Chapter 2.3

The weight of Kevin's words perplexed and excited Mi Ao, whose voice trembled as he grappled to process the event before him: "I was the one who brought your body back from the battlefield with my own hands! How could you... How could you still be alive?! How could you appear in Andorha?!"

The boy's voice trembled and ultimately failed him, cracking halfway through the sentence.

Brushing aside the gravity of the occasion, Kevin patted the head of the black vulture and remarked stoically: "It's a long story."

Mi Ao, unable to contain his anticipation, almost spat a mouthful of blood while waiting for an explanation.

But the truth was stranger than fiction, and Kevin had a long story to tell.

"I am uncertain as to why I appeared in Andorha.

"However, it is a fact that I was discovered in this area. I was found dressed in the heavy armor of a standard cavalryman and in a state of suspended "

Kevin delivered in a solemn tone before continuing: "I have since been comatose, only recently awakening."

As he spoke, Kevin reached over and tapped the boy on the shoulder, thanking him for the role he and his family played in his salvation. "Here - it was this boy who rescued me."

Boy: "..."

At first, Mio was too frantic to fully grasp what Kevin was saying and bought into his story about ambling around the forest.

"What did you do to get yourself lost like this?" he asked.

To this, Kevin shook his head dismissively, "It's nothing. I had intended to navigate through this dense forest along the Dongti Road, make for St. Antis, and finally find you.

"However, I became disorientated and was not able to extricate myself from the area. Even after meandering around for some days, I was unable to find my way out, prompting me to dispatch a piece of letter sand last night."

The young boy was taken aback, stunned speechless. He was filled with a sense of wonder and confusion, and he had an intense desire to divulge his nonsensical thoughts to the world.

He had never seen anything shameless like it before.

However, he was apprehensive about the cannibal's reaction, fearing that he may suffer consequences as a result. In a state of semi-paralysis, he gazed at the blonde-haired gentleman, experiencing a blend of emotions and aching discomfort.

Mi Ao's gaze was transfixed upon Kevin, as if he were trying to confirm that the astonishing event unfolding before his eyes was real. His expression was one of disbelief, mingled with a profound sense of relief.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Mi Ao threw his arms around Kevin and embraced him tightly. Kevin returned the gesture, patting Mi Ao's back in a gesture of friendship and support.

After a moment, Mi Ao pulled away and looked Kevin in the eye. "It has been exceedingly long since we last met," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

Kevin smiled. "It has indeed," he said. "But I am glad to see that you are well."

He confirmed the veracity of the situation and was overwhelmed with emotion.

Unable to restrain his enthusiasm and excitement, Mio fervently grasped Kevin, then retracted and held his sword aloft in a salute.

He conveyed, "Deputy Commander of the Bronze Army, as your most faithful friend, Mi Ao Scott, I warmly welcome you back to our No. 1 elite squad!"

The young boy was left flabbergasted, rendering him utterly speechless.

He could only muster a feeble sound, "What?!"

The two friends stood there for a moment, simply looking at each other. Then, they both laughed, and Mi Ao slapped Kevin on the shoulder.

"Come," said Mi Ao. "There is much to catch up on."

With his good friend still breathing, Mi Ao was ecstatic like never before.

While escorting Kevin and the disorientated boy out of the thicket, Mi Ao animatedly recounted the significant occurrences of the previous years to Kevin.

Amid a conversation about the shifting power dynamics, Kevin interjected, "Wait, could you repeat the name of the newly appointed emperor?"

Mio responded, "Oswald Keno. What's wrong?"

Kevin: "Hiss—it sounds familiar." Recognizing the name but unable to pinpoint from where.

"Did you forget? Oh yes, it's normal if you didn't realize it. It is to be expected as His Majesty recently changed his surname," Mio remarked.

"Previously, he was referred to as Pach, the youngest son of the Pach family. Do you recall him?"

Kevin recalled past events with a somber expression, 'Yes, I remember him vividly. I was quite fierce to him.'

Mi Ao understood Kevin's inquisitiveness, "I know you are curious about the reasons he changed from Pach to Keno, right? As of now, it is not appropriate to discuss the subject matter."

"This is a long story, and I will explain it to you slowly when we return."

Mi Ao blinked teasingly, wondering aloud, "On a different note, I recall that you had previously interacted with him. If I am not mistaken, didn't you beat him when he was around seven or eight years old? Is my recollection correct?"

Kevin rubbed his forehead in appreciation for the reminder.

However, after a change of heart, he replied nonchalantly, "It is an old account, and I have most likely forgotten about it. Also, the emperor is unlikely to become vexed over such trivial matters."

Mi Ao agreed deeply: "That's right, otherwise His Majesty wouldn't have followed here in person."

Kevin abruptly applied the brakes, turned around without any hesitation, and proceeded in a different direction.

He then stated, "You guys go ahead without me. I have unfinished business to attend to."

However, he was interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

Kevin took a few steps forward, intending to finish his sentence. However, his words were cut short by the sudden emergence of a towering man from behind a tree.

The man stood before him with his arms crossed, gazing down at him with a superior expression.

"It has been a while, Fassbender... Your Excellency?" the man said with a false smile.

Kevin's eyes widened in surprise. He had not seen this man in years, but he recognized him immediately.

Kevin's right eyelid twitched in response.