Chapter 7

"Ugh!… Why am I feeling like this again?!! Jaya, what's going on?" Victor asked, groaning in pain once more.

[Detecting a massive increase of the neuron activity inside your brain…]

[Error… unable to manually adjust…]

[Error… gathering more data…]

"Fuck… is this some side effect of the cell evolution? Damn… I should have been more careful… UGH!" Victor fell to his knees, grinding teeth in pain.

-Five minutes later

"So… damn… loud… Jaya! Are you not done yet?" Victor screamed.


"Jaya? Are you there?" Victor asked, tired and full of worry.


-10 minutes later

[The 'World Energy' has exponentially boosted the sensory neuron activities in the body. According to my analysis, this pain you feel now will continue until your central nervous system familiarizes with it.] After what felt like a long, and agonizing period of time, Jaya's voice once again rang in Victor's head.

*Huff* … *Huff*

"What happened to you? Why didn't you answer?" Victor asked as his breathing slowly got better.

[The neuron activity was too high for me to pass additional information to you. But now as it is stabilizing, I can resume communication.] Jaya answered.

-Half an hour later

Victors condition slowly got better and he started to relax and breath normally.

"Jaya do you know what's going on. I feel… different."

[As I mention earlier, sir, this planet's 'World Energy' has now completely synchronized with your body. What you feel now is one of the effects of your central nervous system being tremendously reinforced by the dense energy of this planet.]

"My senses feel like they're on steroids. My sight has become much clear now, and when I concentrate, I can even detect tiny movements almost 500 meters away inside the woods. It's like having a third eye."

[My analysis detect that the range of your new capabilities would grow as your power level increase.] Jaya explained.

With a "hmm" Victor went into concentration.

"It's not there now. Haha. Just like a switch, I can control weather to turn the senses on or not."

[It is recommended to continue spreading your senses to get familiarized with the feeling. My analysis shows that you not only can turn the senses off, but also adjust the observable range.]

"You're right… This planet is a treasure house. I wonder if any other Saiyan's visited here and felt its benefits?" Victor asked himself.

[Even if other Saiyan's had visited here, they would not be able to harmonize with this planets' unique energy like you did. Your DNA was altered, which resulted in your body's smooth transition.] Jaya answered.

"You're right, you're right. You're the best. Now let's really test the new potential of my Elite Saiyan power level." Said Victor, looking at his palm.


A ball of white energy quickly condensed into his hand.

"I don't feel any drain…"

[Pure energy manipulation and flight can now be performed effortlessly, sir.]

"Flight… of course… Jaya, upload the flying skills, as well as all the Saiyan's martial arts training materials to my brain now…"

[I do not have any 'martial arts' skills you mentioned in my database, sir. However, I do have the Flying skill and planet Sadala's royal combat techniques. I can process the data for you to absorb as muscle memory.]

"Jaya, what's this, muscle memory?"

[Your body needs to be accustomed to the activities that your brain has learned. Only after simulating the movements to your muscles, you can master the skills involving physical body.

But I must advise you, sir, even if your subconscious and muscles memory had mastered them, you cannot perform those if your body's physical fitness does not meet the requirement.]

"Hmm... I think I understand better now. Do it!"

Victor felt a little dizzy. The familiar, uncomfortable feeling that he felt during the previous uploads came back to him. His head felt as if a jolt of lightning had struck him. The discomfort was better than the first time, but he still felt like everything was spinning around him.

-30 minutes later.

[Transfer complete.]

"UGH!…" he gasped.

[You will get used to it, sir.]

"Oh... Are you worried about me?"

[I am an A.I, sir. I am just stating the fact. I was not programmed to have 'emotions' like normal sentient beings.]

And as Jaya said, the dizziness quickly disappeared.

"Now what?"

[As previously mentioned, simply think about the related information to bring it up.]

Victor thought about the battle techniques, and a lot of information, as if he was simply remembering something from the past, swept into his brain. There were memories of close combat fighting skills, different from what he learned as a soldier in the previous life.

And when he thought of flying, more memories came up. The skill of manipulating pure energy to push one's body in any medium.

All of it, like having experienced for years, came up to him naturally.

Victor's eye shined with astonishment. This was beyond amazement.

"It's hard to believe. To think I can actually fly now."

Concentrating, feeling the muscle memory, his figure slowly levitated of the ground.

"Haha…. Ahahaha…" Victor laughed hysterically.

He rose higher. By now the muscle memory had quickly adapted to his body. He did not learn, nor was he taught, but his movements were that of someone who had completely mastered the art.

He turned, dived, and before he knew it, he was flying swiftly like an eagle over the crater, hundreds of meters above the ground.

"To think that we're actually on an island." He spoke to himself.

"I can barely see the ocean. And are those… volcanos?" Victor thought, observing his surroundings from a 'higher' perspective.

He was now 200 meters above the crater. And for a short while, remained motionless.

He hummed.

Closing his eyes, he spread his senses.

[Sir would you like me to detect nearby life forms?] Jaya asked, as if feeling Victor's intension.

Victor did not answer and remained eyes closed. He wanted to put his new enhanced senses to the test.

"What an incredible ability…" He exclaimed. His eyes were still shut, but he could 'see' everything around him.

"Analyze the range of this… natural sense of detection." Victor asked.



[600 meters, sir.]

"Hmm… You mentioned your radar like function has a range of about one kilometer, right?" Michael asked.

[I did, sir. But when your power level grew, so did my scanning range. It has now increased to 2.3 kilometers, from the previous range of one kilometer.]

"Oh… interesting. Can you detect how big this island is? Just by looking, I could barely see the coast from this direction. And there are those large Volcanos on the other side."

[The landmass within my detection range had already been scanned, sir. I can complete the entire island if you fly accordingly, hovering one kilometer over the ground. It is recommended to navigate in this unknown territory with caution, after I complete computing a terrain map.]

"Hmm… might as well."