Sunken Ship

"I am sorry for that. I could not have any control over that from not happening. As you know, they sort of ridicule and even discriminate to some extent those who cannot use magic." Damian Rose said to him. 

"Ah, do not worry about it, kid. I am not angry at all. And even if I was, I do believe that this anger of mine should be placed on myself for not being born with the ability to use magic altogether, wouldn't you say so?" Reginald asked him which made Damian Rose feel bad.

"No, I beg to differ, Reginald. I do not think that you should curse yourself for not being accepted in the ranks of the Umbra Knights because of your inability to use magic. We are all flawed. Do not blame yourself for that occurrence." Damian consoled him even further.

But Reginald just smiled and looked up above. "I guess in a way, me not getting into the Umbra Knights is some sort of bad situation that turned into a good one. After all, I am alive now." He added.