Sam looked at the woman closely. Strangely, every time he met Lucia, his heart always beat faster because he was so nervous. While the woman was busy reading the biography of the man who would become her assistant in the future, in fact, when she met Brian she wasn't as nervous as that, but Lucia was indeed very different. The woman looks strong and ... mysterious.

  "Okay, everything is fine and I agree to have you as my assistant," she said after reading Sam's forged biography.

  "I am glad to hear it. I will work hard to prove that I am worthy of being your assistant."

  "But Mr Lucifer, where is Mr Elliot? I want to thank you for helping out this morning."

  "A-ah… Tun Elliot has work to do in his country, so he sends his regards to you and apologies for not being able to see you today," he excused.

  "A-ah… I see. Then, let's go to Miss Monica's room first to take care of our employment contract."

  "Okay, Miss."