The Parasite’s Pet | Cell x Gohan

Part two to Attack on Saiyan

Being brought back to life wasn't so bad after all, Cell had realized. Sure, rotting in hell for all of eternity wasn't the greatest thing to ever happen to him, but he had accepted that that was what his life was now.

Until he found Gohan again.

Of course, how could he forget Gohan! Why, it was Gohan's fault that he was stuck in hell in the first place! At first, Cell had the full intention to kill Gohan, but that would be too easy.

Cell ended up taking another route, one that was much more satisfying than just simply killing the hybrid. This route in particular made his revenge all the more sweeter and worthwhile.

It made Cell love being alive again.

After harvesting crops from a nearby farm, Cell had decently filled up a sack with food for his saiyan. He wasn't a monster to let Gohan starve to death, and it wouldn't do either of them any good if Gohan turned into a skeleton. At that point, Gohan wouldn't be able to keep up with the hell that Cell would put him through.

"That should do it," Cell says to himself, then turning to the red barn and shaking his head. "I guess that easily frightened farmer learned his lesson to leave me be." Cell ties the sack up with a rope as he held it easily in one of his hands. The bug then turned around to stare toward the direction of where he and Gohan currently reside. "Now then, time to get home to my pet. Poor thing is probably wondering where I am." He says with an added chuckle and a smirk.


"Honey, I'm home!" Cell declares happily, always wanting to say that cliché line that he's seen husbands say to their wives in movies. Since he didn't want Gohan to grow bored or insane in his own lingering thoughts, Cell started stealing DVDs from wherever he could find them and watch them with Gohan. He picked up a couple of things, but Cell wouldn't make it a habit.

Cell could sense Gohan's ki lingering in the hallway before the hybrid decided to dawdle back and forth until he reached the kitchen. The perfect life form watches cautiously as Gohan peeks over from the corner, staring ahead with one tired eye inching out from the side of the wall. Of course, he wasn't going to greet Cell back, his mind wasn't that corrupt yet. Cell of course, gave him time since the two of them had all the time of the world.

"In case you're wondering my precious pet, I did bring some more food for you to enjoy. Why don't you sit yourself on the couch and make yourself look pretty? You can go ahead and watch TV." Cell says, smiling wide at the timid hybrid.

" . . . Okay . . ." Gohan meekly whispers, Cell barely being able to hear his rare response. On usual days after a couple of weeks of the kidnapping, Gohan used to abrasively lash out at Cell. Swearing to Cell that the rest of the Z fighters or his family would eventually find him and Cell would pay. Now that Gohan's flickering flame of hope was slowly and evidently dying out, he became more and more mute. The former brave and ambitious shell that Gohan once wore was now crushed and decimated into—this.

Cell had high hopes that after Gohan was done with this depressing phase, that he would finally accept the insanity that was his life now. Gohan's own villain, had raped the virginity out of Gohan and repeatedly degraded him down into nothing. Gohan thought that once Cell got his sweet sweet revenge, that he would let Gohan go. Cell would prepare for a new Cell games, giving Gohan a certain amount of time to train himself up for their official rematch, but of course Cell had other plans.

Once the Stockholm Syndrome had kicked in, Cell envisioned his pretty pampered hybrid to become submissive and sweet. Instead of forcing sex out of Gohan, Cell would have to deal with his whining hybrid saiyan being in heat cycles. Gohan would then beg Cell to fuck him again and again in every room of their little house. Once Cell trusted Gohan enough to not miss the sorry excuse of his old life, he'd get him one of those smart phones from Capsule Corps. and let him watch some cooking videos so that Gohan would show his deep gratitude for Cell in meals—not that Cell needed to eat. But since it was his precious pet that made the food, how could he possibly resist?

Gohan toddles his way back into the living room, Cell's ears making out the fact that Gohan had just plopped himself down the couch and turned on the TV. The distant sound of the TV wasn't loud enough to let Cell know what Gohan was currently watching.

"You know, you can turn up the volume." Cell bellows from the kitchen, opening up his sack to put away the food he had stolen for the two of them.

No response came from Gohan, but the TV became significantly louder as the many different voices and music let Cell know that Gohan was changing channels.

As Cell gathers up the food he was going to cook tonight, he pays attention to the TV once he hears the mentioning of Son Gohan. Ah yes, Gohan's favorite channel, the news. Cell couldn't help but smile at the fact that his little toy was still feeling hopeful!

"It is now officially almost a month since the disappearance of Son Gohan when the young man had high hopes to spend a wonderful camping trip with his baby brother. The authorities have no leads as to who could've possibly done this, but they are still searching in hopes that Gohan will return safely to his family. His mother hasn't given up either and she just wants her baby boy back. Authorities will continue to investigate, but the one question remains: Where is Son Gohan, and who is the monster who could've done this? Now, the charitable foundation of Hercule Satan is donating in the efforts to bring forth justice."

Gohan winces from where he sat as he hears a roar of laughter coming from the kitchen. That much made Gohan clench his hands into fists as they tear into the fabric of his deep purple battle pants. He knew he shouldn't have watched the news. He knew Cell would've reacted like this. Gohan shivers as he feels the heavy footsteps into the quaint living room, Cell grinning at the hybrid who sat on the couch.

"My, my. Humans are such a strong sort, even though they have no chance against me. You'd think they'd give up this whole charade of finding you at this point. One thing they can't comprehend to understand is that I don't want filthy worthless zeni. I don't even want power over this universe!" Cell predaciously saunters toward Gohan as he bends himself forward, cupping the hybrid's face as he whispers into his ear. "I already have everything I could ever possibly want right here." He lowers his hand down on Gohan's chest, rubbing at one of his pecks.

Without receiving a response from Gohan, Cell leans forward and presses his lips down on Gohan's. He sloppily kisses Gohan over and over again, shoving his tongue into the caverns of his mouth to violate his lips. Cell could already feel the excitement wriggling within him, but had to stop. He needed to cook supper for his saiyan. As he broke the kiss, he turns around like nothing happened and returns into the kitchen.

A normal person would wonder why hadn't Gohan fought back yet, and the answer was that Cell was smarter than the average kidnapper. Of course Gohan would fight back relentlessly. Throw a blast or two in his face, kick and punch every chance he got, but Gohan couldn't. Not anymore. The ki draining cuffs that Cell had stolen from Capsule Corps. now hug Gohan's wrists, eating away at his ki and decimating it into nothing so that he couldn't fight back.

A tiny part of Gohan hated Bulma for creating these stupid cuffs for whatever stupid sexual reason she had. Hopefully she had realized a pair was missing and put two and two together, unless she had so many ki draining cuffs in the world that she didn't even realize a pair of cuffs was gone.

Tonight, Cell would cook up an octopus dinner followed by white rice and some steamed vegetables. He was quick to work on the meal as he found himself grinning at the fact that Gohan changed the news channel into some random soapy drama.

Dinner was always the same, Cell and Gohan sat in silence at the table, eating what Cell had cooked. Although it did take some time for Gohan to actually trust the parasite to not have poison the food. After all, the painful reminder was brought up every now and then when Gohan didn't trust Cell.

What good was a dead hybrid saiyan to a perfect parasite? Cell planned to keep Gohan forever, and in a sick and twisted fucked up way, he had plans to scavenge for the dragon balls to make two wishes: to make himself indestructible and to make Gohan immortal. As the days turned into months, months turned into years, years turned into decades, decades turned into centuries, Gohan would eventually accept that this is what his life had permanently come to. He would realize that his family and friends had given up hope and that they would age out and die, while he was left to live in a fucked up forever with his captor.

Gohan himself hadn't learned of this plan that Cell had brewing yet. Cell wanted to wait to tell him, or maybe once Gohan was driven mad, he would subtly mention how they could finally live together forever. Cell was already so eager with this, that the time for his new plan to be executed was close! He just had to wait for the news reports to die down just in case the Z fighters were planning something.

Today, Gohan had hoped that Cell wasn't in the mood for sex. His sexual patterns were unpredictable and never consistent enough to give Gohan a sense of preparedness and anticipation. So, before Cell could do anything, Gohan was quick to flee the kitchen and move on to his room. He kicks off his shoes before throwing himself down the bed and throwing the covers over his body. He tried to maintain his breathing as his heart was practically pounding within his rib cage. "Don't be in the mood, don't be in the mood . . ." Gohan inwardly repeated this in his thoughts as the news made him feel like shit. Not a day went by where he didn't think of his family and friends. He didn't even care that he was forcefully living with Cell at this point, but the horrible things Gohan imagined his family going through took the cake.

A slow and haunting creak drags out in his room as Gohan's eyes widened into saucers. His heart now rested on his tongue as Gohan's blood ran cold. The familiar heavy footsteps let Gohan know that Cell was here, peering into the darkness to get a good look at the hybrid in the bed.

"Time to wake up." Cell says in a voice that was so dark and so horrifying that Gohan almost couldn't recognize it, followed up by the lights in the room being turned on. Gohan scrambled himself out of his sleeping position as he backs away into the wall. The hybrid was met with the wickedly grinning parasite staring at him hungrily.

Cell could smell Gohan's fear and the pounding of Gohan's heart only excited him further.

"All you ever do is use me as a toy! You use me for your fucked up fantasies! I don't wanna have sex with you!" Gohan could feel the tears running down his face. He was reduced to being that same little crybaby many years ago who couldn't get angry and put up a fight.

Cell sat on his knees down the bed, only getting closer to Gohan as he places both hands on the wall, hovering above Gohan to block off any exit for the hybrid.

"I have to fight . . . I have to fight . . ." The crying child in Gohan's mind begged for Gohan to try and stop this monster, but how could he? He had no chance.

Cell then forcefully grabs Gohan by the waist, slamming him down the bed while tearing off the scarlet belt that hugs the hybrid's waist. The speckled and spotted bug then proceeded to rip off the top of Gohan's purple gi, leaving his chest bare to Cell. Scratches, love marks and bites paint the surface as Cell briefly takes off the cuffs, knowing that Gohan was too weak to fight back anyway. He tosses them behind him as the sprung around a couple of times before laying on the ground to gather with the rest of Gohan's clothes once he was completely naked.

Cell's lips latch onto Gohan's skin, kissing violently at his neck and tasting his flesh to his heart's content. Every other kissing fit would be halted with a fierce bite into the skin of the hybrid, tasting the addictive blood off of him. Gohan was whining, something that Cell could never get tired of hearing.

Simultaneously with both hands, Cell massages Gohan's chest, feeling the perked nipples on his palms. Once he was done sufficiently marking his territory, he moves down to Gohan's waist, prepared to pull Gohan's penis out from the confinements of his pants. His pants were already loose anyway so it was one quick swipe and Gohan was now completely naked. Cell threw the pants down to the floor as he raises himself up to stare at Gohan's gorgeous naked body. This body was all Cell's and he bathed in that fact like a thick layer of skin.

"Now what do we have here?" Cell picks up Gohan's penis from its resting state in his dominant hand as he strokes it in his hand. "You're not hard yet, Gohan!" Cell knew he wouldn't receive an answer, but he wouldn't back down at an opportunity to get a jab at Gohan.

While the hybrid was busy crying himself and staring up at the ceiling, Cell continues to massage Gohan's penis up and down in his hand, watching as Gohan's penis grew veins and precum sputters at the tip. Cell's mouth waters at the sight of the precum as he always enjoyed the taste of Gohan in his mouth, sucking him dry of everything he had to offer. Cell's penis was already gardening up on his protective shell as he brings his face down towards Gohan's penis.

"Time to taste you!" Cell cheers as he licks at Gohan's sensitive tip, causing the now messy haired hybrid to groan audibly and arch his neck back, head on pillow. Cell first takes the tip in his mouth, sucking away at it to get every little bit of the salty precum on his tongue. Once he was satisfied enough and wanted to be greeted with more, Cell practically deep-throats Gohan, feeling his penis in his wet mouth.

"A-Aaah!!" Gohan cries out, humiliated as always with the fucked up fact that he always enjoyed receiving blowjobs from Cell. Just like the first time when Gohan's clueless little mind didn't even know what the hell a blowjob even was.

Cell bobs his head back and forth, feeling the heat of Gohan in his mouth as every fine detail and texture of his penis drove him to his own sexual highs. Cell rings a finger and thumb around the last inch of Gohan and rubs him in a circular motion, continuously pumping his penis in his mouth. Cell now sucks at his fastest and roughest, lightly teething at the skin of Gohan, causing the hybrid to whimper in pain.

Before either of the two knew it, Gohan had came in Cell's mouth and just like every other time that Cell gave Gohan a blowjob, his arch nemesis had happily indulged in his load. Cell swallows every bit of what Gohan gave him before sitting up and wiping away at his mouth. Gohan catches his breath from where he laid on the bed as he was already beginning to sweat.

"Now he's gonna fuck me . . ." Gohan painfully reminds himself, bracing himself for being fucked mercilessly by such a tall creature.

"Here I was thinking you'd last a little while longer, but I guess it can't be helped." Cell crudely comments as he grins, spreading his own legs as he lets his wet erection move out from being tightly restricted. "Since you didn't last long Gohan, I'm going to fuck that pretty mouth of yours." Cell declares, causing a shiver to travel down Gohan's spine. The fear in Gohan's blood quickly made a triumphant return since Gohan had never given Cell a blowjob—he's only ever been fucked by that horrible thing. Judging by the way it hurt in his ass every time Cell would force himself inside of him, Gohan knew he wouldn't be able to handle giving a blowjob to Cell.

As if reading the hybrid's thoughts, Cell strokes the spiky strands of Gohan's hair and says in a warning tone, "Now now, I'll go easy on you since it's your first time, but if you puke out your guts on the sheets, I'll have you wash them by hand." As Cell expected, Gohan glares at him with a fierce pout. He knew Gohan didn't want to give him a blowjob, but Cell wanted to feel how amazing that mouth felt on his penis.

Cell moves up to Gohan's face, careful not to sit on his vital neck and chest as he gives himself a couple of strokes. A tint of radish red powders Gohan's cheeks as he can hear the sound of Cell's natural lubricant slicking itself in Cell's grasp.

Cell grins as he stares down into Gohan's eyes. "Now, open wide~!" He sings as Gohan's lips quiver like crazy, due to his own fear swallowing him up whole. "Come on, be a good boy and calm down . . . Easy breaths." He inches his tip on Gohan's lips as the hybrid flinches at the moistness. Gohan knew that if he didn't do as he was told, Cell would drag him by the hairs and shove that thing down his throat. So, in order to go at his own pace to potentially not puke, Gohan holds Cell's penis and guides it into his mouth.

He is surprised by the foreign taste of Cell's lubricant as he slowly sucks on the inches that were in his mouth. It was so thick that it was hard to move it around in his mouth.

Cell grins victoriously as he gently starts thrusting his hips back and forth at a slow pace to let Gohan get a feel for it. Cell couldn't help but blush at the mesmerizing sight of Gohan sucking on him, holding onto the rest of his length.

"Such a good boy, Gohan! Look at you, taking it in bit by bit!" Cell grazes his fingers into Gohan's hair as he smirks. "Although I expected you to be strong enough to take more of me in." Again, Cell thrusts his penis slowly in and out of Gohan's mouth as tears prick the edge of his eyes. The hybrid was nearly gagging when it threatened to go down his throat. In order to keep himself steady, Gohan held onto Cell's waist.

"See? We're getting through this easily," Cell says with a soft sigh, picking up the pace of his thrusting as he was about to go animalistic. "You're a saiyan, surely you can take more than that." He growls under his breath, rocking his hips back and forth as he was practically forcing it down Gohan's throat. Gohan could only hold onto dear life as he prayed he didn't puke. He uses his lips to massage the sensitive skin of Cell's penis to push him to the edge, whatever helped him achieve his climax faster.

"Ohhhhh~!!" Cell groans, arching his body back as he goes as rough as he pleases, amazed with the blowjob—so close to his climax! "Gohan, I'm gonna—!" And Cell settles himself down on Gohan, cumming in his mouth.

Gohan's eyes widen as the tears rush down his face, feeling the nasty load of Cell's rush down his throat. He had no choice but to swallow. Once Cell had pulled away from being in front of Gohan's face, Gohan thought that was it for the day. As the naked hybrid quickly sat up, he coughs in disgust, swallowing a couple of times so he wouldn't puke. He tries his hardest not to groan in disgust as he could feel the searing eyes of Cell on him.

The perfect life form rolls his eyes as he was sitting up too. "You know, for a saiyan, you sure are easy to break. A warm blooded human would probably last longer than you." Cell says this as he grins, dragging Gohan down the bed by his feet and pins both wrists down to the side of his head.

"I . . . I thought we were done for today . . ." Gohan quietly murmurs, hoping that that fucked up excuse for a blowjob would be enough for Cell.

"Done?" Cell laughs at such a silly joke. "You seriously think we'd be done with measly blowjobs? You didn't even last long with both of them, so I'm going to have my way with you . . ." He leans his face close to Gohan and says in a dark husky voice. "And no matter how much you beg me to stop, cry yourself a storm or try to shove me off, I'll just keep going until I'm completely satisfied." His words were dangerous, warning Gohan of the outcome of the night.

Gohan was never ready the first time, and he'd certainly never be ready this time.

In order to not humiliate himself any further, Gohan said nothing more, waiting for Cell to fuck him like an animal.

Cell's penis lowers itself down below Gohan's ass, grinding itself between his cheeks to prepare him. As usual, it felt good to rub his self lubricated cock in between his butt cheeks and to ignite every single bundle of nerve for Gohan. As suspected, Gohan began to breathily moan over Cell's motions and his erection poked up. Some other day, Cell would rub their erections together—this day however was reserved for fucking his favorite hybrid saiyan beneath him.

"As usual, you're already feeling good on me, Gohan! I can't wait to see how tight you are today." Cell declares, angling himself at Gohan's butt hole and prodding at it teasingly.

Gohan winces as he could already imagine how the pain will feel up inside him. He grips the bedsheets as he whimpers, his whole body trembling.

Without another warning, Cell pushes himself all the way inside of Gohan, making every part of Gohan throb in pain. The hybrid screams out, his body arched as he attempts to take in the length of Cell. The android sighs softly in delight as Gohan felt incredible as ever, tight and wet with his own cum. The gleam in Cell's eyes were hypnotically bright as he slides himself out, easing himself back in, keeping this consistent pattern.

The bed creaks beneath them as Gohan groans, his legs numbly wrapping around Cell's waist as the thrusting becomes deeper. Cell lowers his face down towards Gohan, kissing his lips over and over again as gently as he could. While he was kissing away at his lips, Cell repeatedly slams his cock into the wet insides of Gohan, the lewd wet noises turning him on.

Through the kissing session, Gohan could only gasp as the parasite pounded into him mercilessly, hitting sensitive spots that drove the tears down his face once more. Cell seems to notice that Gohan was starting to cry, so he breaks the kiss, pulling away from being so close to the hybrid's body.

Cell sets himself at a weird angle as he hooks his leg on top of his shoulder, slamming his penis inside repeatedly, swaying it sideways to hit the most intricate spots.

Gohan's choked sobs escape his mouth as tears would not stop running down his face. It hurt, it hurt so fucking bad again, and it was worse that Cell was stretching the muscles in his leg. Above everything else, Cell's thick penis was penetrating him at wicked speed with no love or patience towards Gohan. No matter how many times Gohan begged Cell to stop or cried, Cell just wouldn't stop. It was as if Cell was turned on by his crying and the fact that Gohan was being raped by him. Gohan was being reduced again into nothing, and it was utterly humiliating that Gohan could no longer defeat Cell.

"Fuck, fuck!" Cell growls, riding out his euphoric high as his groin area slaps repeatedly against Gohan's skin, deeper and deeper, obsessed with the sloppy hard sex that they were having. The bed was creaking along as quick as Cell's thrusting came, the headboard slamming over and over again into the wall as he swears up a storm, closer to his own orgasm.

The perfect life form blinks as he feels a couple of wet splatters on his lower abdomen, lowering his gaze down to see that Gohan's cum was shooting up on Cell, his lips twitching into a smirk as he was amused.

"Oh? And here I was—" Cell slams himself into Gohan a couple times, releasing a grunt. "Thinking that you weren't enjoying this, my poor little pet, but you're cumming just as much as I'm about to. Your favorite part's coming: the part where I cum deep inside your tight little ass." Cell declares, his dick pulsating deliciously as he could feel his ejaculation practically swirling inside of his penis. "Here it comes, Gohan!"

Gohan gasps, his once obsidian orbs transforming into soulless grey stones. A loud wet splurt vibrates into Gohan's ears as he shivers, feeling the warm flood of Cell's semen fill his ass up until it was dripping down the bed.

The room is filled with their panting and grunting of their sex finally finishing, Gohan feeling disgusted and mortified just as he always did every time they had sex. Gohan never wanted this. He never wanted nor did he imagine that this was what his life would come to. Every damn day that he woke up in his new life, painfully reminded of who he belonged to, Gohan wanted to die. No matter how much ki he tried to build up, he couldn't kill himself. He wasn't allowed to leave the house to go climb the tallest mountain and jump off.

This was his permanent hell and he knew Cell wasn't going to ever let him go.

Cell knew Gohan was suicidal and extremely depressed with his hints of PTSD. He didn't want Gohan to live in sadness and fear forever, so in due time when it was his birthday, Cell would give him a present. A certain Namekian that would give him false hope and a fatherly love that he craved so much. Besides, the Namekian was too weak to even fight Cell, but the perfect life form knew that Gohan's master would be fine being with Gohan. He would live for Gohan as Cell was doing so now.

For now, Cell needed more of Gohan, and they had all the time in the world for that.