
The first to react was letha since she was always pampered by her luodic father and for that reason she never considered the feelings of others, and when they asked her these questions at once she got angry and considered a lack of respect from her older brother, since he chose to try to get the Roman crown six years ago, he asked for confirmation to use the power of the family, his defeat would endanger everyone, but thanks to fate his brother became king benefiting the whole family but he he must also be aware that if she and sextus decided not to support him at that time he would not have achieved anything even if he was the head of the family.

"What are you trying to do, my brother? You must have forgotten that if it weren't for Sextu and me, you wouldn't have achieved anything.

Remember the rules of the father, that, although the leader has the status and greater power, but if you want to mobilize all your strength, you must convince your entire generation, and don't forget that it was very risky, you don't know how much pressure the family had, you even almost made it go bankrupt, but you still consider yourself"

When letha finished screaming making everyone in the village know that the first internal fights within the family had occurred and if not considered in the long term it would even lead to the destruction and extinction of the family, she hoped that her sextu brother and his new sister lizuca could suppress this brother who is king.

When letha was losing hope since sextu has always been obedient and lizuca is just joining the family considering her position that's hard to say.

"Big brother, I don't understand what you're getting at, could it be that you've already become a king and want to monopolize family power?"

At this moment when she was always silent, she spoke in a low voice so that the maids would not know since she was not like her sister so scandalous that she would put the reputation of the family, hoping that it is what she wants to achieve since after death of the father have always been united to survive even when the family almost went bankrupt for bribing and spending large amounts of coins that were collected for almost 60 years, but they had not yet sacrificed themselves as this is considered a chess piece that can be discarded or that the family is about to suffer a calamity.

"letha calm down, because you are making a scandal you want our enemies to know that we are in an internal fight, and thank you sextus for calming the atmosphere"

When fatusis spoke she reprimanded letha making her pout as she was too impulsive to do that but she had her consideration as she was fighting for her rights and benefits and didn't want to be a token in a marriage political.

"hum first of all this is first as a benefit to our descendant we would get a stable status and not like now we are making enemies everywhere as even the dumbest know the senate is trying to build a republic this would take to all our efforts in vain, besides as there are benefits and rights, status, there are also responsibilities and before he answers me and claims me I have devised a way to reach an agreement"

When Fatusis' voice ended, Letha and Sextus nodded their heads to let Fatusis know that they understood and agreed to listen to her proposal, while Lizuca was thinking and hesitating since her mission was to make her grandmother's city-state get more benefits since this family became king of rome and leader of the latin league and that occupies the entire center of the italic peninsula, and she knew that even her grandfather who had a very close relationship would not hesitate to offer her in marriage if there was enough in benefits, but I also wanted to know what is this brother's proposal that I barely recognize today.

"Well, since everyone has clamored, then I will start by saying what is the project that I thought to be able to satisfy, first, if the family is in a difficult situation and you have enjoyed for more than 18 years the benefits of this by obligation, you must contribute to maintain in operation, like ideas, inventions even an arranged marriage, if the benefits you give are enough you can stay in the family and continue to enjoy yourself, second if you don't want this marriage or the family arrangements you can give up the last name Dustin and become a commoner and the family no longer cares what happens to him"

When fatusis said the first thing about her project, letha was no longer liking it since she is already 23 years old and according to the agreement she is obliged to contribute to the family, but even if there is a way out such as giving up the surname and that she no longer care for the family is worse than killing her or giving her away since she is still part of the first family of the entire peninsula but if she leaves the last name it would be quite good to have a day as a normal person since all the enemies and anyone who covets her beauty They will do since I abandon the support I had.

When fatusis saw that they did not have a good face, she continued talking about the agreement.

"but if the family is strong you can marry anyone and the family could even help you fulfill your wishes, first of all you must understand that if we continue like this we cannot maintain our status and we will be an easy prey for our enemies, let's not think at this time , but imagine for a hundred years what will happen now we are strong, but in the future, do not forget that the lord of our father in addition to being king was to conquer everything that shines the sun"

At this moment, Sextus understood his brother and what he meant and agreed since family continuity is considered difficult, however, Letha felt that it was no longer necessary to worry but after remembering her father's stories that in the future people like to dig up the dead, he preferred that at least his descendants avoid it and that's why he agreed, but on the other hand lizuca also since I consider that in a hundred years the family is strong in addition to obtaining benefits for his grandfather You can marry anyone without considering your grandfather and that's why I also accept.

Seeing how her brothers accepted Fatusis, she saw a future full of glory.