
"I will always be up to the task, father, no matter what it might be, as long as we get the righteous justice on the forefront and in to the hands of the ones who should have it." Luna Kamino said to her father as Cormag began to smile. "That is my daughter, excellent." He said as he nodded his head in amazement as to how easy she grew up over the years. "They already see me as someone who they cannot trust, someone who was not in on their deception and their lies, but it is fairly obvious that the other three Grand Generals have been in on the whole conspiracy this entire time. They are traitors and they have conspired with Wilhelm to ultimately bring defeat to our Empire." Grand General Cormag Kamino said to his daughter as Luna nodded her head and understood every single word that came out of his mouth. "So, father, what is it that you wish for me to do? Just say the word and I will do it with no delay or no fail whatsoever." Luna said as Cormag shook his head lightly.