Gemma and the Babies

A little later, Alexander and Roxana both came to visit Gemma and the babies in one of the rooms in Quebec Castle. It had been Nana Smith's room and the two babies were both upon what had been her bed. Seeing them upon this bed, that had not seen use since the death of Captain Smith's mother, Alexander ran over and leaped onto it.

For a moment, he looked at the two babies as if asking: "Why are you on Nana Smith's bed?" Upon feeling Gemma's hand upon his back however, the Northern Caracal looked up at the girl with a chirping noise.

"Did you and Roxana come to say 'Hello' to Emmeline and Orion, Alexander?" asked Gemma.

Immediately, Alexander looked to his mate Roxana. There she was the Asiatic Caracal, with her front paws upon the bed, sniffing at eight-month-old Orion. The baby boy extended a hand, but upon seeing the infant reaching for her, Roxana lowered herself from the bed. She was not sure about these two guests.

Feeling a new hand upon him, stroking his neck, Alexander turned and stared. It was that of year-old Emmeline, gently petting his reddish-tan fur. While Gemma told the little girl to be gentle with Alexander, the Northern Caracal looked away from Gemma and the babies, for he sensed a presence that his human companions were completely ignorant of.

Looking to the doorway, just as Roxana was, Alexander saw an old woman and a Southern caracal. Both did Alexander and Roxana know, for the old woman was Gudrun Smith, Captain Smith's mother, while the Southern caracal was Darius, Captain Smith's old caracal who had received fatal wounds in a battle against Miltiades.