War vs dark

War duel against dark horn

They pulled out their blades and walked up the steps to where he was, " any last words elves?" Funny we were going to ask you that, Spectator, said. Theodas, " our rally goes on, your time as ended, said. Seldanna, " you the time of turn our brothers and sisters dark ends today horns, said Aeson, " time to give the lands of Elven peace. Said, Symina, "

He turns around and they attack him, " Lush's! Sana pulls her back and spin-kicks the dark elf, Tarron spun and cut him in half, " thank you. Said. " we are friends and family Lusha we got each other backs, Said. Sana, with the battle, is almost to an end, all armies are fighting hard, Theodas, Aeson, Delmuth, and Garik kick him off his feet, " get up horns don't spoil this for us. Said, Demuth, as he float in the air, " you will not take me this easy as you did with the dark challengers, rise my dark spectators, they appear in thin air. " twice the In war, was wondering when you were going to call to them, they give their war commanders the sign, war, protection males attack them, they activated their arrows, and tomahawks, they fly through the air and hitting their targets, their wives punch him in the face, he floating away, they stick their blades in the ground, they pull out their secondary weapons and fire ar him, he went after Seldanna archery chieftain, she pulled out her blade and dive into the sir landing on him, they hit the ground, Rapid Return now! Kania sticks the blade in the ground and pulls her bow out, " wait for it, you want my chieftain you have to go through me, she pointed her sword at him they land on the ground and surrounded him," that goes for us too horns. Said, Amerca." Be a good lad in perishing, said. Garik, he roared at them," now, they fire at him. And they attack him, in Richwood in the kingdom Peace, " something is different about this day, Said. Silvanna, " today the darkness ends, said. Theodore, " you think they will do dad? Asked. Jassin, " if war sets out to do it then they are going to do it Jassin. Theodore told his son, that the battle in the dark is still raging onward, Theodore stabs one and kicks it down. " that all you got? Asked. Theodluin, " tell me about. Said, Theodmer. " Rapid Return! All of the Zachary chieftains yelled arrows in rapid firefly out hitting their marks, " Blitz line up swords ready, all of the Blitzer ran up and got and information, " knight's Foley up, Terence, Roland, and Anthony yelled. They got the information, " Cavalry mount up get ready to charge. Said, Keenor, their Calvary's line up and pull out their elven blades. " infantry full in now weapons ready! Said, Rania, their infantry line up, " mother! Father! They call for their parents, they told them to attack now, they March towards their enemy and arrows fly overhead at them. In the kingdom of Love, " maybe Kendall maybe. Said, Yhendorn, they are winning the war, finally, with one fetal final stroke the war Kings and war queens took out the horn of darkness, and he burin to dust, every dark web vanished from the land's elven. They reappeared on the lands, " smell that air, said Aeson, " war is good, said. Symina. " war is good dark is good. Said, Delmuth, after they say their goodbyes we will rally together with one day, they went home, they ride into the gates after they eat, talked, and drink, and they went to slumber after a decade of war, in the lands of elven the peace kingdoms are celebrating this day, the protection kingdoms is hosting a dance, and the world of the male is having a feast, Theodas looks at her as he runs his fingers down her arm, " how are you, my love? Asked Theodas, Seldanna look at him, " I am ready my love our daughter is here, this day all the war kingdoms are having their babies, the daughters of the lands of elven, all of the warrior kings and war husbands deliver their sons and daughters in their kingdom, the future of war is bright, " what are we going to name her my love? Asked. Seldanna, " we are wary bless to have our kids and grandchildren my wife, but now we can not step down when the third chieftain his here and crowned as well, said. Theodas, " I agree with you my husband we need us to be the war light, they kiss each other, Theodmer, Lusha, Selphine, Sana, Tarron, and Pearis walked into the room. " why do you call us father? Mother, you okay? Asked. Sana, "we have news for you our children, yes Sana I am good, a spike that I just had a child again and waiting to hear the name of your new sister and Aunt, said. Seldanna, " we going to stay on thorn so the third can be raised as a future war crown, I know that you thrill, with the dark war is over, we got a lot of rallies to make up, and training rallies to do. Said, Theodora, "a lot of ground to cover, the dark war has ended the time of the war rally is now, "Does this mean that we going back to the way it was? Asked Sana, " no, we all prove that our marriage is everlasting, but we are away from our children and new infants and wives for a few years Sana said, Theodas. " in the spring we met up and return home, said. Seldanna, " now mam? Said. Lusha, " no not now Lusha we need to regain strength back, so go spend slumber with your husbands and kids, said Seldanna " you going to tell us her name, said. Theodmer, " what happened to we just got through a war Seldanna! " ow did you just call her by name? Asked Tarron, " I see you want to rage my daughter-in-law, said. Seldanna, " it is a while the four you get it out know, including you two. Said, Theodas, " her name is Theodora after my mother said. Theodas,