chapter four

life always had its way of bitting you in the buttocks, except this time I bit myself, and I still don't know how that's possible, yet possible or not I had to get myself out, I was glad that this time I wasn't getting myself out of her hands but rather a problem we will laugh about later.

though I wished so badly that we could laugh about it now.

I sighed slouching my shoulders as I did, I could tell there was so much he wanted to say and ask, but to him, it just wasn't the right time, which is correct, I stood in a haste, "w-why aren't you chasing after her, go and fix this!?!" I yelled as if he was the one that caused the problem, then I realised she would probably hate to talk to him right now.

I shot him a quick apologetic look before going after her myself, I had to fix this I needed to fix it, what if she tells everyone in the office and they all give my brother dirty looks when he goes to work, No. I can't have that happen.

Once I reached the parking lot I searched everywhere for her before I realised that she didn't bring her car, Micheal drove us here, I slouched yet again knowing well that she was as good as gone.

damn it.

"well, that sucks," Micheal said startling the only living bravery in me out, I almost fell but Micheal caught me, and my lips formed a thin line, "it's like we are not gonna see each other in the office tomorrow" Micheal stated the obvious causing me to roll my eyes, "I freaked out okay?"

"I will talk to her, you should be worried about your finals" yeah the finals I almost forgot about that. I nodded, "umm...h-how did t-the bowling game between the guys go?" he placed one hand in his pocket and the other around my shoulder, "I should be asking the questions here Leah" he stated, my lips stayed in that thin position.

"What did you tell or ask her?" I sighed, "we were talking, you know talking" he rolled his eyes, for once he was the sassy one, "Leah" he warned rather playfully, "fine, we talked I asked questions she answered them and I may or may have not told her that you liked her but I didn't mean to"

he patted my shoulder slightly gesturing for me to get in the car, I did, "why would you tell her that?" he asked before closing the door, I shrugged once I knew he could see me, "like I said I didn't mean to, my hints just got too obvious" he pulled out of the parking lot as he pondered on what I said.

"Why did you drop hints!" he exclaimed, "I don't know, you like her don't you?"

"no fucking way Leah she's engaged!" I flinched at his sudden change of mood, "I told you more than a million times that I don't like her, why do you always do things your way," I looked down as I slowly realised that this was a little more serious than how I was taking it, "maybe I've babied you too much so you think you can get away with everything but sometimes you take things a bit too far"

"This can seriously affect my image in the office you know that Right?" I answered lowly, "yes and I'm sorry i-

"if only sorry could fix this problem" he sighed his demeanour changing from angry to calm in a split second, the look of regret showing on his face right after, "look Leah I will fill you in on a little insight" my eyes widened a bit due to excitement of whatever it is he was going to tell me, "she looks a lot like her older sister, that's why I kind of...blushed" the last of his words were in lower case I almost couldn't hear it.

"her face reminds me of her sister, but she will never be her sister just clearing that up" I didn't even realise that my mouth was agape, but it was and droll was sliding down the corner of my lips, I wiped it with my sleave a disgusted look present on my face.

"I like her sister- no love" he melted into his seat as he stopped at the red light, I mentally cringed for the second time that day, "isn't she like ten years older than you?" I asked, genuinely wanting to hear something like, 'no we are just a few years apart' or even a simple 'No' "yeah but she's only thirty-seven" he sent me a glance before driving up the hill to our street, well the street near ours.

"now that Allison hates me Rebecca is never going to notice me, thanks a lot" I sighed, "look I'm sorry, but I'm sure there's a way to solve this mess trust me, I caused the problem I will fix it" Micheal shook his head, "no just- I will talk to her okay, you've done just about enough" his words were bitter but I just nodded and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride.


I closed my locker a sigh escaping my lips as I remembered the events that went on yesternight, my mind couldn't stop thinking about what was going to go down at the office today, I didn't know exactly what would happen but I knew that there was going to be a lot of drama.

but Micheal is responsible I'm sure he can handle himself pretty well.

my state of deep thought somehow caught Henry's attention from afar, as I saw him coming towards me with a questionable look on his face, "hello miss Jones" I chuckled as I leaned back on my locker knowing that I was going to be there for a while, "hello Mr Harris" he smiled, "anyway, how did the test treat you?"

I think I failed because almost all the things I wrote or marked were just a lucky guess, and I didn't get great grades, they were decent, but well the rest it's up to the teachers if they will curve my grade or be honest, brutally.

apart from my negative thoughts, I still had some faith.

"ahh...decent" I answered still thinking of a good answer after I had already given him a good answer, "Leah if you fail I'm gonna be very disappointed with you, it was really easy"

"easy for you henry, you're a offence"

"None taken"

my airway got blocked all of a sudden causing me to panic, as if it could make it better I held my neck doing all I could in my power to swallow or puke out whatever was blocking my airway, because I felt it in my neck it was heavy and stiff like mental, I fell to the ground as the thing came out harshly along with it came blood from the wound it created.

as I lifted my head our eyes met, her dark horrifying eyes met mine, I wanted to scream but I knew it wasn't possible, I lost my voice and soon enough I was going to lose my life, if I don't get up and run like that little voice in my head would always tell me to do.

I barely listened to it but now it didn't need to tell me I already knew what to do.

I stood up and ran as far as I could away from her, yet somehow she caught up to me, she was getting faster over time, she pulled me by my hair roughly, and painfully dragged me on my back to wherever she pleased, tears fell down my face uncontrollably, yet there wasn't a sound heard from me.

I just closed my eyes and prepared myself to face something more painful than what broke my arm, but..."Leah let's hang out Tomorrow after our results come in, I have faith that you passed" I played it rather cool than I would usually do and just nodded, he left after said arrangements.

I slowly but painfully slid down my locker and fell on my buttocks, painful because my back somehow got worse over three days, I wanted to cry but I wanted to be brave like the girl I saw in the mirror.

I wanted to stand my ground.

I wanted to start somewhere.