end to problems

So when they proposed the distribution and wanted to reward those who have been faithful and have helped administer the kingdom.

One of the proposals that was raised and that gained a lot of support was, but also more criticized since it was that the Senate was doing its job and that the government did not owe it anything, this was the group of followers of the Dustin family, in addition to their The benefits they were looking for with this idea was to benefit the allies of the city, in addition to the fact that the patricians would also benefit since they would obtain a part, and the possibility of doing so was 100%.

But doing so would make the other groups of senators feel a bit resentful since they have all progressed only in pursuit of more wealth, status, glory, and power, but doing so would make him not benefit and wonder if it was necessary to continue serving.

Another group of senators were neutral and looking for benefits since they were proposing to give a part of the wealth to the senators so that they feel that they are part of this government in addition to keeping the other part for security because if a disaster occurs and if he needed more than what was there then it was very dangerous since luodico gave himself up to doing politics he also proposed a system of aid in case of natural disasters, this has led the inhabitants of Rome who were about 50,000 people to feel comfortable and Both Greece and Carthage replied a part since it was expensive in addition to the fact that it was unnecessary since those of great status used this reason to get more money and wealth, in addition to some if they prepared it when there was a shortage of food.

This was a great idea and although it also had groups of people, nobody in the senate who was in the forum was interested and these were the legions since they wanted a part, and you serve them since when there are cases of giving money to the people this makes some serfs able to buy their freedom.

And finally, a group of senators proposed to distribute all that wealth among the senators, these were followers of Servio Tulio, since their idea was to win more people to support him since this idea made the majority of the senators like it since the more wealth the better.

And although he knew that Fatusis the king was not going to try it, these proposals seemed quite normal to everyone, but what Fatusis knew was that once this idea came out and was implemented, the serfs would have great resentment, in addition to the fact that the provinces would declare in I publish that Rome has already reached that level of corruption, something that Fatusis did not want to see.

So after reading and thinking about the pros and cons, I decide to go with the proposal of the neutral senators since this benefits him and avoids a large part of the problems, all that remains is to appease the legions and ignore the serfs who will have other opportunities in the future.

When this meeting was over, all we had to do was wait three months to hold the meetings again.

So during this period the small fights between the two great families of Rome intensified, and the office received complaints of any kind at every moment, in addition, the economy began to decline, and the prices of iron increased due to the speculation of a civil war, in the borders the legions stopped since everything was unknown besides the other families began to choose the factions that they believed could win.

Some decided to add fuel to the fire so that they would weaken and a king could be achieved.

But what he did not expect was that Fatusis had already achieved his mission, weakened his brother Agrippa in addition to dealing great blows to the main sources of income of the Tullius family, even gaining new allies.

But the most important thing was the death of Agrippa and Lizuca's grandfather, which discouraged them, unless their uncles, that is, their mother's brothers, began to pressure him, which is unlikely, since only they felt identified with that family is for his mother and grandfather, but now the two people had died so they decided to continue living in the Dustin family without causing any more problems.


Then there would be the negotiations with the family to stop this war to avoid further casualties, in addition to the fact that he does not have a deep grudge since they do not want to further aggravate the situation since the damage was only at an economic level, something that can be recovered.

When the two heads of the families met, they decided to put an end to this, on the part of Servius Tullius the requested compensation in all kinds of ways for the material damage, publicly acknowledging that they are the usurpers, in addition to proposing again a Diarchy.

But fatusis rejected them since first they also had economic problems, instead, he proposed the purchase of several stores from them, the second was even more impossible, he just wanted to change the subject since that would be a great blow to his prestige, he could only recognize that they were part of the royalty and that they could govern any city within the Roman league, this would lead him to his last and third proposal, which was that the family would help him claim the king in another city, in addition to rejecting the proposal of the diarchy.

"This is the most I can do for you, and you know because we are all adults now, so it is not necessary to be ignorant, and I can promise you that if you sell the shops in Rome that you own, I will pay them at a fair price"

He said fatusis because he knew that if he didn't put an end to this conversation, something that he didn't want to see would drag on since he wanted to do a great deed of getting rid of this family and asking his father for more.