"O-Oh!" She allows one finger to dip down into her entrance, her intense heat lathering around her finger as she slowly pumps it in and out. She bites down her lip, the heat spreading through her legs as the intense feeling swells inside her stomach and all around her insides. Arching her back as she became an unbearable mess, she found herself becoming putty on the bed.

Cell quietly lingers into the bedroom, grinning at the sight of the squirming saiyan toying with herself on the bed. His pearls had a mischievous glint to them, hungrily licking his lips, he awaits until the saiyan either opened her eyes or sensed him in the same room. "Ooohhh!" A loud moan escapes her lips as her knees fought to stay arched, and once her climax blossomed, she became breathless.

A thick husky chuckle drowns her ears as her a flood of red spreads through her face in embarrassment. "My my, what a mess you've made." Call remarks as Kale immediately sat up, staring at him before turning herself around. "Y-You could've w-warned me that you would be back so soon!"

"And miss seeing this?" Cell saunters towards the bed, dropping himself down, watching as her juices continue to trickle out of her. An intense wave of titillation spreads through Cell's for groin as he picks up the saiyan and lays her on top of him. Her head graciously falling back onto his chest as Cell wraps his left arm around her stomach, and dips his other hand towards her core, her warm wetness slicks within his fingers. "Do you crave more?"

To this, Kale nods over and over, brushing against his chest in anticipation. "As you wish!" Cell rubs his fingers against her clit before shoving two of them inside of her. Kale squeaks in excitement as she begins to grind on his fingers, loving how good they felt. "You are such a dirty little saiyan, you're thrusting my fingers in and out like that? Do they really feel that good?" Cell asks in amusement. She nods, trembling within his grasp as he quickens his pace, gently biting on her shoulder. His little saiyan squeaks out in pleasure as Cell whispers into her ear, "Do you want me to eat you again?"

She nods, maneuvering her legs so that face his face, as he chuckles. "Eager are we? But, my delicate Kale. I ask for the same in return-do you understand?" He presses his thumb on her clit before gently sliding her back on his thick legs.

Taking ahold of her hand, he places it on top of his black cocoon that shielded his most precious organ.

"I-Is that where y-y-your...p-p..."

Cell brushes a finger against her lips, as he nods. "Yes, Kale. What you most want from me is beneath here, so I ask you, would you like to receive me?" He whispers into her ear as she nods.

"Then, before that happens, sweet saiyan of mine, I would ask that you would...suck it."

A radish red splotches Kale's cheeks as she finally understood what he wanted-this causing her to tremble.

"Of course, if you are uncomfortable with performing such an act, I won't force you's just that it's be delicious to-."

"I'll do it."

Cell's eyes widen as his jaw hangs loose, quickly, he closes his mouth, a grin forming.

Prying his shield open, Cell's thick member pries out, deliciously wet for Kale. "Do you see what you do to me? You've made me quite the mess."

Kale nods hungrily. "I'll make sure not a drop escapes." She wiggles her butt as she dips her head towards the tip, staring at every intricate detail of it. Slowly, she brings her mouth towards it, licking the tip with hesitation. Cell hisses out in pleasure as he grits his teeth. "Oh Kale, please don't take too long-but don't rush into anything..." Kale gives him an innocent sweet gaze, before enveloping her mouth around his member. Of course, this being the first time she's ever done something like this-tonight would be the first of many nights.

Kale's sucking pace is teasingly slow, Cell could only grin at how delightful this sensation was for his erection, the way this saiyan worked her mouth on him. No matter how much a virgin she was, perhaps it was her erotic saiyan instincts talking, or maybe she was naughty enough to deviously steal a certain type of film to get some inspiration.

Gripping her ponytail, he arches her upper body back a bit as he groans softly. "Yes! Yes! Your mouth is doing such wonders for me!" He breathes out as his legs tremble in anticipation. Swooning with the pleasure, Kale takes the advantage to pick up the pace, earning a gasp from the perfect being, as she could feel him coming close. Every squeeze, every stroke, every throatful of his inch-and before the saiyan knew it, he unleashes a grand load into her mouth, she eagerly savoring every bit, trying not to let a single drip escape.

"Ooooh!" Cell groans out in ecstasy, gently pulling her up on her knees. He stares down at her face. A smile spread across her lips, his jaw drops as he eyes his precum running down the edge of her lip. He brushes his thumb across her lip to wipe it off as he leans in to kiss her, grinning once he felt her throwing her arms around him, he cradles her, rocking her back and forth for a few moments.

Finally, Kale could feel one of his hands slip underneath her shirt, no bra underneath, to which he smirks at. "Were you expecting me to come to you today?"

She simply nods, lifting her arms up as Cell briskly takes off her shirt and tossing it down.

Kale maneuvers her hands to her hair and takes off her hair tie, flinging it to a part of the room.

"I think this is the first time I've seen your hair down," Cell mentions, his eyes looming towards her naked body, perfectly sculpted with every inch, fresh with her sweat from earlier, her thighs dripping with her juices, as he licks his lips. "Mmmmm, just the sight of you bare and beautiful makes me want to devour you."

To his statement, Kale winces, slight fear etching across her face. She knew what Cell would do to beings who resided in this universe-feasting on them for his power or hunger-just now as that simple word escaped his lips...had she recalled all this.

She had fallen in love with the monster of this world.

Cell looks at her with confusion, it takes him a few moments to realize what he said, as he places his hands on her shoulders, rubbing them with his fingers. "I didn't mean it literally, Kale-I'm sorry if it came out like that..."

Kale places her hands on his face, shaking her head. "I-I have my own demons, berserk form isn't one I'm too proud of..." she sheepishly admits. Even as she says this, she had hoped that he would never be enticed to even see her in that form. "I lose control...but...we're similar...perfect in our imperfections."

Cell could only grin, his pink eyes giving off a devious deep scarlet as he lowers his hands down towards her hips. "One day you'll have to show me that berserk form...but tonight...I'm sorry. But I can't control myself."

The perfect being places his saiyan down the bed, spreading her legs as he brings his waist closer to hers, his member resting on top of her wetness. She shivers in anticipation as Cell inches his face towards her and whispers into her neck huskily, "Tell me if it becomes too intense." He steals her lips with a kiss as he indulges into her insides, causing her to nearly scream into the kiss at herself breaking.

Wrapping an arm around her waist he lifts her up, fighting his strong urge to start thrusting in and out of her roughly, to indulge in her intense heat and get lost in the pleasure of it all. Pants escape his lips as he quivers, tightening his grasp on his saiyan. Breaking the kiss, he hears her whimpers escape her lips, almost screams of pain. While he was enjoying having his enlarged cock inside her, she was paying the price for it.

"I-It hurts...b-but...I know it feels good..." she bites down her lip, forcing her body to accustom itself to Cell's much bigger body. "P-Please Cell, keep going!" She urges him, as he sits up on the bed, her figure wrapping around his. In this sensual hold, Cell begins to thrust in and out of her, rocking his hips as slow and sweet as possible until he knew she was experiencing absolute pleasure.

The fiery engulfing of Kale's made Cell sexually frustrated, every slow passing moment of this passionate love making was torturous. He wanted his saiyan beneath him, as he would allow his carnal instincts to take over.

Kale's hair pools down her back as her moans turn into those of immense pleasure, Cell grinning, taking the initiative, saying through his slow pattern. "Forgive me, my sweet saiyan, but I can't help myself!" He pins her down the bed, flipping her body over so that she's on her hands and knees. She gasps at the fast movement, gripping the bed sheets as she feels both of his arms wrap around her waist, and before she knew it, his erection was slamming into her at rough and incredibly fast. All she could do was let her loud moans escape her lips as her upper body collapses down the bed, squeezing the pillow tightly as Cell needed to be much closer, body to body. Gently dropping on top of her, he groans into one of her ears as he tightens his grip on her waist, allowing one free massive hand to move up to her neck, delicately coiling around.

"Yes! That's it, Kale! Scream for me!"

The more he fucked his saiyan ruthlessly, the sloppier and sweat-drenched did their bodies collide. Getting on his knees, he brings his hands back down to her lower waist, grinning down at the sight of her plump ass against his waist, his tail snaking around her hips to deepen the thrusts. His gasps and groans combine with her loud moans and girly whimpers, and before either of the two knew what was happening to their bodies, a massive amount of pleasure filled waves crash through them, Kale screaming at her anticipated climax, sinking her teeth into the pillow, as her body was so close to giving out.

"Oh Kale, I'm so close! Divinely delicious!" He declares, squeezing each of her breasts, rubbing them up and down as he forces himself to keep his hard thrusting. He needed his climax to last, and the more she orgasmed, the harder it was to keep going. "Just a little more! Ha...!" On the edge of his own orgasm, the perfect being felt it voltaging through his entire body, spasms of the sex cause him to cum, shoving his cock inside of Kale, tilting her body upward so that all of his lengthy load fills her up.

Her eyes widen at the pouring hot cum flooding into her, her nails dig deep into the sheets as she can feel Cell holding her legs, forcing himself to stay in his position so he wouldn't drop on top of his saiyan-potentially crushing her in the process.

Kale's body slumps down once Cell released her legs, the man taking a look at the mess they made, and grins, pulling the dirty saiyan into his arms as she huddles close.

"That was very pleasuring if I do say so myself," he says through his heavy breathing, Kale nodding in agreement as she nestles close, dragging her fingers across his chest. "I-I never knew doing it with such a big monster would leave such an effect on me~!" She replies playfully, Cell knowing this as he throatily chuckles. "Speaking of monsters, we'll have to do it in your berserk form someday." He kisses her forehead, as she hesitates to respond-simply giving him a small nod before she dozed off into the arms of her beast.

"Sweet dreams, my perfect saiyan."