Chapter 8

The days we spent together face to face, now they will remain as beautiful memories. If I can allow it, to the end of time... ― Megumi No Ame (Rain Of Blessing), Alan Dawa Dolma


Kourin looked like a tourist on a trip with Raiden. Well, all they did was walk around, window shop, and go to the amusement park. At the same time, they went to a hidden Shinto shrine.

And first, the girl was really surprised upon seeing that when Raiden took her there. During her two-year stay there, she just only learned at that moment that there was a Shinto shrine in the area.

"I was supposed to show this place to you two weeks ago. It's just that a lot has happened," Raiden said.

Kourin frowned at what he said. "A lot happened?"

Raiden nodded. "For one, they didn't let you out. Two, my grandfather came home. Three, my sister also came back home two days ago but she ruined my day again with her relentless teasing so we're not exactly on talking terms. And four..." He paused before sighing. "Someone attempted to burn this place down."


"Because they thought that there was no one guarding this place. And the Shinto priestess also told me that day, this place had pieces of evidence of a murder."

Suddenly Kourin seemed to feel goosebumps from what she was hearing from Raiden. But as soon as she felt it, she also quickly felt arms wrapped around her. She just closed her eyes.

"You're scared again?"

Kourin just nodded because she didn't know what to say. It was as if words didn't want to come out of her mouth.

"As if I'll forsake you. Don't worry. I'll never let anything bad happen to you." Raiden's way of saying that was full of assurance.

But he didn't know that it only intensified Kourin's fear. A long time ago, the people she cared about uttered the very same promise. She didn't want to think that the people who told her those words would disappear one day.

Kourin couldn't help thinking about that, especially since she was still in the middle of dealing with a five-decade-old war that those people had against the families who still believed in her.

Though for some reason, Raiden's embrace provided something for Kourin. And it was able to take away the fear that had engulfed her lately.

"You're taking advantage, aren't you? "

She felt him stiffen as she said it. But soon he just laughed and released her. He was looking at her with gentleness in his eyes.

"Are you okay now?"

Kourin sighed inaudibly. "So far. Thanks to you."

"You want to offer a prayer while we're here?"

Kourin no longer refused. And with that, both of them entered the shrine. They did so even though she was aware that someone was watching them. She knew some of them were those that she could trust.

But the others... were people she somehow knew who would want her dead. Even when the persona she used now was different.


IF THERE was one thing Kourin learned from those who watched over her, it was to sharpen her senses to be able to feel her surroundings. She admitted she doesn't have such skills before. Though she had been trained, she never had a chance to put it to good use.

Until now...

"Rin, is there a problem?"

Kourin looked at Raiden when he asked her that. Yikes! She forgot that she was with him.

"Nothing." But she knew, it wasn't enough for Raiden not to worry. He was her friend, after all.

The first one she ever made since she came to this country 2 years ago.

Kourin first met Raiden when he became her seatmate on her first day in Skyfield University's high school department. They were in their junior years at that time. And first, she thought he was also Japanese like her. Well, she only thought of that because of his name. The name Raiden actually meant "thunder and lightning" in Japanese. Also, that name is not common in a foreign country. And she was proven wrong when he talked to her and introduced himself to her. She should have avoided him because she was still hesitant to make friends with anyone especially when her situation could really be considered chaotic at the moment. But Raiden never let her stay as someone who was friendless and alone. One thing led to another and the next thing the girl knew, they were friends. For real!

"You're done praying?"

Kourin just nodded. She only prayed for one thing, anyway. The end of the war they were facing. But then she knew it wouldn't come true sooner or later.

"You want to know your fortune?" she suddenly asked Raiden. But he just frowned. "Come on! Let's go there." And then she pulled him towards a part of the shrine where the fortune-telling stall was. There was also a place where good luck charms were sold.

This place had truly captured the Japanese feel. It almost felt like home for her.

Moments later, the two of them picked up papers containing words related to their fortunes. They managed to have them after shaking a wooden cylinder that had sticks with written numbers near the end. That number determines which fortune would the priestess pick for them to have.

"Can you translate this?" Raiden asked Kourin as they left the stall. Raiden showed Kourin the paper on which his fortune was written. "'The one who perseveres to protect one's treasure will determine the path that leads to one's destiny.'" And then she faced him. "Well, that's deep. Do you have any idea what your fortune determines?"

He noticed that Raiden seemed to be thinking. But it was only for a moment. He faced her and smiled after shaking his head. "But I have a feeling it would be something grand."

"It's obvious." And then Kourin opened the envelope where the paper that contained her fortune was placed. "What about mine?" After taking out the paper, she immediately read what was written. "'The full moon will entwine two loves that longed and waited.'"

It was smaller compared to Raiden's fortune. But the idea alone was enough to hit the young clan princess big time. She didn't know if she should be happy or she should be more afraid.

"Wow ... It's like a good fortune for your love life, huh? Does that mean you're going to have a boyfriend?"

She then hit Raiden's arm before she could stop herself. "What boyfriend are you talking about? I haven't even started being a college student yet, and now you're looking forward to me having a boyfriend? My guardians would be scolding me if that even happens."

"I don't think they would do that to you. Besides, I think they were just strict but they would never interfere with your personal life."

'Oh my gosh, Raiden. It's obvious you really don't know my guardians.' But at some points, she guessed that he was right. His guardians were strict with her, but there was a big reason for that.

It was the reason that she and the others had all shared. And that reason? They were all afraid to lose something important again. That was why... they couldn't afford to make the same mistake twice.

"You know what? Let's just go home. Maybe later, your older sister Yasha will be looking for you. Her scolding of you will surely break your eardrums." Kourin giggled as she said that and pulled him away from that place.

"Don't remind me. My ears might get even itchier because of her."

It was really fun for Kourin to watch Raiden get annoyed especially when his sister was in the discussion. Those two really loved to quarrel. Of course, it only reminded her of her relationship with her brother. At that moment, she suddenly felt that she missed her slain brother.