Lucia stepped into the garden. After entering the third trimester of pregnancy, of course walking is a sport that is often recommended to doctors for the smooth delivery process.

Besides, she wanted to let go of her frantic thoughts due to the recent troubles. Ethan is often angry and overly sensitive since she refused to sell her only remaining asset; the house left by her parents and where she lives.

It's not that she doesn't want to help, but for her the house is not just a solid building where she lives and takes shelter but has a lot of history that cannot be exchanged for money.

After all, her husband could not guarantee whether the business would return smoothly or not. Even if she gave up the house. At least, even if they collapsed, there would still be a house to take shelter in, Lucia thought.

She had experienced ups and downs in building the property business that she was in with Ethan, but strangely now the business has slumped since she decided to take a break and all control is under her husband. One by one the assets were sold to increase capital and cover the shortfall due to losses, but none of them worked and in the end they lost a lot of money.

Lucia was not without effort trying to find out, but Ethan realized he was angry and accused his wife of being too possessive and suspicious of him. Instead of having to fight with being heavily pregnant, Lucia chose to remain silent and support him as best she could, except for now.

"Maria, let's go to the fountain," she said to her trusted maid, Maria.

"Very well, madam."

They walked closer, there were already many other people with their families enjoying the day relaxing in the garden.

The eye catches a group of children playing happily, riding on swings, slides and other toy arenas. Lucia felt exasperated, she was getting impatient waiting for the baby, who was said to be male, to be born soon.

"Honey, hurry up..." she whispered softly while stroking her distended stomach, suddenly the fetus was moving, making Lucia chuckled amused. "Good grief, you see."

"The fetus can also hear and see, madam," said Maria.

"Really? No wonder he keeps moving when I'm talking or playing."

"Yes, that's how it is. Not only that, but the fetus can also feel what Madam is feeling."

Lucia was stunned for a moment. "Maria, if that's true, does he also feel the sadness that I am currently experiencing?"

Maria looked at her master with a sad look. "Be patient, madam."

"I'm tired, especially if Ethan comes back angry this afternoon. I want to help him, but not by letting him sell the house."

Maria could only listen without being able to provide the best solution. "I'm sorry, madam. I can't help with anything including advice, I'm really useless," she whispered.

Lucia shook her head slowly, she took her maid's hand and gripped it tightly. "You are like my friends and family too. Thank you for accompanying me and remaining faithful even though other servants chose to leave me."

"Don't praise too much, madam. What can I do? Only a lowly servant is lucky to have such a good master as a madam."

"You're the one who praised too much."

Telling other people didn't solve anything, but Lucia's heart was much more relieved now. This morning, Ethan went to work with a gloomy face. Of course the reason was clear, he was annoyed that Lucia had again rejected his proposal.

Thinking that Lucia felt sad and uneasy. However, for the baby's sake that resides in her body, of course she will try to forget it and focus on the womb.

After being tired, they decided to return home immediately. It was getting late, maybe Ethan was on his way home—Lucia thought.

However, on the way home, Lucia saw an older woman sitting lazily on the side of the road. Lucia was by nature a person who had a high sense of fairy humanity, she walked over without any fear.

"Madam! What do you want?" asked Maria worriedly.

"Can't you see that granny looks weak?"

"But, what if—"

"Shut up."

Lucia approached slowly while greeting, "Madam."

The older woman turned her head with a pale and weak face. "Yes, what is it, Miss?"

"Are you okay?"

The woman nodded slowly. "I'm weak, I haven't eaten all day. Now, I have a headache," she answered quietly.

"Gosh! Your blood sugar must be low, wait a minute." Lucia tried to find something from inside her jacket pocket. "Well, eat this first," she said as she handed her a pack of Energy Bars which she often carries in her pocket when traveling.

"Thank you, Madam."

The woman was about to open it, but because she was weak she looked difficult. Lucia grabbed the food parcel back, then opened it. "Please, madam."

The woman devoured it slowly, feeling her energy recharge this time. As for Lucia, she asked Maria to buy the old lady some food.

"Buy any food, heavy food if possible and buy two packs. Then, mineral water and don't forget vitamins, okay?"

"But how about you, madam?"

"Hey, what's really going to happen? After all, she's just an old woman."


"Maria, hurry up!"

"W-well, madam."

Maria ran away, looking for a restaurant or place to eat to buy Lucia's order. Meanwhile, she went back to check on the older woman. All the snacks had been eaten, but that wouldn't be enough to satisfy her hunger— Lucia thought.

"Be patient madam, my maid is out looking for something to eat for you."

The woman smiled faintly. "You are an angel at heart."

"Don't be too praising, madam. I only do what a fellow human being should do when I see others needing help."

"My legs are weak, can you sit beside me, Miss?"

Lucia immediately sat down beside the woman unsuspectingly. The woman grabbed Lucia's hand, surprising her and briefly pushed the old hand away from hers. "W-what do you want?"

"I just want to repay your kindness, Miss."

"It means?" asked Lucia in surprise.

"If I told you that I could see the future, would you believe me?"

Lucia wasn't the type to believe in such absurd things. But there's no harm in trying—she thought.

"I don't believe in such things. However, there's no harm in trying for fun as well."

The woman chuckled. "You're naive," she whispered. "Give me your palm, Miss."

Lucia gave the woman her palm, then she immediately read the fate line written on the coat on Lucia's palm. She shuddered in horror, but she wouldn't be able to explain it to the kind-hearted Lucia.

"So what do you see, madam?"

"Nothing, it's just that you need something for the rescue talisman."


"Yes." The woman took off the silver ring with the navy blue gem, then placed it on Lucia's finger. "Never take this off anytime and anywhere."

Lucia was reluctant to refuse and uncomfortable at having to wear jewelry that wasn't from Ethan. "Thank you."

"Remember, don't let it go."

Faintly, she heard Maria's voice screaming for her. She immediately turned to look for the voice and found her servant running towards her.

"Why are you shouting?"

"I didn't yell at the madam."

"Then, who was that earlier? I heard it, didn't I, Mad—" She stopped when she saw no one was there. She was sure the older woman was here, but why did she leave so quickly?

"Well, where did the old grandmother go, madam?"

"E-I don't know..." Lucia shuddered, it didn't make sense—she thought. She saw the older woman's ring, then removed it and threw it in any direction. "Let's go home, Maria!"