Bashura chanted her spell again, immediately several fireballs flew over the sky, slamming into Kali, Yama and Sam. However, luckily that was avoided when Yama managed to cast a protective spell and instantly a holy shield formed a pair of wings covering them.

  The demon continues to attack them, while inside the shield, Yama and Kali are now face to face with Sam who is putting his curiosity on them.

  "Actually, who are you guys?" he asked.

  "Save your question for later, son," Yama reproached. "Can't you see that we're under attack?"

  "Alright, you guys have to explain after that damn demon is gone."


  Kali casts a holy spell, gathering the power she obtained from the sacred tree. Instantly a trident, Perpla's weapon was formed from that power. But unfortunately the power is limited, Kali only has one chance to use it and aim precisely.

"When I open the shield, immediately aim at the heart, Kali."

  "Alright, Yama."