"What are you planning to do with it?" David pointed at the rat which was scuttling in the cage, placed at the corner of her kitchen counter. "I am afraid I can't take risk unless we find out the source of Alto virus." She uttered with a hint of confusion. "Why should we expose an innocent animal to the dreads of menacing illness? It's awful." She mumbled squeezing her forehead with the tips of her thumb and index finger. "I do have a friend in the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). If you say so we can meet him. Maybe he could help us." David was sitting in the adjacent sofa with interlaced fingers that he pressed harder to relieve his own stress which was coming to him from the anxiousness of Amelia's face.
She looked at him tiredly tempted by his suggestion partially but doubtful about her next moves. "Won't it take time?" she muttered. "It will if we don't consider it on time. Once he gets involved I hope things would get smoother," he said hopefully. She wasn't sure how would the process go. But somehow there was a spark of hope that the fancy technology created by the use of scientific knowledge would make it possible to find solutions to any kind of problem.
"I am afraid the more late it gets the more vulnerable we all become," he said recalling the dreadful images they had seen earlier. The distance between problem and solution seemed more pronounced with every initiative possibly gone to trash. "I am thinking that even if we find out the source of disease would it help us recover those who are infected?" David fell silent. She was right. Finding the source alone wouldn't help. How to tackle the disease was a real problem. Though she had thought of the plans but at that time they were useless.
Amelia was staring at the floor thoroughly engrossed in her thoughts when she finally spoke, "It's so strange that people are dying but we could only empathize with their pain and their agony. Yet, on the other hand it's true too that the pain that we are experiencing is not because they are dying but because we could be the next ones." She raised her eyes that were filled with tears. "we are trying to be Messiah for others yet we are selfishly seeking ways to save our own lives." The tears that accumulated in her eyes gently rolled down her face.
David got up from the sofa and sat beside her. "Even if we are trying to save our own lives we are not selfish. We are humans. And since the inception of life defense has been it's most natural instinct." he said holding her hand in his. "We won't be able to make rational decisions if the feelings of selfishness and empathy overlap with each other." he looked at Amelia and pressed her hand softly to make her understand the truths of life. "Right now we should forget who we are as humans; selfish or empathetic. We should only remember that we are humans and we need to do something to help ourselves as well as others."
She knew that he was right. Tackling things emotionally were illogical. To succeed in their mission they needed to work pragmatically. David had always made her feel more precious than her own presumptions about herself. She was grateful to have him in her life. He was there with her in every way. She would sometimes think of the time if he wasn't present with her what would she do and that would make her shudder with fear. She looked at him and smiled with gratitude. He returned the smile too. Then, she lazily picked up the TV remote which was lying beneath her folded legs.
"Let me call Thomas Mike tomorrow," he said looking at her. "Thomas Mike?" she asked quizzically trying to recall who he was. "Yes he is a friend in EPA." David replied instantly. "Why tomorrow? Why not now?" without probing much into the details she asked keeping her eyes fixed on TV. An ephemeral smile appeared on David's lips as he got up and reached for his cell phone in his pocket. The moment he dialed the number and began talking to Thomas, Amelia turned on the CNN news to see fresh updates about Alto virus.
Contrary to what she had expected Becky Adams the famous anchor was introducing Anthony Kippler the director-general of World Health Organization. He was being interviewed in the wake of recent crises. Amelia wasn't surprised because she knew whenever health crises occurred he was the first one being interviewed. But this time she was curious. It was the first time when every organization and medical research centers grew helpless. She was desperate to hear what the director-general of WHO had to say about the viral disease. He was a grey haired blue eyed man in his late fifties who was wearing a black suit with white shirt and blue tie. His clean-shaven, craggy face and sharp nose were enough to add much to his stern looks coincided with the gravity of situation.
"Sir, what have you done so far about the virus that has created dread among the American citizens and is continuously spreading posing threats to the whole world?" Becky asked without delay. She seemed to represent the millions of hearts whose eyes were stuck on TV at that time and were looking up to the most powerful man sitting there. Kippler knew he had to be cautious while answering that question. "We know that the circumstances we are facing right now are threatening but we are hopeful," He came quickly to the hopeful part of his statement. "We are working in collaboration with renowned research centers and pharmaceutical agencies having qualified immunologists and virologists to find the best solution to the problem." Amelia's desire to be a part of the team surged when she heard the word qualified immunologist. "But we have to be careful about our own whereabouts." To every question that Becky asked his answers were full of optimism yet putting most of the responsibilities on the citizens of America.
David came back with a wide smile. "He has agreed to help us." Without looking up he announced enthusiastically. Amelia was silent. David gazed at her and then to the TV. He understood that whatever she was listening to was more serious than his own words. "What does he say?" David asked with a serious tone. "Nothing special. Just hopes." She summarized the whole interview in four words. "Even if it's impossible we will make sure to put our contributions in it." Amelia was hopeful in her own capacity. She did not want to be dragged back from her ambitions. "Hopefully Thomas would help us tomorrow." he said drawing her attention to his talk with Thomas. "What time will he meet us?" Amelia asked making him realize that she too was eager to meet. "Tomorrow at 1 pm." He said promptly. "But this has to be confidential," he added. Amelia nodded her head in acquiescence. She knew whatever they wanted to do were not legitimate for them to pursue and they had to be careful.
After a brief pause of silence David stood up and came closer to Amelia. She raised her eyes towards him who was towering upon her. He bowed down a little and kissed her on her forehead. We shall meet tomorrow. It's going to be a hectic day. Take some rest. She smiled affectionately and hugged him good night.