Brian and Samona return to the company, where the chaos begins, especially when she announces that she will sell the company for the good of everyone.

  As employees, of course, they don't expect much, they only hope that salaries and severance pay will be paid.

  However, this certainly does not apply to executives, they certainly ask for more rights even though Brian has explicitly and clearly informed them of the amount of money they will receive.

  Greed makes them put aside the fact that this is Brian's best effort for their own good. Luckily, Brian didn't bother me and tried to forget their greed and still do his best to fulfill his obligations properly according to his ability.

  His head ached as he looked at the pile of files on the table, the same thing he had experienced in his previous life. The difference is, now he feels happy because at least he doesn't let all his employees starve, so his life will be much calmer.