The Wedding Day

The day of the wedding came and while everyone was getting ready, Alexander watched as the American quarter horses Peter and Catherine were prepared to pull the wedding carriage that would be carrying Captain Smith and his bride. All the while, Mr. Cortes grumbled about the decision to have a black stallion and a chestnut mare pulling a wedding carriage, much to the annoyance of the stable hands. Mr. Cortes just stood there, saying: "Why, it is absolute poppycock! A black horse is fit only for a funeral and a chestnut is fit for no special occasions at all!"

This eventually caused the stablemaster Hector Andrews to snarl: "Damn it, John! Either help or shut up, you old fool!"

Sighing, Mr. Cortes did as Mr. Andrews told him. Alexander continued to watch patiently, laying upon the grass when something began to spook Peter and Catherine. Standing up, Alexander jumped into the carriage and looked around while Mr. Andrews and the stable hands calmed down the two equines. Noticing Miltiades limping down to the river only thirty-five feet away, the Northern Caracal's eyes narrowed.

What was that lynx doing so close to Quebec Castle?

Then came a call that caused Alexander's eyes to widen.

"Gemma! Can you come over here for a moment? The babies will be fine with Roxana!"

The babies? No, it couldn't be! Miltiades couldn't have been here to harm the babies, could he?

Yes, he could and Alexander knew the reason. Miltiades meant to do the babies harm for the sake of doing harm.