Acceptance. That’s what I learned. Accept those people who love you for what you truly are and for those who put you on too much pressure, still accept them. I learned that we can’t please everyone by trying to change ourselves. We just need to be in the proper place and time to feel loved and accepted.
“Enjoy your honeymoon, Mom, Dad...” I laughed, talking to my parents through a video chat online.
Mom laughed, while I saw how Dad put his arms around her causing her to blushed even more. They look so cute together. It seems like they came back being a silly and in love teenagers again.
“Of course we will,” Dad stated, looking mischievously at Mom.
“Stop it, Armando. I don’t want our daughter to have a nightmare because of us.”
I laughed at Mom’s statement once again. Since they decided to do a reenactment of their honeymoon, they flew all the way to Cuba just to be alone together while I was left here, in the Philippines.