Chapter 38

Chapter 38

As we walked through the door, many people approached us.

" Are you the one promoting the company?" The reporter asked.

" I don't know, asked our manager about it?" Jinah said.

" Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? You're so handsome." They asked.

"Yes I have." He said.

" Here's right here beside me." He looked at me.

" Wait, are you the famous CEO of Min Corp.?" They asked me.

" Yes,I am." I answered.

"Are you two engaged or fiances already?" They asked us.

I was about to answer but Jason his manager but in.

" Please,please make way. Our promotional video is going to start." He said.

We started walking to the taping room.

His dancers are in their outfits already.

" I 'm sorry we can't go in because of the reports and people."

"It's okay." We can wait for you to change the outfits.

" Thank you,I'll be back in a few." He said.

Before he ran to the dressing room, he came back to me and kissed me.