Chapter 3 - Jaya

-Five Years Later.

An island with rich mountains, dense forests and three large volcanos. At this moment there was a sound of *BOOM* that came from the depths of the forest, which caused a lot of birds to fly into the sky.

A large spherical object — a spaceship — lay float half a meter from the ground as ripples of invisible waves blasted out the trees, rocks, and debris away from it, clearing a radius of about 50 meters from the center.

The large mechanical sphere slowly expanded three mechanical legs from its bottom as it touched down to the ground.


A smaller oval looking space pod inside the large spaceship slowly opened its glass window and one can see a naked young boy who looked about three to four years old who laid rest comfortably.

"Ugh!" The boy grunted as he slowly opened his eyes, looking at the unfamiliar seen over him.

"Where am I?" He asked himself.

[You are in Planet-A36969, which is approximately 70,000 light years away from planet Plant.]

"Who's there?" The boy called out, startled.

[My name is Jaya. Planet Sadala's core intelligent system which is now embedded into your genetic code. I am modified by Sir Michael and Lady Victoria, the descendants of my designers, to assist their offspring El-Dirao in all ways that is needed during his lifetime.]

"Pretty lady voice says what now?"

[My name is Jaya, the 2nd generation core Artificial Intelligence system of planet Sadala, now re-programmed to serve as a support for you-.]

"No. I mean…

So that wasn't a dream?" The boy interrupted the voice in his head.

[Unable to comply. Although I am part of your genetic code now, I cannot interpret anything you see in your state of slumber. I can however communicate with you through your mind while you are awake as you need only to think of my name and forward any query you have that you need to compute.

In addition, because my state is always active, I can perceive your surroundings even during your state of slumber and wake you up forcibly if there are any hostile forces that may approach you.]

"So Saiyans… Wait, where's my tail?" The boy said as he jumped out of the space pod. He turned his head and looked down only to find nothing out of the ordinary.

[The tail was surgically removed by your guardians, just after your birth as they deemed it unnecessary. The Saiyan's tails only purpose is that it acts as a mediate to trigger your 'S' cells. During the Oozaru transformation, when there are enough Bruits Waves in the atmosphere for you to absorb through your eyes, I can manually trigger your 'S' cells, instead of the Saiyans' tail that automatically brings out this reaction.]

"Aaa… That sounds… Reassuring. Does that mean I will be conscious in my transformed state into the great ape?"

[Theoretically, yes.] Jaya replied.

"What do you mean 'theoretically'?"

[This experiment has not been carried out, as your parents had to part ways with you before code synchronization. But your guardians ran many simulations, and were able to conclude that, in fact, you can remain conscious in your Oozaru state. And even if there are any abnormalities, I can manually trigger your 'S' cells to break off any Bruits wave fusion, making your body revert to normal.]

"Well, we can focus on that when the time comes. Right, umm, Jaya. I have a lot of questions, starting with, what happened to my biological parents? Why did they send me here some 70,000 light years away from Planet Plant? And does this spaceship has anything to eat?"

[There are indeed food supplements stored inside this spaceship. In addition, there are training materials, recovery pods, and a place for you to rest comfortably. Shall I play the message your guardians prepared for you? Originally, they wanted me to show you this information only when you grow up a few years, however, after my calculations from your speech and behavior during this short time, I feel your maturity matches to what Sir Michael and Lady Vitoria's expectation of when to show it to you.]

"Hah… they couldn't have thought that I am a transmigrated person, could they?" Victor said with a chuckle.

[I do not understand, sir…] Jaya responded.

"Never mind. I'm glad that you can't excess my memories."

[Affirmative, I cannot access nor compute anything from your memory that you felt or saw before our synchronization. I can however perfectly recall or compute what you see, hear and feel, from the point my code was merged with your genetic code.]

"Good to know," said Victor as he walked towards another room.

"Where is the food stored?"

[Proceed forward and place your hand on the blue square you see to the right.]


A holographic screen lit up and lines of unfamiliar names became listed down in front of Victor.

"What are these?"

[Different flavors of food blocks, sir.]

"Aren't there any… meat, or drinks?"

'Negative, sir. The only consumables stored here are food blocks and water, enough a years' consumption.

As he touched his index finger on one of the names, a 'click' sound came from his right. Rows of cuboid shape structures rose from the ground and one of them made an opening, bringing out a cube, close to the size of a fist.

[Each block is rich in nutrients and has high energy content enough for a full days intensive training.] Jaya's voice rang in Victor's mind.

"Right…" Victor took the cube, which felt soft and a bit warm.


He took a bite while chewing slowly feeling the 'unusual' taste.

"Not bad. Unfamiliar, but, not bad."


"Please play my messages, Jaya!" Said Victor.


A large holographic square came into shape in front of Victor and immediately disintegrated, then took the shape of one burly looking male wearing battle armor, a robe, and one beautiful looking female wearing the same looking attire.

Victor halted his chewing subconsciously as he processed the sight in front of him.

Victor came from the 21st century earth and there was no technology with the likes of what is displayed around him. Although he is somehow staying sane after all that has happened, he has, somewhat, accepted his situation. After all, he was a 25-year-old man in his previous life and has seen many fantasy novels, manga, and movies. Even though what is happening to him is beyond unbelievable, he is kind of familiar with his current situation — having seen many transmigration genre content.