CHAPTER 2: I got the system

" Hey! Hey! look at me, everything is ok. Look at my eyes and try to imagine something good " Immediately the doctor arrived at the scene and took care of a young man.

Psychologists were a very good career which one could imagine. They paid better than a doctor and most of them cooperated with police and hunters. After all, 60% of the population was traumatized by monsters so they made pretty much good money and a good career.

" Yes, I'm fine. " Young man still had a shocked expression. Because he just saw the death a few seconds ago. People thought they were strong until death knocked on them.

" Good! What's your name? " The doctor asked with a calm expression.

" Yukigami Sosaru. "

" Age "

" 16 "

" Why did you come here? "

" To buy a new novel "

The doctor continuously asked numerous questions and Yuki's expression was still panicked but he still looked ok compared to a few minutes ago.

" Good. If something happens, come to me. Here is my business card. " the doctor gave the card to him as he left from the scene.

Yuki already changed his clothes and his old clothes were dirtied by the blue blood, the small was also bad. Really bad.

' I see! this is the feeling of death. ' Yuki muttered after walking for a few minutes. He really didn't know which direction, he was going.

" Hahaha..... " He laughed a little bit and tears came out as he vomited everything he ate.

" Haaaa... " After vomiting, he felt really good and he sat down on the bench. His pale face came back the color.

' Did I come to the park? ' His feet walked to the park where he had no collection of memories. His feet moved automatically and reached the park.

' Well, I feel better now. ' He nodded and muttered. The experience was not a good one but he was grateful that he was alive.

" Let's try the best..... " Yuki shouted from his tone and his face changed into the normal one. There was still trauma inside him but for now, he was fine and he believed that he would be great in the future if he countered this kind of situation again.

He started to go back to his house and his house was just a normal Family apartment. He had one big brother in the family but he was currently in the Army because of the draft.

" Sou... I have been calling you the whole day. why didn't you pick up the phone? " His mother immediately asked him with a serious face and started to scold him. His mother was chubby and kinda short, around 4.8 feet. But his father was over 6 feet.

" Sorry mom, I'm playing the game and I didn't notice that. " He kissed his mother's cheek and run to his room.

He knew that his mother was going to scold him nonstop for an hour but he lied to lay down on the bed and rest. His mother was a very scary cat and she would probably faint if he told her about today's event.

" Ha.... what a shitty day. " He lied on the bed and said with a very tired tone. As he immediately fell into the dreamland.

He slept like a log and the time was already 12am when he woke up. His sleepy eyes opened and he looked around the room. He saw the meals on the desk. His mother indeed noticed something with her son but she didn't ask anything and just put the dinner on his desk.

" Ha... " He sighed a big air and he felt a warmth inside his heart.

[ System....installing auto-starts... Synchronizing Rate 100%....Condition meets and the host's mental state is normal....

Health is normal.... The brain level is also average..... Starting to install the resources package...]

[ Rule and Regulations start to install...Please obligate after reading the terms and conditions... Negative.... Forcefully installing... ]

[ Installing 10%...50%....100%..... ]

[ Successfully installed. Now, the host is going to slumber for an hour..... ]

[ Going to slumber in 1..2...]

" WHAT THE Fuc... "

[ ...3... ]


Yuki's body fell on the floor like a puppet's strings cut off from a string holder. His falling position was quite ugly so he was going to hurt a lot when he woke up.

[ Put the slumber successfully. ]

----An hour later ---

" Fuck! My head hurts. "

Yuki slowly got up from the floor while gently brushing the back of his head. He felt like the car crushed his body and every bone of his body was broken, he could feel weirdness and pain throughout his body.

[ Hello Host ]

" Ahhhhhh... " He screamed from the throat like a little girl and he felt like he heard the voice from his head. Luckily, the room was soundproof because he liked to listen the music with speakers and sung loudly so his parents suggest him to get a soundproof room.

[ Hello Host! ]

He heard the voice again but this time he was prepared, he didn't scream at all.

" Am I going crazy? " He muttered the most possible route but the voice in his voice was so surreal.

' Yep! '

He held the hope that he was not crazy and responded the voice. After all, this wathe s world of the supernatural so everything was possible.

[ I'm your system and free feel to call me as ' System '. I don't like someone call me ' It ' , please beware of that. I have my own name and it's ' System'. I already stated my terms and conditions and you already signed up. So yeah, Looking forward to working with you. ]

The robotic voice changed into an energetic tone and the system had an emotion, unlike A.I.

Nevertheless, it was a weird feeling.

'System, the system like from Novels. ' . As an avid reader of novels and WN. Of course, he knew about novels.

Yuki asked and sat down on the bed and his face looked serious. He started to think a lot. He never heard of that kind of superpower and he also believed that if someone had that kind of power, they would never tell a soul.

[ Bingo, 6.9 marks for you. But I'm more like the father of systems. When I scanned your brain, the word called ' System ' is the nearest ' meaning ' that can translate an existence like me so I picked up it. ]

' I see. Pretty reasonable. But lets me tell you a pretty unreasonable thing. I never signed up for your terms and conditions. What is that? '

[ Bu Bu.... Terms and Conditions are very simple. If you die, I die. If I die, you die. Fair enough. ]

The system said and his face might look like a child's pouting face and his tone was pure like a child's.

' Well, very fair. But how I trust you and your words. ' Yuki asked with a calm tone. He knew that he was not crazy. He just passed the psychological tests a few days ago for Hunter School.

[ That is the best part. You don't know. ]

' I see. '

He already reached the answer a long time ago. He couldn't take help from other people because he didn't believe anyone enough to tell the big secret. Besides, he didn't know about the system at all. He didn't know it's origin or power. Even if he told someone, they could not help him.

[ Yep. Don't worry, I will never lie you. Here is a question, do you why you got me? ]

The system asked him a playful voice and Yuki lied on the bed. He calmly examined his condition. He didn't feel anything special and he was completely fine.

' My answer is going to be ' Hipporn '. Hipporn's case was the only special thing that happened to me today. '

[ Bingo, let's me give you a bonus answer. Hipporn can even phase through the dimensions one in a trillion chance. He successfully did and reached my creator's treasure room. He swallowed me and stuck in the throat. I didn't understand why my creator allowed it but after meeting you, I finally got it. ]

' What's that? Please don't me it's a secret. ' Yuki started to grab his personality and asked him.

[ Hi-mi-tsu ]

' Dammit '