They looked at the piece of paper in hand, there were important points that had been agreed with each other. Many things are a requirement in a marriage contract, one of which is that each of them promises not to love each other and will not interfere in personal matters, including love affairs.

  No! Lucia had no intention of continuing her relationship with Ethan, only that she wanted to destroy Ethan's life so that the man would not have a chance to rise, nor did her best friend—Rose.

  Indirectly, this contract marriage will be the beginning of their revenge, but not with Brian. He still couldn't decide what the fate of his relationship with Rose would be. The man was still hesitating because of his feelings. He had another goal in this; looking for the killer in his previous life. As for Rose... he'd think about it again.

  Even though his lover's attitude was different in his previous life, Brian wasn't sure what to do with his girlfriend. The woman had invaded his heart, making it difficult for Brian to clearly see what was really going on behind him.

  "Well, it's over. You just keep a copy, I'll take this," he said as he put the paper back into his bag.

  "Okay, I'll keep this safe. So, when do we start? You know that I'm engaged to Ethan, right?"

  "About that, I leave it to you. You know that right now I'm also planning an engagement with Rose. Of course, it won't be easy to persuade her to accept this marriage contract."

  Hearing that, Lucia couldn't help but smile bitterly. She pitied Brian, who didn't know anything about Rose. If only he had known that Rose was her fiancé's affair, he probably wouldn't have bothered to think about it.

  "Do you really love Rose?" she asked.

  Brian frowned in surprise. "Of course, why are you asking the obvious? Really, you don't love your beloved fiancé? I thought you were also thinking of a way to explain his condition to Ethan."

  Hearing that, Lucia couldn't help but smile bitterly. Of course everyone knew how she felt about Ethan before, but she couldn't explain it to Brian now.

  "Yes, that is so."

  Brian grabbed his bag and got up from his seat. "Then I'm leaving. We'll talk again after we've managed to take care of Rose and Ethan."

  "Yes, of course."

  Brian walked away, leaving Lucia still sitting pensive. Everything started to go out of the way of the previous destiny. It is not impossible that there will be many other unexpected surprises when she turns the path of destiny.

  Lucia took a deep breath, trying to strengthen her resolve not to waver. She already had her own plans for Ethan and Rose, though she knew it would be painful for Brian.

  "I'm sorry, Bri," she whispered. "Martha!" she called to her personal maid – Martha.

  The woman ran to avoid Lucia. She had to get used to the new job as soon as possible if she didn't want Lucia to fire her.

  "Yes, Miss?"

  "Give me my black bag and my car keys, please."

  "Okay, Miss."

  Martha ran inside, looking for the thing Lucia was referring to. It didn't take long, she came back with the bag and car keys that Lucia had asked for.

  "Thank you."

  "Should I call the driver–"

  "No need, I'll go myself. If there is a call from the company, call me immediately."

  "Very well, Miss."

  Lucia got up from her place, then went to her luxury car which was parked in the courtyard of the mansion.

  There was someone she needed to meet, at least one last time, because after that, she probably wouldn't want to see her anymore.