Chapter 12 - Fight

Stimulating pure energy within his body, "well, no matter. You're my lunch!" Victor said with a grin and flew like a rocket towards the target.


One kilometer away from the crater, near by a small river, a six-meter large, sabretooth tiger slept soundly, oblivious to the attack coming its way. However, just as Victor's figure reached 100 meters to it, it's eyes slowly opened. It raised its head only to see a black dot heading towards it an incredible speed.

The animal was one of the most territorial creatures in the island. Although it was weak compared to the overlords at the core of the island, however, out here, no other creatures dared to invade its territory.

Growling dangerously, its body rose.

"So soon?..." Victor's eyes narrowed. But he continued to fly swiftly towards the animal.

"No hard feelings big guy, but it's either you or I have to take a risk and go further inland!"

Victor clenched his fist, ready for the punch.

Immediately as he reached, his fist — covered in a thin layer of black, — jabbed at the animal's head, only for it to move to the side.

"Shit… I was careless…"

Turning around quickly, expecting a counterattack, he saw the animals' sharp claw swooshing directly toward his head.

His mind focused. The energy in his body whirled like a storm as he slammed his foot on the ground like a gatling.


Just before the claw reached his head, he disappeared from the position.


Combining 'SORU' and flight skill to move like a rocket, he barely escaped.

"Again, little kitty," he taunted.

The animal and the boy's eyes confronted.


They charged at each other.

Victor had his arms clenched insinuating a punch, while the animal had its claw stretched out, same as last time. Its size had no disadvantage whatsoever on its agility.

It was fast, but not as fast as Victor.

Victor dodged down, shoved his hand up and punched its gut.

He was utilizing 'SORU' and pure energy, and the momentum resulted in a, *BAMMMM.*

Eyes bulging, the large animal whammed upward, but not before its long tail came and slammed on Victor's face.

He tried to dodge, but to no avail.

As if a wrecking ball hit him, Victor got blasted back the way he came and buried into a tree, while the tiger got shot up a couple of meters in to the air before gravity dragged it down.

*Cough* … *Cough*

"That fucking hurts" Victor said wiping the blood from his mouth.


The animal growled back, presumably cursing the same. It also had a line of blood dripping from the side of its mouth.

Not waiting for the other, they both moved again. Faster than before, towards each other.

Two hours passed by as they fought back and forth, not losing to each other. But now, their movements are slower, with signs of fatigue. They had many, different injuries visible on their bodies.

Their eyes locked.

*Grrrr* … *Grrrr*" The tiger growled, taking deep breaths. It moved for the kill.


Inhaling deeply, Victor stood ground and focused. His senses portrayed it in slow-motion.

Its claw came from the right to which Victor took a step back and dodged.

Immediately after, he shot forward, and with the momentum he jabbed his Haki coated fist on the side of the animal's large head, towards the ground.


The tiger was annoyed, more importantly exhausted. Coupled with that, it failed to register the attack. Its eyes bulged, and *BOOMM.*

The animal's head got stomped into the ground like a meteor. There was a small crater forming around its half-buried head.


It wailed in pain, before slowly losing consciousness.

*Huff* … *Huff*

Victor panted, exhausted and injured.


[The animal seems to be unconscious, sir.]

Her answer was on point.

"I almost got killed you know…" Victor raised a brow, expecting sympathy.

[I know.]

"*Sigh*… I'm about to lose consciousness." Victor said, his eyes half open.

What Victor didn't know was that if there came a situation where there was an uncalculatable threat, Jaya would have deployed the nano suit immediately. However, she was programmed to best support the growth of his strength, and that is the Saiyan's special genetic trait. Against adversity, either by healing from great injuries or enduring great struggle in battle, Victor would greatly improve his recover capability, physical fitness, and power level.

[Shall I command the nano suit to take control, sir?]

"You… do that." Victor murmured, as his consciousness disappeared.

The bracelet on his arm beeped, and from there deployed billions of nano-metal particles that quickly morphed shape to cover his entire body in mat-black like an all-body superhero suit. Looking closer, one could see tiny basket-weave textures making the appearance sleeker and more majestic.