Chapter 35 - Borsalino versus Sakazuki, Part 2

Midair, Sakazuki unleashed a barrage of consecutive *GEPPO's*, and came head-down like a rocket.

*BOOM*, the ridiculous descend even broke the sound barrier, and more importantly, his *Dark Hound* technique was already charged up to be lashed down.

Meanwhile, Borsalino who was buried in the ground hurriedly elimentalized his body, because his Observation Haki had already warned the coming of a terrifying threat.

He simply did not have time, not even to catch his breath.

"Fuck… Damn bastard Fleet Admiral… Why couldn't he let me just quit… DAMN IT!!!"

Cursing some remarkable vocabulary, he forcefully mustered some stamina.


While coughing a lot of blood out of his mouth, and just before Sakazuki's attack had reached, he was incredibly able to dodge, and escape the range of Sakazuki's claw-like thrust of boiling magma.

"What a ridiculous Devil-Fruit… Even half-dead, he can still display that impressive agility…" Sengoku commented after witnessing a most thrilling part of the battle.

"True, but this proud brat is about to lose…" Garp responded.

"That'll teach him a lesson I suppose…" Zephyr gave his own remark. "I've told him repeatedly not to neglect his physical training, but this Borsalino doesn't listen, and pays all his interest to the Devil-Fruit ability…"

"It's still unclear… But if Sakazuki can keep up this momentum, then Borsalino will really lose…" Kong added.

The high-ranking officials who all heard their conversation all nodded in agreement.

In the field, Sakazuki now had a pale face, while blood kept constantly drip out of his mouth and the wounds all over his body.

Simultaneously, Borsalino who had now nearly reached his limit, — he was battered and exhausted, — once again coughed a lot of blood from his mouth.

With a *Click* sound, Borsalino unsheathed his sword. It was the first time in this battle.

His expression spoke how pissed off he was. He had now simply lost all battle awareness, because Sakazuki had very, very efficiently restrained his movements.

"Asshole…" he groaned, and rushed, *VOOOSH* extremely fast, in a straight line.

Ultimately, and very foolishly, he had resorted to melee against an extremely dangerous, and very adaptable opponent.

Using both hands, he slashed the sword hard, directly over at Sakazuki's head.


Sakazuki on the receiving end was more clearheaded. He simply dodged to the right and let Borsalino's sword sink deep into the ground.

And at the same instant, he clenched his fist, then imbued it with Haki like never before, and slammed directly onto the latter's gut.


Borsalino's body bent in a 'U' shape, followed by a *Crack* sound, then *PLACKK*, he vomited a lot of saliva mixed with blood out of his mouth.

*VOOOSHHH*, he got blasted like a bazooka in a straight-line, followed by traces of golden light particles.

His body buried hard, back-first, deep into the concrete walls.

The audience went silent, and everyone looked dumbstruck at Sakazuki. Not because of his decisive finishing move, but because he, at the last moment, resorted to attack with his physique for the first time, instead of the Devil-Fruit ability.

"This kid…" Sengoku mumbled.

"He must have realized we were about to move…" Zephyr gave his reasoning.

"May be… Who's to say that he considered not killing him…" Kong argued.

"No way… that brat is the very summit of brutality… Either his Observation Haki warned him of our movement, or he simply better used his brain to resort for that powerful Haki blow... I don't believe he felt the slightest sympathy…" Garp commented his take on it.

*SIGH* "I'll talk with him…" said Kong, then gestured to the refereeing soldier to announce the winner.

Kong's perception had already confirmed Borsalino's sorry state. He was alive, but most definitely knocked out of consciousness.



The audience, — everybody physically present, and watching via Video Transponder Snails all around the world, — all cheered loudly.

For most of them, the civilians, this was it. An epic clash, and display of power. Something very, very out of the ordinary.

The loud cheers of the many audience did not bring about any reaction out of Sakazuki's still face. Instead he turned his head in one particular direction, towards the other recruits seating area.

At the same time, "heh… this lunatic…" Victor raised a corner of his mouth and subconsciously mumbled to himself.

His gaze too, was locked straight with Sakazuki's, and both had a momentary staring contest of intimidation.

And Lilly, who clearly heard the sarcastic mumble that came out of Victor's mouth let out a "Huh?" in response.

Victor turned his head, and responded with the same, "Huh?", while raising an eyebrow.

"Don't 'huh' me…" She retorted, clearly not in the best mood. "You're not worried at all?"

"Why…? Should I be…?" He asked cheekily.

"Don't you avoid my question with that third-class flirting… I still haven't forgotten you trying to sneak out of my room last night, after everything..."

"That…" Victor's eye twitched, "I told you, I was going to bring breakfast… for both of us…"

"Yea, Right... I don't believe you..." Lilly spoke in a clear disbelieving tone, before letting out a low "Humph…", while crossing her arms just below her mountains.

"I'm serious… You should be careful… You can give in, if you're not—"

"Haaaaah..." Her further attempt at reasoning got interrupted by a long sigh from Victor.

He knew, she cared. For now, it wasn't anything special, just genuine concern for a colleague.


He wasn't going to give chance to play any unnecessary drama.

He wont be seeking anything serious, not yet.

Simultaneously, he doesn't want a girl to somehow stupidly develop feelings for him either.

"Yes, Yes… I hear you…" he responded unconvincingly.

Lilly only raised a brow, not believing his words, however, not pushing the matter any further. After all, for her also, he was only a friend. Maybe with some benefits, but at most, a friend.

And she wasn't a coward either, to back down from a fight just because the opponent would turn out a brute.

"Well, I did warn him…" She thought to herself.

Below, on the broken field, Sakazuki stood still for a good half a minute, looking half-dead, not in any condition to fight, nor intimidate anyone. His clothes were tethered, almost ruined, showing the many injuries with blood gushing all over his body.

He closed his eyes, — seemingly done staring at whatever that was, — and let out another, "Humph…", then turned around.

He did not check, nor cared for the condition of Borsalino,— whether he was alive or dead, — and walked straight towards the exit, with a bunch of scared looking medical soldiers following behind him.



Two consecutive chapters, enjoy... ☺

I hope the fight scenes weren't a disappointment. Please drop your thoughts in the comments. I improve because of your feedback.

Also, I hope my dialogue's did not make you vomit. Those are some of my first attempts, at writing anything romantic.

The next chapter will be uploaded after three days. It's gonna be long. I want to give my all to write a brilliant battle between our MC and Sakazuki.




If you decide to support me, please understand that, I am beyond grateful.

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