
"Not everyone who has hailed or will have hailed from Wilhelm is your enemy, idiot. Get over it." Sora said to her and she said that in such a blunt way as well. "If you cannot get over that then you may as well not continue on. That rage and revenge that you have in your heart might be the fuel, but it is not something that you should be able to lash out on against anyone." Sora added as Mona slowly calmed down over the time. "I am sorry for that." She said as she really did apologize with such sincerity. "Good, I am going to have to leave you as I have many errands to run, you good with that?" Sora asked her as Mona nodded her head afterwards. Josie walked in afterwards as she helped her up. Mona slowly let go of the rage that she had felt at that moment and realized that she was hating on Josie just because she had come from Wilhelm, not because she had done anything at all to warrant such a reaction from her or whether or not she even really offended her at all.