Conversation gone wrong.

'Uh...this is awkward...'

The breakfast served was wonderfully decorated on her plate and she distinguished it into three basic sections. Soup, boiled rice and a side dish, which was probably made up of fermentated vegetables. There wasn't a single thing that didn't looked appetizing to her picky tongue, but despite that she couldn't eat them.

She had to wait until it gets completely cold and tasteless, all thanks to the intense stares boring straight into her head. 

It would've been a sin to break this unfathomable silence, and getting shameless to eat like her normal self was also not an option.

'Ugh.. I am hungry. Please let me eat.' Her cheeks began to ache from continuously smiling nervously at the dinner table but nobody would move an inch and keep examining her every movement, that is until, this whole ridiculous act was put to an end by a loud roar.