
[General POV]

Daki dashed towards Naoki while he stands still. Then suddenly Daki felt danger her instincts where screaming at her, telling her not to approach but it was to late.

[Hadō 4: Byakurai](pale lighting)

As soon as Naoki finished white electricity shot out of his hand. Daki couldn't dodge it so she decided to take it due to having a healing factor, but she was mistaken as it hit her she saw she couldn't regenerate fast it was healing slowly.

"You're Confused aren't you? See my family practices a special type of power that lets us use our spiritual energy and what just happened was when I hit you with my spiritual energy, yours got hit also that's why you're regeneration is slow." Said Naoki.

"What is spiritual energy how can a human use such powers are you human?" Asked Daki with a little bit of fear on her face.

"You don't need to know you're going to die anyway so there's no point in telling." Said Naoki.

Daki was boiling with anger she about her obi towards Naoki who was dodging with future sight, she was getting more pissed because she couldn't hit him.

"Ok I want to get this over with I feel someone coming."said Naoki as he got ready to strike.


Suddenly Naoki appeared in front of Daki and unsheathed his sword at a speed the eye couldn't see.

[Star Breathing 9th form: Last Light]

As he cut her head off you can see her head role across the ground and end up next to her brother.

"Brother why are you on the ground get up and kill him help me. Never mind you can't do anything either you're weak." Yelled Daki.

"Huh you're a loser you weakling from the bottom of my heart I regret protecting a shill harpy like you! If not for you my life would have been better. It's all your fault I was always there to wipe your ass for you!" Yelled gyutaro.

"I'd have been better off if you never been bor-" yelled gyutaro but got interrupted.

"Oi shut up you're lying to yourself right now you don't mean one word you're saying do you? She is your sister you are obligated to protect her I don't blame you for what you did to protect her but the way you turned out to be is sickening, I know that humans are no better then demons we just kill our own kind and you want to know the reasons why?" Said Naoki.

"Fear, envy, lust and greed, human are riddled with sin but so are demons they are two sides of the same coin there are the good and there are the bad. Human fear what they can't understand that's why we hunt and kill demons because of fear but there are good demons three actually." Said Naoki.

"So don't lie to your sister I can tell you love and adore her so go to hell in peace." Said Naoki to both siblings as they disappeared from this world.

Naoki was still look at the empty space until five people appeared behind him.

Four women one man, first the woman had a smile on her face she had a butterfly hairpin in her hair, her hair was black with purple tips. She had a white haori with black, pink and green colors her demon slayer uniform under was a dark purple.

The other four looked to be talked while one of the women was crying while hugging a muscular mad with white hair and two cleavers on his back. His demon slayer uniform was a dark navy blue with no sleeves he had gold bracers on his biceps.

"Ara-Ara it looks like we were late I was informed that there was an upper moon here but now they are not here, was it you who kil the demon? I'm Shinobu kocho the insect hashira may I know your name?"asked Shinobu with a slight smile.

"My name is Naoki Hirose I was passing through yoshiwara when I smelled blood in the air so I investigated and found an upper moon demon, I planned to kill the demon but it turned out that upper moon six are two people." Said Naoki as he "looked" at Shinobu with a questions gaze.

"So you're saying you killed them both? Now I think we need to go back to HQ to tell the master." Said shinobu.

"I will gladly follow you back but first let me see if the people are ok." Said Naoki while walking in the opposite direction.

Naoki and Shinobu helped the injured, uzui decided to leave with his wives and tell the master the news about Naoki killing an upper moon, Shinobu and Naoki are now one their way towards demon slayer HQ and they have became quit friendly.

"So Naoki-San why did you become a demon slayer?" Asked Shinobu.

"To kill muzan that's my goal and the reason I became a demon slayer." Said Naoki as he "looked" Shinobu directly in her eyes.

Shinobu was taken aback when she heard what Naoki said because she thought she would hear the same old story how his family was killed my demons, but that wasn't the case.

"Another question, why do you wear a blindfold are you blind?" Asked Shinobu.

"No I'm not blind I have special eyes they are called the rikugan or the six eyes they give me vast perception, immense brain processing speed. I have to wear a blindfold to reduce the information going into my brain but I can still see through the blindfold." Said Naoki.

"So that's why it not uncommon to see humans with some type of supernatural abilities. The love hashira has enhanced strength but she has suffered some hate due to her appearance so when you meet her I hope you don't Judge her." Said Shinobu with a slight smile.

[1 day later]

Naoki and Shinobu had made it to HQ and they are now in the butterfly mansion, Naoki had met the residents of the mansion kanao, aoi and the three little girls.

"The master has called for a hashira meeting and mizunoto Naoki Hirose has to attend." Said a kakushi.

Naoki was escorted to the main mansion, when he got there he seen all the hashira standing and talking to each other. As soon as he entered they all look towards Naoki.

"So you're the one who supposedly killed an upper moon, you certainly have a strong presence, however even if you killed an upper moon You will have to do more to get me to acknowledge you." Said the serpent hashira.

"I don't remember giving a damn about your approval, plus I could care less if you're a hashira, your rank doesn't mean shit to me so watch you tone snake boy." Said Naoki as he lifted his blindfold and show his bright blue eyes.

"Hahaha how flamboyant he got you there iguro hahaha." Said uzui while laughing.

"I can see his spirit definitely fit to be a hashira." Said the flame hashira

"His eyes are beautiful that color of blue is so pretty." Said the love hashira, when iguro heard her an arrow shot through his heart.

"I pray that he live long so we can end the hideous demons." Said the stone hashira.

(A/n: idk if gyomei speaks like this lmk)

"...." The water hashira was silent.

And the wind hashira just scoffed at Naoki, when that was going on the master had entered.

"Hello my children." Said a black haired man with a purple scar across the top of his face, he had a smile while watching all the hashira kneel then he "looked" at Naoki.

"Oi newbie get down you're in the presence of the master." Yelled the wind hashira.

"I'm sorry Kagaya Ubuyashiki but I can't kneel I took an oath that's I'll only kneel if my father or mother asked me to, they are no longer in this world but you have my upmost respect." Said Naoki (cultivation BS)

But suddenly Naoki was grabbed, sanemi shinazugawa the wind hashira grabbed him, he was staring daggers at Naoki and squeezing his shoulder.

"Oi I know you heard me get down when your in the presence of the master." Said sanemi.

Then out of nowhere the hashira felt a strong pressure weighing down on them, even gyomei felt some pressure but sanemi got the brunt of is and he was on the ground kneeling.

"I never said you can touch me I should him respect by apologizing and telling him the reason why I couldn't no get back in line like the good dog you are, make sure never do this again." Said Naoki

"Ok that's enough sanemi I took no offense now on to the reason we are all here." Said kagaya

"I want to make an announcement that we will be adding a new hashira to our ranks. Naoki Hirose your please step forward." As kagaya finished Naoki stepped forward.

"For your contributions for killing an upper moon I appoint you as the tenth hashira now what is your breath style?"asked kagaya.

"My style is breath of the stars it's a breathing technique passed down in my family so now I'm the current wielded." Said naoki.

"You are now the Star hashira we will build you your own mansion, ok this meeting is finished." Said kagaya as his wife helped his up.

[5 hours later]

'Rika show me my mission'

[yes Naoki-sama]



Become a hashira

(Hashira are the pinnacle of demon slayers and lead the others in the fight against

demons become a hashira and take down


Rewards: New system function, random

skill ticket

Failure: shop and gacha are Locked until

next world

Time limit: 2 month


'Use the random skill ticket'


(Celestial Bodies Magic)

-Description: This is a powerful spell based on astronomical objects, such as meteors, stars and black holes. The user is able to generate and manipulate the energy of stars from his body, and use it against the enemy.


'This is OP I know I could do this when my bloodline is at 100%, however this is good I'll use this as my magic when I get to black clover.'

[Naoki-sama your bloodline is now at 5% you have unlocked 3 skills]




Name: Naoki Hirose


Race: Human 95%/ Origin 5%

Bloodline: Amatsu-Mikaboshi (5%)

STR: tier 9-A(Superhuman)

AGI: tier 9-A(Superhuman)

STA: tier 9-A(Superhuman)

INT: super high

LCK: 50

SP(system points): 110,140,000

GT(gacha tickets): 150

Inventory: yamato(dmc), Uo Uo no mi (azure dragon), kunai x50, shuriken x50, DS uniform (indestructible)

Skills: Shunpō, 3 colored haki, total concentration breathing, breath of the stars, kidō, "B" the balance, shurikenjutsu, celestial body magic

Bloodline skills: Solor fire, stellar regeneration, stellar flight


'I'll check the description later.'








Well this chapter might suck but I was extremely tired while making this so I apologize but is my punctuation is messed up then this is the reason thanks bye🫡

P.S/ lemme is I fucked up my spelling