Mission escape: accomplished

Each step was taken carefully with a firm press on the floor to avoid making any noise. She had been walking like a zombie in corridor for straight fifteen minutes yet she couldn't find the damn washroom anywhere.

Was her sense of direction that bad? Probably not. She had been so focused to NOT fall into anybody's line of sight, that she took a wrong turn unknowingly. One corridors would end into another, and while some opened into a senior's modernistic office, the rest closed into dead ends.

'What a beautiful maze I've got trapped into.' she mooted.

As each seconds passed by, her anxiety was grew enormously until her gaze fall upon something which triggered her mind. It was that troublesome coffee machine which made her put into this situation in the first place. Initially, she hissed at the machine like a small kid but later repented on her stupidity and ended up using it anyway.

"I can't go back empty handed now when I've taken so much risk cause of it." She muttered as she placed her cup under it. Surprisingly, the smell was much stronger and pleasing than the one she usually gets at cafeteria. The margin in their quality was awfully obvious.

The machine was at a secluded corner of the small space decorated with various wending machines and decoration props. There was only a short counter behind which an expensive refrigerator and a microwave was kept. It looked as if it was a cafetaria but at the same time it didn't.

"Could it be it's only used for storage of snacks when needed to be?" She whispered while taking a sip of her flavour-rich strong Latte, and enjoyed it while staring at the opposite tall building through glass window.

Some may think it was quite foolish to take so much of risk just to grab a cup of coffee. But being a coffee addict, it's very hard to stay focused until the dose is taken on time. Coffee was like a medicine in her hard times and since then she had been a huge coffee addict.

'Chin up even in your hard times.' had always been her motto. She believed in her ability to handle any stressful condition somehow and stabilize it. And being a good communicator helped her a lot.

Her few moments of enjoyment was finally over as she gulped the last sip, when suddenly someone called her from behind, again. But this time, there was a slight difference.

Ayana flinched upon hearing a man's sharp voice and turned swiftly after throwing her disposable cup into the dustbin. There were two men standing in front of her with a stiff posture.

The man in the back relatively had a good muscular body and tall stature. He was wearing an expensive formal suit with pitch black sunglasses on. His mildly long raven hairs were swept back perfectly, making him look like a rich attractive man.

'Wait a second. Why does he look so familiar?! Ugh! This deja vu. Have I really got that racist disorder in which I can't tell difference between faces of asian guys with similar features?'

On the other hand, the man in front looked a bit weaker and was wearing plain brown office suite. His caramel brown hairs were swept side ways to give a formal look over his baby face. His bushy brows were frowned upon her sight and his hands were already clenched into a fist.

' "How dare a mere office employee entered this place?! Do you want to get fired?" Is this is what he's gonna say? Cr*p! What shall I do now?!!'

Ayana began to panick upon seeing their surprised expression. They definitely looked like one of the major shareholders of this company, in short, the boss of her boss. Not only that, one of them was already pissed off from her presence.

"Who are you? What're you doing here?" The man with brown hair said nonchalantly. Although both of them possessed a blank expression right from the start, the one in front still leaked a bit of his anger.

"I..Good morning sir! I am Ayana Shekar from Marketing team. I was told that I was to be summoned here, but it seems there was a bit misunderstanding in the conversation. Now, if you'll excuse me I shall return to my work." Ayana lied swiftly with her innate talent.

Both men glanced at each other for a second, but after a slight nod of agreement from man at back, the one in front hesitantly nodded too.

Taking this as the right chance, Ayana walked past them in a flash with her head deeply bowed to hide her face.

'Phew! Now all I need is to grab the lift, quick!' she eased the tension building up in her shoulders and finally succeeded in returning back safe to her office desk.

'Mission Done.' she announced proudly as if she took pride in her so-called intelligence like a small child.

Although that's a different thing that she still got nitpicked by her boss because of their team's work distribution later.


Meanwhile, the men to whom Ayana had bumped into earlier, were now in a one-sided heated argument in their office cabin.

While the brown haired assistant, Sebastian, was arguing over his boss's emotions, Eric was relaxing on the chair fidgeting with his sunglasses.

It was him who responded to receptionist's call on his sister's behalf, Grace Park, and demanded to make Ayana wait in the lobby. Obviously he was planning to make her wait for a whole day but to his amusement, she had zero patient afterall.

Not only did she broke the rule to barge into Chief's headquarters, she also managed to bump into one of them. She amusingly unpredictable.

"Isn't it so absurd that she still didn't recognised me, even after meeting me three times in a row?" Eric stated with a vicious smile lifting the corner of his lips.

"Please don't dodge my questions. You know this very well that you can't afford to fall into a relationship. Yet here you are leaving so many traces of leads for your rivals to catch up on." Sebastian said seriously as he could no longer tolerate this course of actions.

But to his surprise, his master interrupted in between with his gaze still fixed at his reflection on sunglasses.

"You think I didn't know that?" He said melodically as he shuts his eyes while resting the back of his head.

"?!...wait you don't mean-"

"Ofcourse I did left all those for you to clean up later on purpose. I trust your capabilities you see." His eyes finally pointed at Sebastian's surprised face and responded with a gleeful smirk.

Sebastian was disappointed and concerned about his recent careless actions all because of a stupid crush.

Although it appeared Eric was just doing this as a short timepass from his busy routine, Sebastian still feared the emergence of unknown spark for love within Eric's heart, which not only will affect his master and him, but this whole company's future as well.