Chapter 46 - Graduation, Part 2

Except for the three at the very front of the line-up, nearly everyone had received their respective ranks by this point.

The majestic white of the fluttering justice cloaks all worn on their shoulders was now reflected in the entire line up. Something that a large number of marines regard as sacred.

After all, this was not just any piece of fabric. It was more what it embodies, that many criminals around the world fear.

Finally, Zephyr began announcing the most highly anticipated names. "Borsalino, recruit ID number 021. Third place in the battle competition and 12th place in the theoretical exam. You have been promoted to, Rear-Admiral!"

As a result, the mutterings of the many marines in the audience and even from the recruit's lineup spread throughout the training ground, but Zephyr was prepared for this.

After all, it had been a long, long time since any recruit batches had produced an Admiral rank, albeit only Rear-Admiral, — marine soldier.

"QUIET!!!" Zephyr's booming voice produced the desired result.

"Congratulations, lazy bastard," Victor said, only to be met with a smirk in return.

Borsalino's injuries from his fight with Sakazuki had all healed by this point. He was dressed for the occasion in a large dark grey hat, dark gloves, a pinstriped light gray suit, gray pants, and black boots.

He walked leisurely toward Kong, unlike the other recruits, and made the standard marine salute with a "Sir!" before stopping in front of Kong.

Borsalino motioned and turned around for Kong to place the justice cloak on his shoulders, and Kong did so.


And as soon as Borsalino returned to the line, Zephyr called out, "Recruit ID number 055, Sakazuki," fixing his gaze on the said man. "You finished second in the battle competition and 19th in the theoretical examination. You have been promoted to, Rear-Admiral!" Zephyr made the loud announcement.

Sakazuki, unlike Borsalino, will need another two months before both of his arms are fully recovered. Bandages covered his arms up to his elbows, his forehead, and even more, hidden beneath his light-red flower-patterned shirt, which was underneath his crimson-red suit.

He didn't wear a tie because his shirt was unbuttoned, exposing his muscular neck, but he did have a pink rose adorning his suit's left buttonhole.

Before Victor or Borsalino could say anything, or God knows whether they even wanted to, the arrogant Sakazuki "hmphed!" at both of them, marched straight like the machine he was, stood in front, and saluted like everyone else in front of Kong.

Zephyr didn't waste time, and as soon as Kong had hung the justice cloak on Sakazuki's shoulders, he called out Victor's name.

"Victor, recruit ID number 128. First place in the battle competition, second place in the theoretical examination. You have been promoted to, Rear-Admiral!"

When he called his nephew's name, Zephyr's tone, the emotion behind it, was clear.

Today, Victor morphed his nano suit into a simple look, wearing a purple V-neck shirt with long sleeves rolled up to the elbows, revealing some bandages wrapped around his right arm.

He was dressed in black pants with his sword, the 'Rain,' tucked into his hips and black sea boots.

(See cover photo!)

He had already fully recovered by this point, but he had kept some bandages wrapped around one arm to give the impression that he was still healing.

He walked slowly, not as leisurely as Borsalino or as solemnly as Sakazuki, but in a very simple and confident manner.

Victor performed the standard marine salute in front of Kong, and their eyes crossed.

"Congratulations, Victor." He said before his tone then shifted into a more guarded one, "don't let me down..." They were only a few words, which wasn't much, but carried a lot of weight.

Then he too returned back the salute.

Victor did not respond to Kong's command-like words with a 'Yes,' instead, he made it unclear, but for the latter, it had the same meaning.

"Sir, for justice." He said confidently before turning around and allowing Kong to do his thing.


Kong's strong hands gently draped the Justice cloak over Victor's shoulders before Victor turned around for another salute.

But before he walked back to the line, "Sir, mind if I actually wear the justice cloak, like a trench coat..."

It was an unexpected request, one that had never come up to him during his reign as the Fleet-Admiral, or even as a high-ranking marine.

And, while it might appear strange, given how everyone else wears it like a cape, it wasn't forbidden, nor was there even a rule against it.

So he only chuckled before responding, "It's your choice, as long as you physically and mentally portray the word Justice on your back."

"Sir, thank you... Will you assist me..."

"It is my pleasure, son..."

Victor's attire had now become distinct from that of every other recruit in front of him, thanks to the assistance of Kong. He saluted for the third time before returning to his position at the front of the formation.

The brief drama lasted only a few seconds, but everyone's attention was drawn to Victor. They were perplexed as to why Victor had decided to do something so unusual in their opinion.

Most assumed it was to conceal the bandages on his arms, but once Victor began marching back to the line, everyone forgot about it.

After all, Victor isn't the only one who wore their justice cloak in an unusual way.

Following Victor's departure, Kong turned around and returned to his platform, where he sat in the center seat.

"The awarding of ranks has come to an end." When Kong sat down, Zephyr began speaking.

"I would like to invite Admiral of the Marine, Mr Sengoku, also known as Sengoku the Buddha, to come to the stadium and speak a few words to the young graduates and the new batch of recruits who are seated somewhere inside this stadium."

He finished and turned around, while Sengoku stood up from his chair and walked his way to the stadium.

"In the year 1484 of the Sea Circle Calendar, our world experienced..."

Everyone, graduates, new recruits, and even Victor, listened intently to this marine legend's speech.

Victor heard some fascinating stories. Stories about the infamous Rocks Pirates who terrorized the world — though the latter was not named — and details he hadn't seen in the manga he read in his previous life.

After Sengoku, Zephyr reappeared and made one last announcement before concluding the ceremony.

"Marines...!" This time, Zephyr did not call out recruits.

"Yes sir!" Everyone responded in unison.

"It has been an honor to be your teacher for the past two years. I am confident that you would uphold the Marine's code of justice."

Despite the fact that Zephyr limited his speech to a single line, the graduates all agreed that it was comprehensive.

"Now, finally, the Fleet Admiral will consult with the Admiral and all Vice-Admirals to determine how and where you will be organized, and you will be informed of the results of those consultations over the next few days.

In the meantime, please enjoy this time with your loved ones, because you may have to cross half the world in a few days for an unknown amount of time..."

Zephyr paused to ensure that everyone understood what he was saying, or to see if anyone had any questions.

However, after a while, seeing no movement, he declared loudly, "dismissed! This ceremony is over!"

Zephyr turned around, walked away from the podium, and the rest of the high-ranking marines did the same.

The graduates, on the other hand, stayed until the very last person in the high-ranking line-up walked out through the exit.

Then their chatter erupted and they began to discuss random topics with one another.

Even Sakazuki remained, but he motioned to walk out as soon as the last Vice-Admiral exited.

But just before that, Victor's abrupt voice rang aloud, "Can I have a moment of your attention, please?"

It wasn't quiet as Victor made sure his voice was heard over the din of the crowd. And as a result, everyone's attention was focused on him.

"Dear colleagues, thank you for looking after me during this time. We're all officially Marines now." He spoke with various emotions concealed behind his tone. It sounded upbeat, confident, and even a little sad.

"There will be few opportunities to get together again in the future, so... To thank you all, I have prepared a fantastic barbecue banquet for you tonight, and I hope you can all come to my residence."

"Barbecue... Oooh, Victor kun, you're so generous... Then you'll certainly find me there..." Borsalino, who was standing closest to Victor, was the first to respond.

"You're so sweet. Of course we'll all come..." Lilly too, confirmed her acceptance of the invitation.

After hearing Victor, everyone quickly agreed, and some even cheered.

Because, is there anyone in this sea who doesn't enjoy banquets?


The image of MC can be found in the comments section.

Please provide feedback. Your feedback motivates me and helps me improve my writing.

That wraps it up for the training camp arc. Next chapter, or the one after it, I'll probably do a time skip.

First, I'll address Kong's decision regarding Victor's request, about his group's arrangement.

We have reached sixty thousand words. 😭😭☺☺


Please, do spare those precious stones, and see if we can raise my novel to at least top 20.


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