In the spirit realm, all the spirits waiting in line to be judged and reincarnated were piling up.  One by one, the spirits will be judged according to their deeds in the world.

  However, there is one spirit who does not need to queue, the spirit is waiting for the time for him to be reincarnated thanks to a request from a star piece.

  He could see all the spirits from where he was waiting at this moment, including the spirits of Rose, Ethan and also his uncle.  They were all in the courtroom, purification was waiting before they could finally be reincarnated.

  From a distance he saw a portal open, usually another spirit would enter.  His eyes widened when he saw a pair of familiar spirits, they were Sam and Lucia.

  He looked at them in surprise, when he thought Sam and Lucia would live forever with the gods, but why were they even here?  He thought.